Super Bored... Looking for Ideas

I can't seem to find a fitness routine that I can get into. Right now I'm just messing around with various exercises until I get my burn in. Would people mind sharing what they do so I can get some ideas?

I do have access to a gym, so that's not a problem if you're a gym rat :)


  • ashdawg8790
    ashdawg8790 Posts: 819 Member
    I'm a nerd and play fitness games on my Kinect as I don't go to a gym! :) My favorites right now are "Your Shape:Fitness Evolved 2012" and of course "Dance Central". I like them because they tell me what to do AND if I'm doing it wrong without ever leaving my house... But I'm also not in the best of shape right now, so it's all good for me! Good luck finding fun things to do! :smile:
  • Padzster
    Padzster Posts: 75 Member
    Try a weights program like Stronglifts 5x5. I find it very addictive and it's great as I don't think about what I need to do on a lift day - I have the app on my phone and just work through it.
    On alternative days, any cardio, or some rounds of circuit training using a Tabata timer - time flies when you keep changing what you're doing.
  • katnewk
    katnewk Posts: 27 Member
    I like to be a part of a group... I belonged to a running club for years... I run with running groups and races.... biking groups spin class... love it....
  • fannyfrost
    fannyfrost Posts: 756 Member
    I get bored easily, so I actaully change my routine a lot. However, key for me is music. Here are some of the things I do:

    Kickbox class or videos
    Dance exercise videos
    Hula hoop

    I have also taken Ballet, Jazz and hip hop classes.

    I like to lift so I do that too. I tend to do circuit training, just move quickly from one exercise to the next. I also take a total body class once in a while, but I have a bad shoulder so I have to modify a lot.

    I have bad knees now, but I used to Jump Rope too.

    Walking, running, treadmill and bike bore me to death. I can deal with the elliptical sometimes, but not lately.

    My advice is stop thinking of "exercise" think in terms of what you liked to do as a kid. I love to dance so Zumba and dance videos work. Make moving about having fun moving, not about just going to workout. Life is about fun, go out and enjoy moving :)
  • kmk9221
    kmk9221 Posts: 2
    Get into fitness DVDs, that's what I do when I can't go to the gym or when I catch myself sitting around doing nothing. I bought Insanity and love it, but it's SO expensive. There are other alternatives you could get cheaper, like here which say they'll get you a great bikini body etc. one of my favs is Jillian Michaels DVDs! I don't have a link but they're easy to find. Hope this helps!
  • Amy4President
    Amy4President Posts: 165 Member
    Thanks everybody! I've been hanging out on my stationary bike watching Netflix, and it's helping me maintain, but I know I'm not pushing myself. Great ideas - I'll try one tonight :)
  • Alehmer
    Alehmer Posts: 433 Member
    Find a sport or activity, will keep you working long after you hit an arbitrary weight or fitness goal.