Need Help Getting Toned



  • Fairdria
    Fairdria Posts: 7
    I was the same way. I didn't need to lose weight (or not much) but had plateaued in terms of toning. A friend of mine was doing Beachbody workouts and drinking their protein shakes. I took the plunge and committed to it. I noticed results in less than a month. Now several months later I'm in even better shape. I love it. I read and tried tons of different things and this worked for me. If you want to learn more you can visit my site (I liked the program so much I became a Beachbody coach). I'm at www.beachbodycoach/driat. I'm doing a challenge group soon with their newest workout - Piyo. You can get my contact info on my site if you want to learn more.

    Good luck!
  • cinnamoncarriere1
    cinnamoncarriere1 Posts: 10 Member
  • cinnamoncarriere1
    cinnamoncarriere1 Posts: 10 Member
    Swim, swim, swim , strength training. Tightens every thing up. Working for me. A guy who I know lost over 100 pounds and he has no loose baggy skin. He swims every day.
  • be_AL
    be_AL Posts: 15 Member
    It sounds like your concern is fat loss, not weight loss. If that's the case, you need to focus on getting rid of fat. It's not natural to have a visual 6 pack for most adults. We are made to have fat on our bellies. If you want to cut it to expose the muscle underneath, cut carbs.

    If you are skinny and want muscular definition, then you need to work the muscles.
  • shmerek
    shmerek Posts: 963 Member
    Hello Natalie...

    My name is Dances with Wow....blah blah

    my name is
    Dances with Wow
    Discover Lifeforce unleashed
    Is this for real??
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    Swim, swim, swim , strength training. Tightens every thing up. Working for me. A guy who I know lost over 100 pounds and he has no loose baggy skin. He swims every day.

    That's Dorascience.
  • almc170
    almc170 Posts: 1,093 Member
    Hello Natalie...

    My name is Dances with Wow....and I have an enormous amount of experience deflabbing..
    First lets give you Kudos for the barbarian at the gate discpline you managed to put your self through to get their.. It took a serious amount of perseverance to literally force your body to obey your command with exercise..

    Your contained discipline will be of exceptional use for what I am about drop the bomb on you with..

    Your first priority is to stabilize ...and regriup.. Your weight loss is is only from one thing and it aint calories.. its a massive abundance of lipolytic enzymes running amok in your body..when I say massive I mean it is devouring every piece of tissue in its wake.. which explains the flabby skin..

    The depletion you a re experiencing cannot be exercised a way or managed with the only if you are already normal calories in or calories out mind set.. it deadends all/ thats 100% of end users...It becomes a circular loop that strips you of your life force..

    If i were flabby.. i would slow down your work outs to just twice a week...and begin assembling a food energy plan. I explanied what a food energy plan here before..but basically it will plot your course before you do your course..

    I would calculate your protein number(Pn#) this is defined as your baseline biometric of your metabolic need..If any would like this proven thermal effect of food formula and the instructions on how to use it...Its request only...

    this formula is the master metabolic key to your unique you.. and believe me its like putting a power cell in an electric car..
    Life force blossomes.s. remeber the scene in the first Iron Man...Thats excatly how your protein number will begin to reboot you..

    Not much and not to little Its very specific to your metaboilc rate..

    Its not the only thing you will do but its the primary thing when you are using incremental and variable levels of intensity through exercise.

    I will go further you require a Protein Cocktail...(Pn#) this will provide a fail safe selection of proteins for which your hungry body can choose from to replace hollowed out and depleted DNA chains trying to be of service to you. but cant because they are beaten down.

    Once you have done this it takes full affect in 3 days thats is 72 hours replenish and repair. if you keep working out for more than two add 6 additional days.

    You wont know what hit you.. and you wont believe your eyes..

    After the 72 hours .or when your body gives the signal .is where it gets fun.. change up every thing routine and process
    You will stop working out and begin Isometric hold practice, flexibility training, and 1 rep maxing at just 35% of threshold.

    then just leave.. the gym..take a lower than body temp shower morning and night and lower the thermistat when you sleep...
    Mkae sur eyou enjoy a pilot meal instaed of breakfast

    repeat til your one rep maxes near peak.say 80%. then return to training..but with a whole new set of life force skills ..

    Hope this helps..

    please feel free to post your questions.. i plan on uploading to pdf format some powerful life force goodies for amazing back story question such as yours.. I ve been getting..

    I can document authenticate, validate and reveal to the world more so than any other system, through your example how to achieve ongoing wins with your body 100% of the time for ever single individual having an issue with their boy..
    deweaponizing unwanted body fat done!..A more firm fantastically feminine physique all you want, a more modern masculine frame... no brainer.,

    Learn to emit a life force that pills potions and pot can only dream about..Hit me up.

    my name is
    Dances with Wow
    Discover Lifeforce unleashed
    Wow indeed
  • MSeel1984
    MSeel1984 Posts: 2,297 Member
    Pole dancing.

    'nuff said.

    No joke. i didn't get toned until I picked it up. Strength training doesn't have to be weight lifting.