ABC's Extreme Weight Loss



  • pa_jorg
    pa_jorg Posts: 4,404 Member

    The thing about reality TV though is that all of the people agree to be involved (knowing there are perks, possibly a paycheck and a hint of fame) so it's hard to feel bad for them. I doubt producers need to coerce anyone to be involved simply because if one person says no to the terms there are likely hundreds of others who will follow blindly.
  • MeganAnne89
    MeganAnne89 Posts: 271 Member
    The only thing that really bothered me on this episode was the parole hearing. Chris had his arm around Bruce and was comforting him (which was nice), but it was like that part was set up for TV as it should have been Bruce's family being able to comfort him. Not his trainer. Not that I don't think Chris cares, but this is a huge emotional event for this young man and we shouldn't be setting it up as a made for TV event. Truly, I don't think we should have watched it at all, but possibly Bruce wanted other victims of abuse to know it is all right to stand up for yourself. I assume showing this was his decision.

    I definitely took it as Bruce wanting people to see that victims of abuse can be strong and they can face their abuser. It's one thing to say that he stood up for himself but it's another to prove it by showing that he did. The only thing that seemed a bit strange to me was that the courts allowed this to be aired at all. If I were Bruce's father I would've tried my hardest to not let that happen. But maybe the parole board thought that it would be good for people who were victims of abuse. And maybe the American court system is different than it is here (Canada) when it comes to what can and cannot be broadcast, which is why that seems strange to me.

    And I took no issue with Chris having his arm around him at the time. Chris was the person who initially advised him that it would be beneficial for him to confront his father so that he could move past what happened to him. So I think that it makes sense that he would literally be comforting and supporting him during such a time of stress. And his mother and brother were sitting right next to him, his mom leaning into him as well so clearly she was supporting him at the time. And there are also moments that they don't show us. I'm certain that they hugged each other before and afterwards and that words of encouragement were shared between them.
  • tmt2003
    tmt2003 Posts: 176 Member
    I love the show and I love Chris Powell!! No I don't buy his books or anything but I love him. The show is so inspiring! I have watched from season 1 and Bruce's transformation was by far one of the best. What an amazing person and when you think of all he's been through, to still be so positive and encouraging and a role model for his team even before the weightloss, I was so happy for him.
    The show always explores the contestants lives and issues that lead to obesity. You don't get to 400 pounds just because you like food and you can't make a lifelong transformation wi though facing your demons., he is not the first to have admitted abuse so have others, as well as abandonment, loss of loved ones, etc.
    Maybe it's the magic of television, whatever. But I do feel sincerity from Chris and Heidi. I follow them on FB and Instagram and they always talk about their contestants being part of their family and still keep in touch. There is not magic and it's not always easy (boy Bruce had no problem sticking with the program but a lot do and they show that too) it's hard work and commitment. Maybe the level of change in one year is extreme (hence the shows title!) but it shows anything is possible.
  • lovesquirrels
    lovesquirrels Posts: 11 Member
    I had never heard of the show until Chris Powell gave a talk at our University. I really do like the show... but WAH! I want a skin reduction surgery!
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    we all would be super fit and have perfect BMI's our jobs and lives were devoted to nothing but loosing weight and getting fit. Look how quickly celebrities loose weight after having children. Hey I had my kid so now I will work with my personal trainer, Personal chef and nanny so I can focus on my body!

    So true..If I won the lottery I would pay some college football strength & conditioning coach to work with me for 2-3 years. Obviously college FB players are blessed to begin with but their bodies are transformed from age 17-18 to when they are 19-20. It basically their job to lift weights, train and eat right year round and throw in a little school here and there.

    Oh this is the worst mindset ever. The brutal truth is, you're fat and weak because you are! The only reason you cant improve yourself is you. I had that mindset of "if I just had this or that then I would be perfect too" it was just a big lie I was telling myself and it kept me fat for 20 years. The faster you ditch that thinking the happier you will be.

    I used to like shows like this but in a way it's bad because it reenforces that mindset of you need people to help you. When in fact if you look at most of the people on this site, they didn't have any of that stuff and they did just fine.

    yea i agree with this and I think the baseball player is a perfect example of how the problem always lays with the individual.

    no matter how much help, time or oppertunity one has, you're not going to reach your goal without some self supplied motivation, and solving or at least address/acknowledging the issues that caused you to be fat in the first place.
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    Wasn't the baseball player also the guy who still lived with his Mom and cried when she tried to get him move out or was that another guy?

    idk but the baseball player was a 19 year old kid... so not that suprising he lives at home, but don't think to many 19 year olds would cry much leaving home lol.

    He did not want to move away from his home town tho (he did go to denver for the three months), don't remember him crying tho
  • jrwilliams124
    jrwilliams124 Posts: 38 Member
    He made me so mad. And then when he came back after 6 months and they told him he had to come to AZ he said "I just want to be left alone"...... um yeah the door is over there.
  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
    FYI, keep an eye out for "Kenny or Kenneth" (not sure how they will word it) in the next few weeks. He is a friend of mine. Would post pics but can't till the show airs.
  • I actually like this show. I've seen a number of episodes, and I enjoyed them all. It's not as annoying as the Biggest Loser, and honestly, the trainer is really nice to look at. :)

    Roger this!
  • martinel2099
    martinel2099 Posts: 899 Member
    He achieved some amazing results, I just hope he learned what it takes to stay healthy and maintain. I generally like slower rates of weight loss so that I can ease into the steps I need to take to keep the weight off for life.

    But seriously though, good for him very happy++++
  • Mikkimeow
    Mikkimeow Posts: 1,282 Member
    did you see the one with the 19 year old baseball phenom that quit and asked them to pay for college and/or a car? he was so freaking frustrating. He really did have pro baseball caliber hitting skills, and he had an agent telling him that if he lost the weight then he'd get a pro-baseball contract.

    i really felt for the guy at first. the only thing standing in his way of a pro-baseball career was his weight. He seemed super motivated. then 30 min into it you completely understand why this guy fails at everything other then putting a bat on a ball. He kept talking about 'the contract' and how much money he wanted to make. never really said he loved the sport or anything like that. There was some issue with the agent, and the trainer convinced the kid that the agent was blowing smoke up his *kitten* (and he probably was). the moment that a pro-baseball career did not seem like a done deal, he quit

    Yes, that episode was horrible. That kid was a spoiled chauvinist pig. I can't believe he made it into casting with that attitude.

    As far as Bruce went, I thought it was amazing. I don't really think the show is that great, it was Bruce that made it memorable. He completely discarded his victim mentality, saw he had a problem, AND DID SOMETHING ABOUT IT. Whatever the amount of weight he lost, it is obvious he changed for the better. Plus, Chris the coach is HAWT.
  • iampam4399
    iampam4399 Posts: 81 Member
    I love watching EWL! Very inspirational, if only for a moment. Quite entertaining too...(the brat baseball player, the country music writer that got married, and Bruce with all of his liveliness!). Am quite sure some of it is all for the ratings and the drama of it, but there's no way they can fake that weight loss! Or if there is, I'd like to be in on that!!
  • mommy2maddox
    mommy2maddox Posts: 141 Member
    Ohhhhh, Chris Powell. Soooo hot!

    Yes, I watch the show. I love it. I love FEELING for the people. I LOVE that it kicks my butt into gear. I LOVE the results.
  • Yarasil
    Yarasil Posts: 20 Member
    There is definitely a level of orchestration about these weight loss shows, some more than others. But for every 10 people on the show think of the thousands sitting at home on the couch watching that maybe inspired to take action.

    Though I do have reservations about the proverbial carrot on a stick that often comes with these shows. A makeover, money, skin removal surgery...
  • NataBost
    NataBost Posts: 418 Member
    I'm actually a really big fan of the show. I think that both Chris and Heidi have the right kind of attitude and they obviously care a lot about the people that they're training.

    It is leagues better than The Biggest Loser in part because for 3/4 of their journey, they're at home and figuring out how to change their lifestyle (while they're still going to work) for the better and how to accomplish it on their own.

    I also really appreciate that it appears that they have some sort of psychological training because they always address the psychological issues that allowed the contestants to climb to such a huge weight. It's also great that they pay for the skin removal surgery. So many people would just kill for that after losing so much and it's really nice of them to give them that opportunity.

    Thank you for addressing this. This seems to be missing in a lot of these "Weight loss" shows. These are people who are suffering emotionally and are coping to fill a void/cover the hurt with food.
  • kj26boys
    kj26boys Posts: 73 Member
    Initially, I liked the show, but the more I looked into it, the worse it got. Now it's hard to watch. If you read previous "contestants" on-line stories or watch their youtube videos, it appears very few have success. Some claim the show forces them to take tons of pills a day and can only drink protein shakes. One guy said he was diagnosed with new medical conditions because of how he was supposed to eat/exercise. Who knows if it's true but there's more than 1. the show sent him a cease and desist letter to take it all off the internet. Not sure if it's still out there. Said you only see Chris Powell like 2-3 times. It's not anything what the show portrays. I have no idea how it all works. I think for me it's just inspirational and leave it at that. I like to see the transformation and move on. There were some tips too. One guy couldn't run and so he did all his exercise on a rowing machine. He looked fabulous. So that was something I took away from it, was to introduce that machine for some change in the routine. I don't believe everything they say in the story line and I don't think they always lose the weight that healthy. That being said, it is TV, their goal is ratings. I shut it off and move on.
  • TexasDarling09
    TexasDarling09 Posts: 210 Member
    I follow the trainer guy on facebook (Chris Powell). I didn't know anything about the show until I read one of his books. I started carb cycling (hi carb one day, low the next, GOOD CARBS not bad) and it GENUINELY helped me & taught me how important and how much of an impact carbs had on MY particular weight loss efforts. I have metabolic syndrome so carbs & sugar are my kryptonite.

    That being said, you guys should SERIOUSLY follow him if you don't. He posts a lot of weight loss information, stories of other people who have lost weight that didn't make the cut for the show but he still followed them & tries to help them out, and also stuff about the show too & his family (which is adorable!).

    Also, about the guys weight loss, I genuinely think 4lbs a week is ok. (especially for a guy, being that you awful creatures somehow lose faster than we women) :p
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    OP, I'm wondering about the approximately 2 hour gap between your original post and your "bump" of this thread?

    Do you wonder if the reason nobody initially replied to your post might have been that people thought the subject's sensitive issues might be something they did not want to trample on in an online forum?

    Football/concussion timely issues notwithstanding there were some core issues that although you felt were harped upon, for the people they affect they play a major role in their lives until they deal with them through therapy or confrontation.

    I'm also wondering...did you feel the courtroom scenes with the judge and bailiffs were also contrived? I'm curious what else could have been done for you to feel that the events issues being portrayed were more genuine?
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    FYI, keep an eye out for "Kenny or Kenneth" (not sure how they will word it) in the next few weeks. He is a friend of mine. Would post pics but can't till the show airs.

    Will do.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    Great to see him transform himself outside and in. It was a little much watching the trainer trying to turn the fake tears on.

    You don't think it's natural that someone hearing of that type of abuse might cry? When faced directly with a person IRL right in front of them that it happened to?
  • supermodelchic
    supermodelchic Posts: 550 Member
    I am obsessed with this show LOL, this last one was by far my favorite, I love the format in which they do it compared to Biggest Loser..
  • supermodelchic
    supermodelchic Posts: 550 Member
    Chris Powell & his wife Heidie are the real deal..
  • kaaaaylee
    kaaaaylee Posts: 398
    I actually like this show. I've seen a number of episodes, and I enjoyed them all. It's not as annoying as the Biggest Loser, and honestly, the trainer is really nice to look at. :)

    Those eyes :heart: I adoooore Chris Powell
  • tmt2003
    tmt2003 Posts: 176 Member
    Great to see him transform himself outside and in. It was a little much watching the trainer trying to turn the fake tears on.

    You don't think it's natural that someone hearing of that type of abuse might cry? When faced directly with a person IRL right in front of them that it happened to?

    Exactly. He is a person. And a father. I was crying at home. I would have been more shocked/disturbed if he showed no emotion.

    Also regarding time actually spent with Chris. These people are given an incredible opportunity. Many of us could only dream of having 1 session with a trainer like Chris, let alone the facilites and resources that come with the show. So yeah maybe he really isn't there 24/7, but it's still more than anything most of us will ever have the opportunity for.

    Also, do you really think anyone who is 200 pounds over weight signs up for a show like this for the prizes? These people have hit rock bottom and are desperate for help. The prize is the transformation, through blood, sweat and tears. The trips to Tahiti are just bonus :)
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    I watched it once in a while......until the trainer (Chris maybe?) said he gives himself a cheat day once a know a handful of tortilla chips or something.... Then I quit.
  • yusineddy
    yusineddy Posts: 457 Member
    I love the show and I love Chris Powell!! No I don't buy his books or anything but I love him. The show is so inspiring! I have watched from season 1 and Bruce's transformation was by far one of the best. What an amazing person and when you think of all he's been through, to still be so positive and encouraging and a role model for his team even before the weightloss, I was so happy for him.
    The show always explores the contestants lives and issues that lead to obesity. You don't get to 400 pounds just because you like food and you can't make a lifelong transformation wi though facing your demons., he is not the first to have admitted abuse so have others, as well as abandonment, loss of loved ones, etc.
    Maybe it's the magic of television, whatever. But I do feel sincerity from Chris and Heidi. I follow them on FB and Instagram and they always talk about their contestants being part of their family and still keep in touch. There is not magic and it's not always easy (boy Bruce had no problem sticking with the program but a lot do and they show that too) it's hard work and commitment. Maybe the level of change in one year is extreme (hence the shows title!) but it shows anything is possible.

    ^ This exactly... I love the show and the trainers show genuine concern and support!
  • runnerchick69
    runnerchick69 Posts: 317 Member
    I'm a huge fan of the show! Oh sure some of it is contrived but hey, it is tv after all :tongue: I get inspired when I watch other people finally find success. I love to see people get healthy!
  • Will210
    Will210 Posts: 201 Member
    Bruce was an incredible contestant. I loved his spirit.

    The baseball player - man that was crazy. I think he was looking for things to have handed to him. He obviosly did not want to put in the hard work it takes to dig yourself out of a hole.

    The show is ok. It only takes about an hour to watch on the DVR. It contains a lot of fluffed up drama that you see on the BL. I would rather see more workouts and more about diet but I guess the drama pays the bills.

    Chris Powell became popular by getting a kid in shape. I think he was on a show called the 600 pound virgin on TLC. He (the kid) ended losing all of the weight and had tremendous amount of skin removed. Anyways he looked great, had a girlfriend, was studying to become a personal trainer. He and Powell were on all kinds of shows. Last year, I was watching NBC and they showed the kid on there, but for all the wrong reasons. He pretty much gained all of his weight back. He looked terrible, was crying, I could not believe it. I do not know the details, but it appeared that he and Powell had a falling out of some kind.

    Powell's book is pretty good. His strategy is carb cycling by cycle every day pretty much. I would like to know what his contestants follow.
  • Ronij59
    Ronij59 Posts: 191 Member
    I watched it and loved it! I watch the show every week for continued motivation. It is a reality show for God's sake of course it is going to be a bit over the top but hey, I feel that if it can help to promote others to lose weight then great. You just have to have the understanding that the show is "EXTREME" after all and not realistic for those of us not on the screen. We all need to understand that 1-2 pounds a week is healthy and reccomended. Stick to that and you will be a success!
  • Bonnieg318
    Bonnieg318 Posts: 156 Member
    I watch bit every week! I have to say Bruce was my favourite since it started. I find this is more of a lifestyle focus than The Biggest Looser which I find is all workout for hours and hours and eat minimally. That's just my opinion. I really like Chris Powell and Heidi his wife.
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