Took my "before" pictures

So yesterday I was looking at the Success Stories board and got an extra dose of motivation. Those people (and a ton here) have already lost a lot of weight and started out just as heavy or heavier than I am and now look PHENOMENAL!

I was told a couple of times before that I should take some before pictures but never really wanted to, to be honest. I didn't want photographic evidence of the fat blob I have become. I try to avoid camera at all cost when I'm fully dressed and now you want me to stand in front of one with nothing more than a sports bra and shorts on? NO WAY!

Well, I did it. I hated it and I'm disgusted with what I saw. I'm going to put them away and pull them out later when I start to get upset that this isn't working or start to complain that it's "too much work" or that working with a personal trainer is too hard or too expensive or whatever other excuse I can come up with to quit. My hope is that I'll see a little of bit difference by then and that will keep me motivated to work more, work harder and keep at it.

Does anyone else have any before and after photos they want to share? I know we've done this before, but if you're proud of how far you've come and want to show it off - GO FOR IT!


  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    I already lost my weight, but want to reduce my body fat to 23-24% so am losing another five pounds. Every week I take my measurements, use the calipers for body fat, and take a picture. I didn't do it at the beginning and I regret it, so I'm getting the experience now.
  • sunflowerhippi
    sunflowerhippi Posts: 1,099 Member
    Mine are all in my profile. I will agree though I am kinda sad I didn't take a "before" picture in my swimsuit as I took one after I had lost 22lbs already so all I have are some pictures others took. But hey any before is better then non right? They really are helpful when it comes to seeing just how far you have come. :)
  • Tippy05
    Tippy05 Posts: 43
    Mine are all in my profile. I will agree though I am kinda sad I didn't take a "before" picture in my swimsuit as I took one after I had lost 22lbs already so all I have are some pictures others took. But hey any before is better then non right? They really are helpful when it comes to seeing just how far you have come. :)

    I just peeked - awesome! You have a perfect figure and look fantastic!! Great job!!
  • sunflowerhippi
    sunflowerhippi Posts: 1,099 Member
    Mine are all in my profile. I will agree though I am kinda sad I didn't take a "before" picture in my swimsuit as I took one after I had lost 22lbs already so all I have are some pictures others took. But hey any before is better then non right? They really are helpful when it comes to seeing just how far you have come. :)

    I just peeked - awesome! You have a perfect figure and look fantastic!! Great job!!

    Thanks. :)
  • Marcia661
    Marcia661 Posts: 183 Member
    I totally hear you on being hesitant to take the picture, I don't even let my face in photos. But you HAVE made me think.....perhaps I will get my daughter to take one for me........this is it for me, no more fooling around.
    And MAN don't I want to be able to post a 'Success Story" :)
    So Kudos to you and thank-you for making me think.
  • Tippy05
    Tippy05 Posts: 43
    I totally hear you on being hesitant to take the picture, I don't even let my face in photos. But you HAVE made me think.....perhaps I will get my daughter to take one for me........this is it for me, no more fooling around.
    And MAN don't I want to be able to post a 'Success Story" :)
    So Kudos to you and thank-you for making me think.

    That was my thinking. This is it, I'm done being fat and I want this to be the last time I "start over". I want a cool Success Story too and pictures speak volumes!

    FWIW, I set the timer on my camera and just took them myself. It's pathetic, but I'm even embarrassed to have my husband take them.
  • jent1007
    jent1007 Posts: 12
    i feel the same way don't like pictures because they show how fat I am but I really should take one so I have a before and after pictures. I think I will take one tonight.

    Thanks for the post :):smile:
  • ragdolltiff
    I'm afraid of taking pics because people judge.
  • DeguelloTex
    DeguelloTex Posts: 6,652 Member
    I'm afraid of taking pics because people judge.
    They can be just for you.
  • serindipte
    serindipte Posts: 1,557 Member
    I made myself take some "before" pictures... in a bikini.. omg it was disgusting but, like you, I put them away so I'd have that comparison. I still have a way to go but the difference is already so obvious when I take updated pictures and compare them. Still not ready to share those with the world but, one day, I .. may. :)


    I am comfortable sharing face pictures of before and current, though:

  • DeguelloTex
    DeguelloTex Posts: 6,652 Member
    I made myself take some "before" pictures... in a bikini.. omg it was disgusting but, like you, I put them away so I'd have that comparison. I still have a way to go but the difference is already so obvious when I take updated pictures and compare them. Still not ready to share those with the world but, one day, I .. may. :)


    I am comfortable sharing face pictures of before and current, though:

    (Images deleted from quote)
    I hope this doesn't come out wrong, but that looks like two different people. Well done.
  • Followingsea
    Followingsea Posts: 407 Member
    I didn't really - I have one photo that shows me at what I figure was my highest weight, and also what spurred me to start all this. It's currently tacked to my fridge with NEVER AGAIN! written on it in Sharpie.

    I didn't take progress photos either. I really regret that.
  • Tippy05
    Tippy05 Posts: 43
    I'm afraid of taking pics because people judge.
    They can be just for you.

    Mine are absolutely just for me. You're right - people do judge (which is why I didn't post them) :tongue:
  • MomTo3Lovez
    MomTo3Lovez Posts: 800 Member
    I have lost 43 lbs inthe past year and sadly I never took true before pictures in a bathing suit, wish I had but I still have about another 30-40 to go so I think I am going to take that step and do it now because I still have a ways to go. I do have some before pictures and in all 3 are with my son so seeing his change is nice to see too, he's getting bigger and I'm getting smaller lol
  • NettaB25
    NettaB25 Posts: 35 Member
    I just took some "before" photos yesterday. UGH... I wish I could CHOP my stomach off LOL. I made sure to crop my face out of the photo :laugh:

    not sure if I will post or not
  • Keepcalmanddontblink
    Keepcalmanddontblink Posts: 718 Member
    I hated it too. I cried when I took my measurements and I almost used the entire tape measure to get around my hips. I almost puked at my before picture in my profile.
    But now, I am happy I did that, because when I feel like I am not seeing progress, all I have to do is take a picture and compare it to my "before" and I am determined to keep going!
    You took a great step to help motivate you.
  • ljnftw
    ljnftw Posts: 81 Member
    I took before pictures (without my sports bra) but fear I may have lost them. They were on my old phone and I THOUGHT I saved them somewhere. I was looking for them the other day and have not found them in the places I expected to find them. I will keep looking. they were not at my heaviest but were pretty close. That was 30 pounds ago.
  • cppeace
    cppeace Posts: 764 Member
    I've taken my heavy picture in my workout gear and plan on taking one pic every month to show progress.
  • lisajtubs
    lisajtubs Posts: 62
    my 'before' pictures are ones of me butt naked that my 4 yr old daughter took after a shower without my knowledge!! needless to say, they are just for me!! on the plus side, it gave me a chance to see myself and find one good point that i can be happy about, so im glad that i have them. I will give it a month or another 3lbs before i take another piccy.
  • serindipte
    serindipte Posts: 1,557 Member
    I made myself take some "before" pictures... in a bikini.. omg it was disgusting but, like you, I put them away so I'd have that comparison. I still have a way to go but the difference is already so obvious when I take updated pictures and compare them. Still not ready to share those with the world but, one day, I .. may. :)


    I am comfortable sharing face pictures of before and current, though:

    (Images deleted from quote)
    I hope this doesn't come out wrong, but that looks like two different people. Well done.

    Thank you :) I'm still a good bit away from my goal but it's great to be able to tell a difference.