losing 30 before my 30

I'm 29 years old a mother of two. I have a 12 year old son who is extremely active and a very curious 1 year old running around non stop. I Work full time as a licensed massage therapist.

A lot of things are going on right now. I am in the process of opening up my own business, and I am turning 30 in September. Now is the perfect time for me to work on my weight-loss goal. I'm so glad I found this website and community. I don't have anyone to exercise with or keep me on track. Well I do now and i'm excited to start this 30lb challenge.


  • nancybuss
    nancybuss Posts: 1,461 Member
    Welcome, welcome, welcome!!!!!!

    I'm 48, I have a 4 and 6 year old, a full time time, my own business a husband and a house to take care of, and a bunny. :)

    Its a priority for me to workout and eat better (not perfect) When I found out my cholestoral was in the 'dangerous' level, I knew I had to change. My kids are young, I need to be here for them! So I've made changes, Cholestoral is now acceptable, and I'm moving it towards 'great'!

    You're right, now is the time! You CAN do it!!!!!!

    I don't watch TV and I've never played Candy Crush.... no time with my schedule, and thats ok!

    Here to help if you'd like it.
  • arelys29
    arelys29 Posts: 7
    Thank you Nancy! I am defintely going to try to not only reach my goal of 30 by september 29th but I will continue on to lose all the weight I need to. Luckily I don't have any medical issues. My fiancé on the other hand was close to 400lbs. I had money saved for a wedding and knew if he didn't do something soon i was going to lose him. I paid for half of his lap band surgery and he lost 126lbs. Happy he is feeling great and working hard. Although he won't exercise with me. I'm thinking about going to the boxing gym with my son but I am very self conscious and not sure how comfortable I will feel around a bunch of noticeably physically fit men!
  • nycoleyrides
    nycoleyrides Posts: 29 Member
    Welcome! Add me as friend. I have the same goal! You can do it!
  • arelys29
    arelys29 Posts: 7
    That is awesome!
  • tarcotti
    tarcotti Posts: 205 Member
    I just did the math. If you lose 2 lbs per week, every week by September 29, you should be exactly 30 lbs lighter! But even if you don't lose all 30 lbs, (Lets say 15-20 instead) I'd still celebrate because that is great loss! Welcome :)
  • arelys29
    arelys29 Posts: 7
    Thank you! I'm so excited and determined....especially now having a support group!
  • tasharock
    tasharock Posts: 136 Member
    I did 130 by 30 as my self-challenge.
    It took me 17.5 months to lose the 90 lb. Don't get discouraged if it doesn't happen by your birthday!
  • Beautifulreflections
    Beautifulreflections Posts: 86 Member
    Don't be afraid of the boxing classes! They will kick your @ss and are a fantastic workout. If its what you want to do - then do it!

    I "joined" a kick boxing class (actual kick boxing, using the bag and working with a partner on combinations, however I opted out of the one day a week where actual in the ring sparring was being done) and it was INTENSE.

    There were only 6 to 7 people in the class and I was the only female. Not ONCE did any of the guys make me feel out of place and some were even very complimentary after completing my first class and seeing me return. The only awkwardness I felt was self imposed.

    Go rock it!
  • arelys29
    arelys29 Posts: 7
    Thank you. I am going to try it. I know the exercise is intense!
  • arelys29
    arelys29 Posts: 7
    Thank you. I've just been this way for too long and I have come to the point that looking in the mirror is torture! Your goal is amazing! Inspirational!