Just joined gym...any advice?

Zhryla Posts: 20 Member
Joined a gym last night and have an appointment this afternoon to meet with one of the trainers. I've never had a gym membership before and am I little nervous. I don't know any proper gym etiquette, if there is any. Any advice or tips welcome. Thanks :)


  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    1. Try everything out: weights, machines, classes, trainers; see what you enjoy doing the most.
    2. If you don't like what you have chosen, try something else
    3. Give yourself time to create a "go-to-the-gym" mindset.
    4. Make sure you have joined the "right" gym. Mine is a block away from my apartment. I knew I wouldn't go if I had to travel. Also, if you're a classes person, don't join Planet Fitness.
    5. Don't let the trainer talk you into buying anything fast.(classes, trainer time, etc.)

    I've been going to my gym now for about two and a half years. I go to 10 classes a week and I love going. I've made gym friends, which is always good. I hate when my life gets in the way of my workout. :love: But it happens sometimes. Oh, well.

    Good Luck
  • sheedy17
    sheedy17 Posts: 128
    The trainer will help you out, alot of the machines show how to do the exercise right on the machine, I google alot to get routines and proper form techniques, it works

    good luck
  • nidon5
    nidon5 Posts: 1 Member
    I'd advice you to start the routine called "Starting Strength" and to ask the PT to teach you the basic lifts(squat,deadlift,bench press, over head press).
    Imo you don't need to find a special kind of motivation or to find what you like because, after a few weeks when you will be fairly good with the basic exercises, the progress you will see from one workout to another will be the greatest motivation you will ever have.
    Also there are some good channels on youtube to learn the lifts by yourself, in the case the PT won't know them or tell you not to do them for some reason.
    Check out CanditoTrainingHQ,OmarIsuf,...
  • AtmaKing
    AtmaKing Posts: 145 Member
    Make it a habit to go.

    I dont care if it raining, snowing, hurricaning....make sure you go.

    Half the battle of the gym is getting there. There will always be something that comes up that you could do instead.

    Do not be one of the many people who pay for a membership but do not go.

    Good Luck.
  • martinel2099
    martinel2099 Posts: 899 Member
    Like someone else said, have him teach you the basics. Icecream fitness is a great beginners lifting program, why not find it on youtube and see if it's something you'd like, then have the PT go over it with you? Working with a PT is a great opportunity to learn exercises such as Dead lift and to make sure you are doing them properly.

    Also, there are a lot of personal trainers that don't keep up to date and still practice broscience. Try to establish if this guy knows what he's talking about at the initial meeting before you work out, treat it like a job interview.

    My wife went to see a PT and he effectively told her that because she eats carbs no amount of exercise will help her lose weight. Once she told me that it was enough for me to tell her to find another one. I have no doubts that he knows how to lift but I couldn't take him seriously.
  • MarshallLuke
    MarshallLuke Posts: 177 Member
    If you don't know how to use a machine, ask. Better to get a demonstration than injure yourself or, even worse, make a fool out of yourself and wind up on the internet. http://www.funnymemes.net/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/i-dont-always-go-to-the-gym.jpeg

    Find out when the off-peak hours are and go during that time.

    Don't talk to people in the locker room while they are getting undressed (I thought this was a given, but people in my gym have proved me wrong.)

    Remember that no one is judging you (unless you do stupid stuff like in that above picture). They are in their own little world, doing their own thing.

    If you get on a treadmill next to me, we're racing.
  • Chaskavitch
    Chaskavitch Posts: 172 Member
    If you get on a treadmill next to me, we're racing.

    Sometimes I even try to average out their speed vs my incline and see who is winning...
  • djeffreys10
    djeffreys10 Posts: 2,312 Member
    No curling in the squat rack!
  • Zhryla
    Zhryla Posts: 20 Member
    I think it went well, he started me out doing 30 min on the treadmill and then two sets of 30 on a rowing machine, 2 sets of 20 on chest press and one set of 30 on leg press. Then he had me do 20 squats while holding 10 pound dumbbells and 20 moves with a 10 pound kettlebell where I squat and touch the floor with it then lift it all the way over my head. I feel good today, a bit sore in my thighs and upper arms. He said to come back today after work and he'd show me other stuff. Does that sound like good things to start with?

    Also, thanks so much for all the tips and encouragement! :)