Freinds: What's the right Amount!

I think I've reached my limit in friends on MFP. Don't have time to reallly get to know everyone that I come in contact with who request friendship. I feel like I would like more depth and less quantity.. How does everyone handle having increased number of friends on MFP? What is too many? How do you decide wha's enough? How do you stop? Or do You? It doesn't seem fair not to keep in touch with everyone, but I only have so many hours in a day.

Does anyone else worry about this?


  • Komodo26
    Komodo26 Posts: 55
    Nope...I have zero
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    Hard to take someone's input seriously who doesn't even post a profile pic. I think my concern is legitimate.
  • LumberJacck
    LumberJacck Posts: 559 Member
    Well I have zero too. But anyway, if you find something is taking up too much time, then reduce it a bit. If you're talking sending numerous messages back and forth, then keep count and limit it to x messages per day, something like that.

    Personally I never found sending messages particularly fulfilling, I prefer face to face type of communication.
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    thanks - I prefer face to face as a rule, but for a process I'm involved with like this I would just prefer having the interactions more meaningful. I find myself with more of a quantity than I'm comfortable with
  • 2011Eileen
    2011Eileen Posts: 63 Member
    I too have recently been giving it extra thought and am declining new friends,
    as not enough time to keep up with all friends posts.

    I have about 30 or so and today thinking it may be a good day,
    to delete ones I haven't heard from for a few months. I think myself 15
    may be a good amount, depending on season and activities.