Hi, another one needing morale support :-)

Hi Everyone,

I'm in UK and have just discovered this site, it looks amazing, just what I have been needing.

I am my own worst enemy, I used to be very fit and was always very active.
I now have a job which ties me to a computer, you know the story, yes the weight has started to pile on.
The clothes I have do not fit, and I am feeling very unfit.
So it is time I did something about it, no-one is going to do it for me, it's up to me!!

One admission.... I have a mild eating disorder which seems at the moment to becoming more of
a problem as my Fiancee is working away from home Monday to Friday and I find myself eating all sorts
of rubbish and at all different times of the day. The good thing is that I have admitted it and feel positve moves
towards getting myself back in control.

I have a wedding to go to on 16th August, eeeek I know it's not that far away now so I suppose that is a goal to
lose some pounds before I try to squeeze myself into something half decent.

Anyway I will try to give others some support and look forward to hearing from anyone that wants to say hello.

Now what time is that train? Oh yes I had better get my walking shoes on and dodge the rain drops! :smile:


  • susieqtx123
    susieqtx123 Posts: 29 Member
    Hi, it's lovely to know there is someone from the UK on here, as there is not many of us around! I'm fairly new to MYP, so I'm probably not the best person to give loads of advice : )

    I do however understand the eating disorder aspect as my sister is bulimic & has had anorexia as well. So if you want to talk about things, drop me a line.

    I'm off for a walk. (My first venture out after having a major asthma attack on Monday). I'm sure you'll meet plenty of people in a while.

    Welcome & hopefully we'll speak soon : )
  • 19_84_jade
    19_84_jade Posts: 60 Member
    Hey Im in the uk as well, feel free to add me guys :)
  • eastj73
    eastj73 Posts: 5 Member
    I'm in the UK - feel free to add me
  • denhar01
    denhar01 Posts: 13 Member
    I'm in Northern Ireland- definitely very few of us on here!
    Sounds like you already have a goal- that wedding in August. Keep your head down and remember- marathon not sprint. I get very dissatified with everything if I lose short term focus. It all gets too much and I binge eat. If I keep it all in context, I do ok.

    Good luck