I want pizza...BAD



  • mamaleftwich
    mamaleftwich Posts: 256 Member
    If you want pizza, eat pizza. When I want pizza after I've had two slices it has satisifed that desire! Otherwise, Lean Quisine has a good frozen pizza as well.
  • mi2mina
    mi2mina Posts: 24 Member
    do you like eggplant? or cauliflower? you can use those as crust it works awesome
  • KaelaLee88
    KaelaLee88 Posts: 229 Member
    You want to get yourself some Naan Bread, make a tomato base with ketchup and tomato puree, add your cheese and toppings and cook!

    Not hard, not expensive and not terrifically calorific although best shared with someone as it is very filling!

    Kaela x
  • 9ofCoins
    9ofCoins Posts: 9
    One slice of bread, sprayed with Pam on one side
    2 tablespoons of bottled pizza sauce
    one ounce of shredded cheese
    18 pc (one serving) Armor pepperoni

    medium skillet with a lid over it
    by the time the bread is browned on the bottom the cheese is melted.
    If I want to go crazy I then put it under the broiler :)
  • Alluminati
    Alluminati Posts: 6,208 Member
    i use Fit and Active (from Aldis) whole wheat wraps and throw it on my griddle. ive done lots of varities. our favorite is BBQ sauce, grilled chicken, spinach leaves, topped with mozzerella. YUM!!

    you could also do a more classic pizza with lots of veggies and a few pepperoni. :)

  • MFPMol
    MFPMol Posts: 151 Member
    I do wheat pita with sauce cheese and toppings and bake in oven :)

    Wow--your photo, you look amazing! Very inspiring. Kudos to you!
  • KameHameHaaaa
    KameHameHaaaa Posts: 837 Member
    You want to get yourself some Naan Bread, make a tomato base with ketchup and tomato puree, add your cheese and toppings and cook!

    Not hard, not expensive and not terrifically calorific although best shared with someone as it is very filling!

    Kaela x

    I second that. Naan is great as a pizza crust!
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
  • Me2FitMe
    Me2FitMe Posts: 1,284 Member
    I usually use a flour tortilla, pizza sauce, shredded Mozzarella and pepperoni... not too bad :)
  • JamieJam1102
    JamieJam1102 Posts: 308 Member
    If you want pizza - just get some pizza. If you're concerned about eating too much, just get a personal pizza. Then you, at the very least, get the satisfaction of eating the entire thing.

    C'mon... you know you want to.

    I mean... look at it!

  • JasonKnight85
    JasonKnight85 Posts: 67 Member
    When I got a pizza craving I usually order a pizza hut thin n crispy chicken taco pizza without cheese and with all the toppings on the side. That way you can reheat it without soggy toppings, and it's way lower calories than a normal pizza, and it still fills that pie void. To each their own.
  • 11Amber11
    11Amber11 Posts: 4
    Just get a flour wrap (they have low carb options that aren't too high in calories) and put a little sauce and cheese on it. Bake it in the oven on 350 till the cheese melts. I usually roll them up when I'm eating them since the "crust" is so thin. They're pretty good and low in calories.
  • williams969
    williams969 Posts: 2,528 Member
    I'm sure all of the suggestions for english muffin, pita, cauliflower, etc. recipes are tasty (or not). But...when I want pizza, I only want pizza. And it sounds like OP is in the same mindset. Have some pizza. On my "pizza" day, I have zero problem allowing myself to eat as MUCH of a pizza as I desire.

    I do make a wise choice to pick a thin crust, light on the cheese and meat, and heavy on the delicious marinara and veggies. Works for me. I can "build" a Papa Murphy's pizza for 1,200 for the WHOLE thing. Or a Domino's medium thin crust can clock in around 1,000-1,100 cals if you're creative (light cheese, veg only, or ham instead of sausage).

    The point is, many of us can make what we crave work. So, we may eat at maintenance for the day (if, like me, you like to eat ALL the pizza, lol). But pizza ("real" pizza, whatever that is for you) does not have to destroy our healthy lifestyles.
  • DeniseDicks
    I would just get some pizza. :)
  • Athijade
    Athijade Posts: 3,284 Member
    For me, personally, all the "fake" pizza tricks will not do a dang thing for a pizza craving. I need the real thing. Not pizza toppings on a wrap or junk like that. The real deal.

    So I make room for it. I buy my dough at the store and pick my own toppings. That way I have better control over how thin/thick the crust is, how much cheese on it, and I get toppings that are hard to find otherwise.

    Pizza is NOT unhealthy in any way just by being pizza.
  • Galatea_Stone
    Galatea_Stone Posts: 2,037 Member
    Please look at my food diary for today. I decided that today I wouldn't track my macros because I was craving something that I really wanted.

    It had lots of spinach and tomatoes and garlic and fresh mozzarella. And olive oil. And micronutrients.

    I wanted it, and I planned for it. I knew I was going to eat it. I entered it in my food diary, and it made me very happy to see that I still have calories available for protein tonight.
  • BoxerBrawler
    BoxerBrawler Posts: 2,032 Member
    I say eat what you want so long as it fits into your calorie target for the day.
    I don't believe in doing extra work because of something I ate. If you're doing things right 90% of the time your weekly number should still have a pretty good deficit. I do tend to eat a lot lighter the next day...

    I am not really a pizza person but... if it just doesn't work into your calories or macro's or if you can't just stop at one slice...

    I use Josephs Whole Grain, Flax, Olive Oil Lavash. One sheet is huge (about the size of a small pizza), and has 100 calories and only 4 net carbs. Just heat it up in the oven for a few minutes to get it crispy but not brown, put on your sauce, toppings, ect. and bake for another five minutes or so. It's simple, delicious and good for you.
  • schaaf95
    schaaf95 Posts: 10 Member
    I have been told that while dieting and exercise, that if you are craving a slice (notice I said slice and not a whole pie) of pizza or a burger, just eat it, but try to make it as healthy as it can be.

    This advice came from my trainer while I was loosing all of my weight. I can tell you, if you stick to moderation and only do it once a month or two, you will do fine. What will happen is that you cave pizza, and doing your best to avoid it will cause you to over eat in other areas. My wife and I did this and it did work. We would go to Red Robin and get a turkey patty on a wheat bun with white cheese and no dressing, and it would knock the calories and fat way down. For Pizza, we would share an individual pizza and be sure to have a salad with it to ensure we got full off of something other than pizza.

    I lost 115 lbs and my wife lost 60 while still being able to go to Red Robin, Applebee's, Chili's and out local pizza shack. We limited it to every other month, not weekly like before. Everything in moderation.
  • HeidiCooksSupper
    HeidiCooksSupper Posts: 3,831 Member
    You can find lots of recipes for ersatz "pizza" that have "crusts" made out of cauliflower or spinach. I do, on occasion make a spinach one but to call it a pizza is a stretch. It's good but not pizza per se. I also make "real' pizzas.

    Here's a pic of a very cheesy one:

    Here's a not so cheesy one:

    And here's a "real" one with homemade dough, eggplant, roasted red peppers, fresh basil, and homemade ricotta:

    If it was cruel to include the pics, I apologize.
  • 1LadyKate
    1LadyKate Posts: 78 Member
    If you want pizza, eat pizza. When I want pizza after I've had two slices it has satisifed that desire! Otherwise, Lean Quisine has a good frozen pizza as well.

    I love Lean Cuisine's Garlic Chicken Pizza. I think it might be my new favorite pizza.