Hi there, I've been doing alot research today trying to plan myself a suitable training program, so thought I'd see what new techniques there were (as the last time I spent doing my own program was back at school 15yrs ago) and came across high intensity interval training and find this really intreging as it makes so much sense, as with all things new I like to know that it has been tried and tested by real people not just case studies printed on a website trying to sell you an e-book.

Has anyone here tried it, if so, how have you found it results wise, and what advice can you give to get started?

Thanks for reading!


  • ebkins7
    ebkins7 Posts: 427 Member
    I LOVE HIIT!!!

    I do this on the stationary bike or eliptical (easier to control speed since I can't really run). They are sooooo affective when done right! You can actually get a better workout doing HIIT for 20-30 minutes than you can just a moderate pace for an hour! It WORKS!

    Try it... love it!

    Good luck and hope that helped!
  • Pineapples
    Pineapples Posts: 246 Member
    Hi, I believe if you do a search you will find a lot of posts in regards to this. :wink:
  • RunHardBeStrong
    RunHardBeStrong Posts: 33,069 Member
    I am currently doing Turbo Fire, a HIIT based program and LOVE it!! The results are amazing, I serioulsy lost an inch in 9 days!!! I have been working out for a few years and thought I was pushing myself hard but holy cow was I wrong. The strength and endurance gains have been amazing as well. And who doesn't want to spend less time working out and get better results?!! Good luck with whatever you decide!!
  • RunHardBeStrong
    RunHardBeStrong Posts: 33,069 Member
    I am currently doing Turbo Fire, a HIIT based program and LOVE it!! The results are amazing, I serioulsy lost an inch in 9 days!!! I have been working out for a few years and thought I was pushing myself hard but holy cow was I wrong. The strength and endurance gains have been amazing as well. And who doesn't want to spend less time working out and get better results?!! Good luck with whatever you decide!!
  • RunHardBeStrong
    RunHardBeStrong Posts: 33,069 Member
    oops...double post...stupid computer!! It's definately not the user ;)
  • MrsH80
    MrsH80 Posts: 14
    Great to read that people are seeing results with this!

    Ebkins7, I avoid the treadmill at all costs (bit painful on the lady lumps lol)

    Forgive me pinapples, am new to the forum, but thanks for the advice! :)

    alypri, where can I find info on turbo fire? Is it something you have to pay for? anything that gives me good results fast in half the time is fab in my book!
  • reginafloyd
    reginafloyd Posts: 14 Member
    I just finished up with P90X Round II which is extreme. Hit a plateau because I wasn't watching my diet close enough. I'm getting ready to start TurboFire next week and I'm really excited about the results. The program walks you through everything you need to do, even how to eat to get your body ready to burn the fat.

    Honestly, anything that gets you moving and expending more calories than you've taken in should be good. MyFitnesspal is great for tracking what you eat and drink. I am new to it, but it appears they have lots of different foods in the database.

    To your success!

  • MrsH80
    MrsH80 Posts: 14
    so, I've read up on Turbo Fire and not really sure my current fitness level and weight will allow me to do it, I need to lose 5 stone to get to my ideal weight, and the only real exercise I have done in the last year is walking my dogs.

    I know I want to do HIIT, but my capbility as it stands will get in the way, and more than likely cause me to lose motivation. Any advice on what HIIT programs are there for a beginner to start building up to this kind of workout? Or should I first concentrate on building up fitness with CV and strength slowly?

    Thanks again for all your help so far, this really is a great site! :D
  • RunHardBeStrong
    RunHardBeStrong Posts: 33,069 Member
    I started out 2 yrs ago with just walking and building up slowly adding in new things. After losing 40 pounds I stepped it up and started doing more. I love love love HIIT and in Turbo Fire they do show modified moves to be less impact, the important thing is that you just keep moving and give it everything you've got and as you said if you try to take on to much to fast you will lose motivation and get frustrated. You can apply HIIT to lots of things, such as walking for 2 minutes then jog for 30-90 sec (I could only do 30 sec at first) and go back and forth. Then work your way up to where your jogging more than walking. You could apply this the elliptical, statiionary bike, etc. The possibilities are endless. The two most important things I have learned on my journey are I may not be perfect the first few tries but to never stop trying and that I have to push myself out of my comfort zone and try new things to keep me motivated and to keep seeing the great results that I have had. You can do way more than you ever thought possible.
  • p_nutprincess
    p_nutprincess Posts: 25 Member

    I looooove HIIT. I feel like I can get in an awesome workout in a very short amout of time. I've been doing them for a while now, and my favorite is the 20/10 intervals. It's pretty much the tabita interval method - I run at an all-out sprint uphill for 20 seconds, then completely stop for 10, and I repeat this for 8-10 minutes, Trust me, 8-10 is enough! I usually put the grade at 7.0 and the pace at 7.0. I feel awesome after! :-) Try it out!
  • MrsH80
    MrsH80 Posts: 14
    Thanks again for your advice ladies, do you still incorporate alot of strength training in your workout while doing HIIT on the cardio machines?
  • ebkins7
    ebkins7 Posts: 427 Member
    so, I've read up on Turbo Fire and not really sure my current fitness level and weight will allow me to do it, I need to lose 5 stone to get to my ideal weight, and the only real exercise I have done in the last year is walking my dogs.

    I know I want to do HIIT, but my capbility as it stands will get in the way, and more than likely cause me to lose motivation. Any advice on what HIIT programs are there for a beginner to start building up to this kind of workout? Or should I first concentrate on building up fitness with CV and strength slowly?

    Thanks again for all your help so far, this really is a great site! :D

    If you don't think that you're up to HIIT right yet work up to it. Better to err on the side of caution than get an injury because you aren't prepared. You can actually start easy with HIIT. When I first started I got on the eliptical and on a "RANDOM" setting... I would go at a moderate pace for about 20 minutes but then for 20 - 30 min everytime the interval was high (using the monitor lights as a guide) I would sprint it out as best I could. Then the remainder of my workout going back to a moderate pace.

    This also works with your music. If you're listening to a great upbeat song... sprint the chorus and recover on the verses!

    Those are some of the techniques I have used when I wasn't ready for HIIT!

    Hope that helps! Good luck!
  • RunHardBeStrong
    RunHardBeStrong Posts: 33,069 Member
    Thanks again for your advice ladies, do you still incorporate alot of strength training in your workout while doing HIIT on the cardio machines?

    Yes most definately incorporate strength training with any type of cardio you decide to do!! The more lean muscle you have the more calories you burn just to to survive not to mention while doing anything strenous. Plus that extra muscle helps tremendously in your HIIT workout, at least it does for me. Everyone is different so try several different things and routines till you find something that works for you.