
pollyaiken Posts: 2
edited September 23 in Introduce Yourself
Hi I new here, I just started yesterday. my problem is motivation in exercise. I started the last couple of day walking on the treadmill around 30-40 minutes a day. Another problem is that I do not eat enough, I lot of time I skip breakfast we I hear in the worst thing to do. I have been slim most of my life but in the last few years have been putting on weight ( I guess age has somethings to do with it). I would like to lose 25-30 lb and get healthy.


  • sabrads
    sabrads Posts: 152

    Welcome to the site - I find it great for motivation and positivity - I suffer from the lack of breakfast thing too - for most of my life I havent eaten anything for breakfast or I end up eating too much for breakfast.

    But having been here for a week I have got in to a routine - up 15 mins earlier have something for breakfast - then track what I eat and exercise in the evening - varying between cardio and strength work.

    Good luck in your journey !

  • silvereyes01
    silvereyes01 Posts: 49 Member
    Hello and welcome to my fitness pal! I am also new and just starting out on my weight loss journey! Excercising is never as fun as they make it seem in commercials, that's for sure. Although it's more of a pain in the side (literally for me) to work out, in the long run your hard work will pay off. Make sure you eat breakfast as this meal boosts up your metabolism for the day, and eat within an hour of waking up. I know you can reach your goal! Good luck
  • Hi ,
    I just started yesterday too, and we have something in common I skip meals to even tho I know I shouldn't. I just am not hungry but later in the day like at night I get hungry and that as we know is the worst time to eat. I also need support to encourage me to keep it up so if you want maybe we can do it together and help each other out.
  • Hello, I feel like I am alone. I am 61 and retired. I am a grandmother of 4 and after the holidays I feel like I have no energy to even try to do my exercises. Of course I did not do a lot of heavy exercises to begin with. I just love to walk and do group aqua exercises. I lost weight 5 years ago and felt healthy and comfortable. I gained the 30 pounds back in the past 2 years now that I am sitting at home. My problem is boredom. My husband still works so I am home with my Yorkie all day. She loves to sit and snuggle, so that is what I do best. I hate the winter months. I do not like to go outside at all. In the summer I go to the beach and walk and kayak, so I want to get some of this weight off to be comfortable this summer. My downfall is munching after dinner. I also find it hard to drink water. I am used to drinking diet soda all day long. If you can relate and help I would like to hear from you.
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