I want pizza...BAD



  • ckish
    ckish Posts: 358 Member
    The trick is to make a thin crisp crust and use mozzarella with a sprinkle of a blend of parmesan, romano, and asiago cheese. Baking it in a super hot oven with cheap unglazed terracotta tiles from Home Depot will yield a pizzeria quality tasty pizza. The recipe link may look complicated to a novice cook at first but if you have a kitchen aid mixer and the ability to follow detailed instructions you will be fine. If you want an easier option you can get ready made pizza dough at most grocery stores these days and even from your favorite pizzeria if you ask them for it. Then just roll the dough super thin, mix up the sauce recipe, and lightly cover with mozzarella. You should still be able to see some sauce poking thru the cheese then add a sprinkle of the cheese blend. Using the mix of four cheeses provides maximum flavor and cheesiness for as few calories as possible. If made properly, a 12" pizza is only 242 calories. With toppings I usually come in well under 300 calories for a huge satisfying serving. I often only eat half and pair it with a salad. If you need more assistance just send me a message. http://www.mymotherssecrets.com/pizza-recipes.html
  • RaJoCo
    RaJoCo Posts: 101 Member
    I made this the other night....Alfredo Pizza with tomato, basil and shrimp on a cauliflower crust. It's low carb, gluten free and really good!


    you can get the recipe here http://www.thelondoner.me/2013/09/carb-free-pizza.html
  • righttobearkarma
    righttobearkarma Posts: 3 Member
    I really have to agree with everyone who says just to budget for a bit of pizza. However, when desperate, I have slapped marinara, pepperoni, sliced banana peppers and mozzarella on top of a chicken breast and called it good. It's a pretty good amount of protein so once I manage to soldier through it plus some veggies on the side, I'm pretty satisfied. That's the only substitution that has ever worked for me, and I'm not even a big fan of chicken breasts.
  • MissBabyJane
    MissBabyJane Posts: 538 Member
    I'll just eat some pizza.

    If I deprive myself of things that I want all the time I'm more likely to binge whereas if I eat 1-2 pieces of pizza, my craving is satisfied and I work around it by exercising or eating a little bit lighter the next day.

    I agree...if you want Pizza...then eat Pizza. As long as you don't go crazy with it...(1-2 slices is sufficient) then you should be fine. Adjust your diet for the rest of the day and leave yourself some room for Pizza. I still eat Pizza and am losing weight.

    Agree with them. Restricting yourself too much, won't lead to good things. :) Eat some pizza, man!
  • Alice_in_VVonderland
    Alice_in_VVonderland Posts: 67 Member
    Here's my recipe for pizza quesadillas/personal thin crust pizza. I'm groovin' on the 110 calorie wraps, but if you use a regular flour tortilla (Reser's brand 10inch will only add another 40 calories) it'll taste a bit more like actual thin crust.

  • KayJaMikel
    KayJaMikel Posts: 341 Member
    I don’t eat pizza a lot cause of the calories but today we bought Little Ceaser's. I had 2 slices and enjoyed every bite. I have been so good, so I ate it. I will probably eat less tomorrow unless there is still more pizza left. I was so sick of salad too so needed it. It was delish and worth every calorie.
  • quigz90
    quigz90 Posts: 44 Member
    I made pitta pizzas a few days ago using weight watchers pitta breads. I opened them up and used half for each pizza. Mixed bbq sauce with tomato purée for the sauce. Put the cheese on then some shredded chicken breast.

    Came out pretty good. Made some homemade potato wedges to go with the pizzas.
    Only downfall was that I went and made more pizzas as they was tasty
  • Rlavigne93
    Rlavigne93 Posts: 119 Member
    If you're looking low carb I like to make sort of snack rolls with those big slices of pepperoni.

    I put some shredded mozzarella, mushrooms, olives, and the lowest sugar sauce I can find on one, roll it up, and maybe nuke it for 10 or 15 seconds. It's a pretty great post workout snack.
  • Velum_cado
    Velum_cado Posts: 1,608 Member
    I keep frozen pizzas on hand for when I don't have much time (or energy) to make dinner. For the ones I buy, half a pizza comes in at around 585 calories, which isn't unmanageable. They're really yummy, too! So maybe check some labels an see what you can find?
  • rideontechnology
    rideontechnology Posts: 54 Member
    It's easier to stick to things in the long run if you allow yourself to have what you want, in moderation, like a few people have said.. but I definitely get not being able to stop at that. I have that problem with some things, so I avoid them. For a dinner when craving pizza, I do what everyone else is saying and make some with flatbreads or English muffins (mainly bc I can't be bothered to make my own dough.. oops).
    Slice zucchini lengthwise about 1/4" thick and grill one side, flip add a few chopped tomatoes, cheese and pepperoni and let cook until the cheese is melted.

    I've tried one of those pizza zucchini bites and they are absolutely amazing. Just good enough for a snack if I'm craving something especially savory.
  • leannehotch1
    leannehotch1 Posts: 3 Member
    I eat pizza every Sunday night. I get dominoes superme thin n crispy. 160 calories per slice. I eat lightly for the day so it can have my weekly treat. I usually eat about 5 pieces and the others I have the next day. I have done this weekly and have lost over70 pound so far.
  • pope66682
    pope66682 Posts: 249 Member
    1 cup flour, 1 cup yogurt, 1/4 cup each cheese, 1/2 cup sauce. Might need slightly more flour to keep from sticking.

    Just some nutrition facts to compare:
    Picture vs. Pizza Hut
    Whole pizza 720 calories vs. 3 slices cheese 720 calories
    Fat = 12g vs. 30g
    Sodium = 2053mg vs. 1620mg
    Potassium = 465mg vs. 0mg
    Carbs = 103mg vs. 78mg
    Protein = 53mg vs. 30mg
  • hastingsmassage
    hastingsmassage Posts: 162 Member
    Then go for it, just make sure you are within your calorie limits and exercise. Losing weight is not about being a monk living on thin air lol
  • WadeLam
    WadeLam Posts: 224 Member
    Bud, you are NOT alone. For me, there is just no suitable replacement for pizza. I have to have it. It's a must. And...it's really bad when there's leftovers, because I truthfully like cold pizza better than hot. LOL. Maybe you should head out to an Italian restaurant that serves it by the slice? That way, you can have real pizza without any leftovers to take home. Or, just hold off on ordering pizza until you have some friends over, so that you're forced to share and eat a smaller portion. :)
  • williams969
    williams969 Posts: 2,528 Member
    I eat pizza every Sunday night. I get dominoes superme thin n crispy. 160 calories per slice. I eat lightly for the day so it can have my weekly treat. I usually eat about 5 pieces and the others I have the next day. I have done this weekly and have lost over70 pound so far.

    I like you :flowerforyou: We can (if we wish) have our favorites and lose the weight. I LOVE it! Plan your favorites, people :drinker:
  • earthboundmisfit
    earthboundmisfit Posts: 192 Member
    Eat some real pizza if that's what you're craving. Just watch the portions and work it into your calorie allowance. Lean Cuisine pizzas aren't bad though.
  • writergeek313
    writergeek313 Posts: 390 Member
    Homemade pizza-like foods don't satisfy my pizza cravings. DiGiorno has thin crust pizzas that are about the size of a dinner plate. I really like the pepperoni and pepper one. Half of one of those is 370 calories, and I have it with a salad and it's a good sized meal for me. I used to get take-out from my local pizza shop at least once a week. Now I go maybe once a month, and instead of getting a whole pizza, I get two slices. Both of these take a little planning so I make sure I get enough protein through the other things I eat that day, but I can make them fit pretty easily into my macros and calories.
  • ihad
    ihad Posts: 7,463 Member
  • niknokd
    niknokd Posts: 127 Member
    2 Joseph's Flax & Oat Bran pita pockets
    topped with 1/4 cup pasta sauce of your choice
    and 1/2 cup Kraft fat free shredded mozzarella

    Comes out to about 240 calories and about 30 grams of protein :)