Phentermine and Tiredness



  • sizzle74
    sizzle74 Posts: 858 Member
    Just because they found it to be the the "fen" and kicked that out doesn't mean the straight "phen" won't do the same harm down the road. It's just really plain reckless to take pills like this IMO. To each his own.
  • Espressocycle
    Espressocycle Posts: 2,245 Member
    So it seems you are having a paradoxical reaction to amphetamines here, but that's beside the point. You do not need drugs to lose weight. There is no reason to risk the side effects of a drug you don't need.
  • angela13081
    Well I did a lot of research last night and then tried to go for a run with my fiance and wanted to die so I have decided to stop taking it. If I can't exercise, then what is the point of even taking it. Plus, it looks like I was starting to have symptoms for something called Pulmonary Hypertension (which is BAD). So I am pretty nervous about doing this without it, but I have pretty good motivation. It just seems like a lot of weight to still lose compared to what I have lost in the past. I have never been able to lose more than 10 lbs at a time before I just give up. Self control and I have don't get along. But my fiance very nicely pointed out that , cellulite appeared all over my legs overnight a few months ago, which he was withholding to protect my feelings, but was an even bigger wake up call. So off I go. Hope the breathing stuff goes away quickly so I can get back to running.
  • Shes1CraftyMama
    Shes1CraftyMama Posts: 152 Member
    Well I did a lot of research last night and then tried to go for a run with my fiance and wanted to die so I have decided to stop taking it. If I can't exercise, then what is the point of even taking it. Plus, it looks like I was starting to have symptoms for something called Pulmonary Hypertension (which is BAD). So I am pretty nervous about doing this without it, but I have pretty good motivation. It just seems like a lot of weight to still lose compared to what I have lost in the past. I have never been able to lose more than 10 lbs at a time before I just give up. Self control and I have don't get along. But my fiance very nicely pointed out that , cellulite appeared all over my legs overnight a few months ago, which he was withholding to protect my feelings, but was an even bigger wake up call. So off I go. Hope the breathing stuff goes away quickly so I can get back to running.
    This is the first of many good decisions to come. Glad you are getting off of it. I too am one who gave up many many many times. I would hit a plateau and quit! This time has been different. I have even been able to coach others through the process. I will send you a FR if you want to team up. But the biggest thing is to take SMALL STEPS! Jumpin all in is what makes us quit. We don't see big results from big changes. So start with small changes. Make 1-2 changes a week and you will see you have a new motivation, you will see those small changes turn into losses, and it helps with the "Marathon" feel of losing weight. Because you are taking it in small sprints. Good luck to you and I know you CAN and WILL do this!
  • splixi
    splixi Posts: 86 Member

    I have mixed thoughts on the drug to be honest and I guess my reasons are a little different. It does the opposite for me! I actually have more energy with it.

    My BMI is currently 25.1 (although BMI doesn't mean much) and i'm on 30mg of it.

    I had gained sooo much weight from steroids for a lung disease. Carrying the extra weight and having it so hard to judge because of a few different medications was making me more out of breathe and my oxygen would be lower.

    I actually lost about 5kg before I went on it and i've lost almost another 5kg on it int he last month. I don't take it everyday and I was only on 15mg til a few weeks ago. My doctor told me even though my BMI is pretty much normal the weight is too much for my tiny frame to hold and when I weigh less it is easier on my lungs.

    I dont' take it everyday but it makes me not want to eat at all....even the days I don't take it I don't want to eat now....which leads me to think maybe my appetite is just gone anyway and it isn't the phen having an affect.

    I see so many mixed reviews- some people who think it is great and others who think it is evil. (I cannot do exercise because my lungs just aren't good enough- I go to the hospital twice a week to do pulmonary rehab which is a little bit of exercise whilst being monitored)

    Not sure what to think or do at the moment!- I reallllly have to FORCE myself to eat....I dreamed of losing weight like this and would try so hard to keep a lower calorie intake...but now it feels like it is too easy and I amnot sure if it is right. But I have talked about it with my doctor and we both agreed it is best for me
  • PrettyLittleWicked
    I have taken it. I was just like you, I had a hard time losing weight and controlling what I ate so I asked, no begged, my doctor to put me on Phentermine. She finally agreed and I started taking in. I lost 10 lbs in 1 week. I stopped taking it after one week because of the side effects and anxiety that comes with taking this drug. I am a healthy 27 yr old with no pre-existing diseases or conditions. My doctor was not concerned about major side effects or long term damage but it still freaked me out. I was up at night worrying that my heart would just stop. Insomnia comes from the anxiety you feel about that this drug. I even stopped taking all my other medications including Zyrtec and birth control because I was so worried about drug interactions. I am not opposed to taking this drug to control your eating but heed my warning, this coming from a healthy individual with really nothing to worry about: THIS IS A VERY DANGEROUS DRUG. TAKE AT YOUR OWN RISK. Here are my tips if you decide to go against what everyone is saying, like I did.

    -Use this as a real opportunity to completely change how you eat. Don't use this as an excuse not to eat at all. You need nutrition and since food will disgust you, use this time to start eating healthy foods that you wouldn't eat normally.
    -Eat heart healthy foods just in case: Mixed Berries, whole wheat, oatmeal, avocados, etc.
    -Monitor your blood pressure every 2 days at Walgreens for free. If it's above 120/85 or higher be VERY concerned and stop taking phentermine IMMEDIATELY. This is proof that your heart can not handle this drug.
    -Just relax. Most likely, unless you have a pre exisiting condition, your heart will not just stop.

    Here are some side effects I suffered that were apparently completely normal:
    -Exaggerated sense of self well being (being happy for no reason)
    -Major cognitive issues (this is the most serious one which is why I stopped taking them) I felt confused and was very forgetful. Made work very difficult. I did not like this feeling

    Bottom line, this is not a drug to mess around with. Use it as a tool to completely rehaul your eating habits. This is NOT a magic drug! This isn't a fat burner, it doesn't make you lose weight, it only suppresses your appetite and honestly, if you can't control what you eat you have bigger problems that this pill will not solve. It gave me the chance to completely restructure my eating habits and not I have committed to whole foods like, eating foods that are unprocessed and whole.

    Good luck but please don't say we didn't warn you.
  • klolson5
    klolson5 Posts: 1
    I am 45, and I have been taking phentermine as well. At first I had similar symptoms as far as being tired,out of breath, and almost asthmatic. After my body adjusted to the phentermine, I felt fine and was able to maintain between 1200 and 1500 cal a day. Since then I have lost 28 pounds. My weight-loss is managed through a doctors office and I go in regularly to have my labs drawn and everything checked, my blood pressures included.
  • yowhuzup
    yowhuzup Posts: 2 Member
  • meghanh77
    meghanh77 Posts: 2 Member
    How long did it take before the shortness of breath went away?
  • meghanh77
    meghanh77 Posts: 2 Member
    I am 45, and I have been taking phentermine as well. At first I had similar symptoms as far as being tired,out of breath, and almost asthmatic. After my body adjusted to the phentermine, I felt fine and was able to maintain between 1200 and 1500 cal a day. Since then I have lost 28 pounds. My weight-loss is managed through a doctors office and I go in regularly to have my labs drawn and everything checked, my blood pressures included.

    How long did it take for your body to get use to it and your breathing get easier?
  • laurahadenough
    laurahadenough Posts: 28 Member
    Hi.. this is an old post so she prob wont reply... it takes at least 3 weeks for your body to adapt to Phen.. be patient.. this too shall pass
  • scubabum9
    scubabum9 Posts: 11 Member

    I started last Saturday! Would love to chat to other people who are taking it, swap notes, how long they stayed on it, average weight loss etc.