greatest discovery

shmerek Posts: 963 Member
If there is one discovery/scientific breakthrough that you could live to see what would it be?

For me the discovery of life on another planet. You?


  • JonnyQwest
    JonnyQwest Posts: 174 Member
    The cure for cancer.
  • jstavix
    jstavix Posts: 407 Member
    I would have to agree with jonny, the cure for cancer. Have lost too many souls in my family to it.
  • shayman1975
    Also agree about cancer , and interestingly enough I saw on the internet that the LCHF "LOW CARB HIGH FAT" way of eatinf like "banting" and paleo works well for cancer patients as the cancer cells apparently gets starved from carbs and sugars , and regresses.

    I have also seen that graviola capsules works wonders for cancers, basically eating natural non processed food will help as it is all these processed rubbish we eat today that contributes to cancer being an epidemic in our world these days
  • MuscleHeadNerd74
    MuscleHeadNerd74 Posts: 1,930 Member
    Yes actually how to more effectively reduce the fat cells and a shorter period of time without so much cardio and reduction in your caloric intake to eat and hate cardio