Bought Quinoa....Now What???

♥jewelchristian♥ Posts: 3,666 Member
So I bought some quinoa at the local grocery store this week....anybody have any recipes that I could have to try?

Thanks for all your help.

jewel :drinker:


  • annatrefz
    this is more of a summery recipe...but i LOVE's great to take as leftovers for lunch too
  • Clorassia
    That's too funny. I also have a bag of Quinoa (pronounced keen wa) in my cupboard I just bought. Now to find recipes for it. I hear its really good for you.
  • AggieCass09
    AggieCass09 Posts: 1,867 Member
    I just had some quinoa for dinner last night:

    1/4 cup dry quinoa
    3/4 cup veggie broth (low sodium)
    tbl garlic (or more, if you are a garlic fiend like me)

    Boil the above in a pot on high heat covered. Once it reaches a boil, reduce heat to medium and cook covered for 10 min until translucent.

    Once done, add 1/4 cup shredded cheese (parmigian, ramano, mozeralla low fat blend from HEB) and stir.

    I also love ketchup so I add a bit of heinz simply natural ketchup (no HFCS) for dipping.

  • lbridges27
    It's good to use in stuffed bell pepper recipes!
  • Mindful_Trent
    Mindful_Trent Posts: 3,954 Member
    You can use it any way that you would typically use rice. It's good as a side dish by itself (I add a little lemon juice and pepper) but I've also had it mixed with vegetables and chicken as a one-dish dinner. I've also had it mixed with beans and tomatos as a side dish - really good!
  • francescaeales
    Snap! I was ready You Are What You Eat and Gillian kept banging on about ti so I bought what!!!? It's a mystery! If you find any good recipes let me know, I as going to just use it instead of rice with a chilli or curry but I'm not sure what consistency it comes our like?!
  • katiewcurlz
    Bob's Red Mill (a packer of quinoa) has this recipe on the back of their bag and it's my favorite. I put a grilled chicken breast with it, and put it on a bed of spinach:
  • knittnponder
    knittnponder Posts: 1,954 Member
    We use it in place of rice since we prefer it. Anything I would normally make with rice I now use quinoa instead and cook it the same way rice is cooked. Baked chicken and rice is now baked chicken and quinoa. See, easy! You can add flavor to it by cooking it in chicken or vegetable broth instead of water. Last night we had teriyaki vegetables and chicken breast over quinoa (instead of rice). I even put it in soups.

    Just one note, some brands of quinoa need to be rinsed before you cook them or they have a bitter, soapy kind of taste. (It's a natural coating on the quinoa and nothing that's going to kill you, it just doesn't taste very good.) I have found the brand I get from Costco doesn't require rinsing so that's the brand I use (that and it's organic and not a bad price!)
  • nw1977
    nw1977 Posts: 4
    You can use it the same way you use rice or bulgar. Make a stir fry with a lot of veggies, serve it over the quinoa. You can make a quinoa salad along the same lines of a bulgar wheat salad. Lots of options, just find the ingredients that you enjoy and use it with the quinoa. Quinoa is great and very healthy for you. Much better option than rice, imo.
  • louiseei
    louiseei Posts: 254 Member
    I make a sald with quinoa, wild rice, roast butternut squash, spring onions (scallions?) and cubed feta cheese dressed with a little olive oil and lime juice.
    I once made quinoa porrige as part of a gillian McKeith detox (that I lasted about half a day on) - don't bother, it was disgusting!
  • ♥jewelchristian♥
    ♥jewelchristian♥ Posts: 3,666 Member
    Ohhh! One other question...can I cook it in my rice cooker which, btw, I haven't even used to make rice yet LOL
  • kmahly
    kmahly Posts: 39 Member
    I like Red Quinoa the best. (don't care for the white as much). I put it in my rice cooker with chicken broth and just eat it plain and simple. So yummy! Of course you could also add other things to it, too, veggies, chicken, etc. You could even make something like quinoa-stuffed peppers.
  • cooploop
    Hi all i have no idea what Quinoa is ?
  • kmahly
    kmahly Posts: 39 Member
    It comes from a grain and is very healthy for you.
  • cooploop
    Cool thank you, i'll see if they have it in the shop next time i go, never seen it before.
  • urnewbuddee
    urnewbuddee Posts: 53 Member
    I have a really quick and easy recipe that you could use for your quinoa.

    1 serving quinoa, cooked
    1 large tomato
    1cup canned black beans (or beans of choice, but i think black beans are the most delicious in this recipe)
    fresh parsley
    1 lime

    cook one serving quinoa as directed on the box.
    after it's cooked, drain it if needed and pop in the refrigerator to cool.
    while it's cooling, dice up 1 tomato into small chunks
    chop the fresh parsley
    remove the quinoa from the refrigerator after it's cooled
    add the diced tomatos
    add black beans
    add parsley
    add lime to taste

    this recipe is protein packed, filling, and very light and refreshing. great for lunch or as a side at dinner! a friend made this for me when i came over for dinner one night, knowing that i was on a vegan diet. usually keeps for about 3 days in the fridge.
  • Anataz
    Anataz Posts: 13
    I recently started using Quinoa as well and havent quite got the cooking of it down. Though I seem to like the microwave cooking method better. I usually do 1 cup at a time (1 part quinoa + 2 parts water) in a covered container.

    Once cooled I add chopped onion, fresh spinach, fresh mint leaves, tomato and some feta cheese. Sorry, I am not very good with measurements either, I just eyeball it.

    Thats my fave recipe so far.

    I tried making a quinoa version of arroz con leche, it was a disaster!!!! LOL!