Your daily menu when you were fat (or b4 changing)



  • sgos16
    sgos16 Posts: 6 Member
    My first post on the forums!

    When I was in grad school I was definitely eating the worst I ever had in my life. This was a typically Tuesday or Thursday from that time:

    Breakfast: Slimfast shake.
    Snack: Orange and part of the entire bag of Goldfish I brought with me
    Lunch: Egg and cheese on an asiago bagel from finagle
    Snack: The rest of the entire bag of Goldfish
    Dinner: I'd come home from a 13 hour day starving so I'd make a quick tomato sauce and a pound of pasta. I'd only eat a small bowl's worth at first, but since I left the pot on the stove I'd go back two or three more times for more.
    Dessert: 6 or 7 Biscoff cookies.

    Luckily it was only one semester that was so crazy I couldn't think about food, but it's still surprising to me that I didn't gain more than the small amount I did.
  • Happy_Niss
    Happy_Niss Posts: 95 Member
    I've been at this for so long, I don't hardly remember what I used to eat.
    But I do remember eating Rainbow Goldfish and Dr, Pepper (together) and a butt-load of cheesy-bread (a whole box!) from a local pizza place.

    And that was just my school lunch and after school snacks.
  • Slacker16
    Slacker16 Posts: 1,184 Member
    I did this for fun a little while ago. Taking an average, I was eating:

    nothing, an egg or a hot dog (0-100 calories)

    footlong subway, usually meatball (~1000 calories)

    6-pack or bottle of wine (750-1000 calories)
    bag of toasted corn or Doritos (800-1300 calories)

    2-3 cups of instant rice (300-450 calories)
    2-3 eggs or hot dogs (200-300 calories)
    1 glass of vegetable juice (50 calories)

    3100-4200 calories... surprised I didn't get fatter than I did.
  • SomeNights246
    SomeNights246 Posts: 807 Member
    If I tried to calculate all that I used to eat when I binged, my calculator would explode.


    But going by an actual daily meal idea (binge eating is a lot different than overeating). This is not taking into account days where I went on a binge, or days where I emotionally overate.

    Breakfast would be a couple pop tarts and maybe some eggs with a glass of milk.

    Lunch would be a peanut butter sandwich or a hot pocket or a tv dinner.

    Dinner is where it would get back, because this is where I would feel so hungry I'd not know when to stop eating. I ate relatively healthy dinners. Chicken parmesan, tuna casserole, shepherd's pie, or something similar. Always homemade. Except... I'd go back for seconds. Maybe thirds, even. So, I would end up consuming most of my calories at dinner.

    On days where I was feeling depressed, if we took emotional eating into account, you'd have to factor in an eight pack of candy bars or a box of little Debbie snack cakes.

    So, it would end up around 3500 or so.

    This is not taking binges into account. I won't count them, since they weren't part of my 'normal' days and happened sporadically and without warning.

    Oh, can't forget the 2 liter of Dr Pepper I'd kill in a day. That would make the calories embarrassingly high, though. So I choose to pretend that didn't exist. :laugh: But I did the math once. There were some days where I was drinking a day's worth of calories in Dr Pepper. :blushing:
  • WVprankster
    WVprankster Posts: 430 Member
    Before: Eat all the things!
    After: Eat all the things....that fit reasonable macros.
  • traceywoody
    traceywoody Posts: 233 Member
    My diet was pretty much the same, I have just about halved what I used to eat though. So, for me, it was just adjusting my portions. Pretty boring huh?
  • SomeNights246
    SomeNights246 Posts: 807 Member
    Before: Eat all the things!
    After: Eat all the things....that fit reasonable macros.


    I'll drink to that.

    As long as it fits my macros and my goals. :wink:
  • Kotuliak
    Kotuliak Posts: 259 Member
    This is why I giggle a little when people say it's hard to get all the nutrients a person needs on 1200 calories or less. I was eating thousands of calories more than I needed every day and still not getting my nutrients.
    Couldn't agree more!
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 17,959 Member
    Typical work day:

    B'fast - ham and cheese croissant (350)
    Lunch - Large pad thai (770)
    Dinner - Steak with mash and peas (600)
    Snacks - Nuts (300), Allens lollies (400), cookies (200), Arrnot's shapes (200)

    So around 3000 a day? Then weekends would be kebabs, pizza, wings, and a LOT of beer.
  • AdaVanderlyle
    AdaVanderlyle Posts: 113 Member
    Right not I am at my highest weight, 149 pounds/ 68 kilos, but I'm a short girl, 5'2, and have been active for most of my life,
    so it's a lot for me.

    I never ate much *food*, but the thing that is going to be the death of me are sweets - I could eat chocolate after every meal, and I did.
    Cookies, ice-cream, puddings, brownies (<3) you name it, so that's how I packed some extra weight.

    And alcohol, I love beer and cocktails. And they're not exactly low in calories drinks..

    Oh and pastry - filled with chocolate, of course :)
  • zenalasca
    zenalasca Posts: 563 Member
    Before I was on MFP I was living in a sharehouse but buying/cooking/eating all my own food. Tbh, my eating was very sketchy. I bought ingredients for recipes I wanted to try out but I didn't buy normal breakfast foods as such. Examples of meals were:

    A pack of tim tams
    2 cups flour, 2 cups sugar, 500g butter, all mixed together (amounts varied, I kinda just mixed the stuff and used it all up).
    Several pieces of white chocolate passionfruit cake that I made from scratch
    Three pieces of bread with 3 precooked BBQ sausages and sauce
    Several pieces of bread or toast with butter

    Before that, I lived with a relative of mine who cooked amazing food, and had regular diet there.

    Breakfast: Large bowl of full fat yogurt with muesli and honey, fruit toast with butter
    Snack: Chocolate if it was there
    Lunch: If at home, cheese and spinach or ham, chutney and cheese pita bread, followed by a slice of cake, if at school, 2 ham, cheese, onion and creamy mayo sandwiches, piece of fruit and slice of cake
    Dinner: Meat (usually chicken) with mashed potato, some kind of cream based sauce and vegetables.
    Dessert: Cake and icecream, whipped cream or yogurt
  • emilylittle5494
    emilylittle5494 Posts: 29 Member
    Breakfast : homemade asian stirfry with egg, nuts and pork etc (huge serve, around 1000 calories)
    Snack : entire pack of rice.crackers.with 1/3 tub natural yoghurt
    Lunch: footlong seafood sub.with extra olives and pickles
    Snack: same as before
    Dinner: Three times as much meat as I needed. Way overdid it on portion sizes. Usually chicken/lamb/beef with steamed veg. Ate ALL the fat.
    Snack: twisties and diet coke, whilst watching tv late at night...

    My main problem was I way overdid it on the amount I ate.
  • misschoppo
    misschoppo Posts: 463 Member
    I've never been technically overweight if going by bmi but I did at one point go through a phase of having some really bad problems at work and as a result just had no motivation to do any exercise and was eating way too much on a daily basis. I put on around 16lbs in a couple of months and it did not look good. If I hadn't nipped it in the bud I quite easily would have kept on gaining. During that time my diet was something like this:

    Breakfast before leaving home: 2 slices of thick white bread with A LOT of pate & sweet onion chutney

    Morning "snack": a muller crunch corner and a fruit smoothie made with full fat milk, banana, berries etc

    Lunch: A very generously filled homemade sandwich, usually tuna or chicken with lots and lots of mayo, homemade slaw. Pack of crisps and then sometimes a trip to the work canteen for a large side of potato salad/cous cous salad and a cookie or muffin as well.

    Afternoon snack: some chocolate or other sweet treat.

    Dinner: a large bowl of pasta, typically in a creamy white herby sauce with pancetta/mushrooms/chicken/onions.

    Late night snack: another smaller but unnecessary bowl of the same pasta or couple slices bread with very generous helping of peanut butter and perhaps mindless munching on either haribo sweets, ice cream, cheesecake, choc bars, muffins, cookies or a mix of a couple of these on same night etc.
  • FindingAmy77
    FindingAmy77 Posts: 1,266 Member
    too much taco bell, nights at the bar, cheese and more cheese, eating right of the jar of peanut butter, sugar, and skipping meals. That and lots of inactivity. It all adds up for sure.
  • teranga79
    teranga79 Posts: 202 Member
    My actual meals have never been too awful (always room for improvement but they weren't too bad). Snacking has always been my downfall. I'd think nothing of eating an entire packet of biscuits most days, or a family-size bag of chocolate.

    Definitely too many takeaways as well... I blame my lazy OH for that lol.

    ETA: my portion control on pasta was also WAY out!
  • kerrilucko
    kerrilucko Posts: 3,852 Member
    I mostly ate the same things I'm eating now only 3 times as much. Lol
  • rosebette
    rosebette Posts: 1,660 Member
    My menu wasn't much different, just the portion sizes were bigger. For instance, I'd eat a whole cup of rice or potatoes with a meal, rather than a half cup. I 'd eat more carbs for breakfast -- cereal and toast, for instance, instead of one or the other, or a whole bagel, rather than just 1/2 of one. Also, a whole sandwich on regular bread, rather than a 1/2 sandwich or a sandwich on 1/2 pita bread. I also would do take-out or eat out more often. I never weighed or measured anything. I'd also eat 3 big meals a day, rather than 3 smaller meals with 2 snacks. I eat way more fruit and vegetables now.
  • Romyarts2014
    Romyarts2014 Posts: 201 Member
    3 sandwiches


    fries with mayo and fried kroket (dutch food)

    sate chicken


    ice cream cone

    big box of cookies

    more chips

    candy bar

    juice soda juice soda juice soda

    cant beleive that eating like that was a daily not to mention i was smoking cigaretts, weed and drinking alchol on a daily.
  • JeffInJax
    JeffInJax Posts: 232 Member
    Kinda funny post because the day before i started a healthier lifestyle was my first time ever counting my calories, here goes...

    Breakfast: 2 Bacon Egg Cheese Biscuits, Large hashrounds hardees = 1445 Calories
    Lunch: Large Stromboli and Garlic Knots = 1330
    Snacks: 2 Dunkin Donuts Boston Creme = 620
    Dinner: Outback Blooming onion 1/4th, baby back ribs and mash potatoes = 1909 calories

    Daily Total = 5304 calories
  • aedreana
    aedreana Posts: 979 Member
    BEFORE I TURNED VEGAN, here are some examples of typical meals for me:
    Example 1: 8 eggs, scrambled in butter with 8 slices of cheese, 8 slices of toast with butter and preserves, cereal with milk.
    Example 2: 6 McDonalds sandwiches (cheeseburgers and double cheeseburgers), 5 orders of fries, soda.
    Example 3: 1 extra-large pizza, snack cakes, soda.
    Example 4: 2 lunches in high school and 3 large pieces of cake for dessert
    Example 5: 2 restaurant dinners

    I didn't eat all that in one day-- I ate usually just one meal/day. I have been a vegan since age 18 (I am 61).Now, I will fix 2 large frypans of fried potatoes-- which is 2 of the extra-large paper plates piled high with a mountain of fries for one meal! I am eating one large meal/day but sometimes a second smaller meal or a snack. I am 5 to 10 pounds overweight-- I weigh 121 at 5' 3 1/2"-- but I "should" weigh 260 according to the calories I consume. If I eat the number of calories I am "supposed to" to maintain my weight, I lose weight. I just must have a fast metabolism, because I am and always-- even as a child-- have been very sedentary.