support needed..

I just started using my fitness pal and I dd fairly well yesterday, but today I broke down and had Chinese for lunch at work. Now I only have like 100 some calories left for dinner and another snack and I don't want to not eat, but I really don't want to set myself back even more..I feel so disappointed in myself for having ate the Chinese food today, but its what I wanted.. I just feel like a huge failure because I know that all the good work I did yesterday is down the drain now because I was weak..


  • dopeysmelly
    dopeysmelly Posts: 1,390 Member
    Using MFP is all about making changes and learning. Don't beat yourself up, the huge majority of people on here seem to have done something silly like setting their calories to 1200 "just coz".

    You might it helpful to plan your meals out for the day in advance, and make your own lunch if you can. You have more control of your food in your own kitchen.
  • crazymommy5
    crazymommy5 Posts: 65 Member
    I can't even count how many times I have been in your shoes. Don't beat yourself up! You'll only sabotage yourself. You made a bad choice and owned up to it. Now, move on and learn from it. Make good choices for the rest of the day and tomorrow will be a clean, fresh slate to build upon. Yesterday wasn't wasted. Be proud of yourself for the strength and control you exhibited yesterday. Find that strength again inside yourself. Don't give up! The best things in life are worth fighting for. It's going to be hard- but you can do it!
  • DAM5412
    DAM5412 Posts: 660 Member
    It's day 2 and you are just learning. Don't beat yourself up. Just get back on track. Log what you ate (and think about how bad you felt for it). Don't starve yourself tonight, or you'll binge again tomorrow. Make smarter choices tonight, a salad with protein maybe, and aim to eat well tomorrow also. Small victories add up and will really motivate you.
  • pyrokandlez
    pyrokandlez Posts: 8 Member
    Trust me, I have done the same thing a numerous amount of times and I feel the same way when I do it too.
    Ever since I discovered this app and this page I've been getting help on my path to weight loss. Shoot, I even changed the food I eat. I drink nothing but water (maybe a coffee or two) I eat whenever I want before 8pm and in moderation (which I am slowly learning how to do). It's not easy at first but dont rush yourself to completely cutting off the food. Just slowly phase it out your system while you're replacing it with other things. I hope this helps. :smile:
  • AlyssaLoflin
    AlyssaLoflin Posts: 27 Member
    I've been in your position many times. I actually had more calories than I intended today between my snack and lunch today. I agree with others, don't beat yourself up, log it and remain accountable. When I do this, I say "Well I guess I owe myself a good workout" today it will probably be a good swim. That way I can have a reasonable healthy dinner I like and the exercise boots my mood, energy, and motivation as well as curbing cravings. In the past I have also started on mfp and just ate what I wanted and logged it for a few days, then I look back and say "well that would answer my question as to why the scale wasn't moving in the direction I wanted it to". If you are logging it then you are being accountable to yourself and that is a difficult, so be proud of yourself for being accountable for what you eat.
  • dannibee13
    dannibee13 Posts: 14 Member
    Thank you all for the support! I really, really needed it! I also really appreciate all the advice you have given me! I am very glad to know that I am not alone and also to know that this won't ruin what I am working towards. Thank you all so much!