Any Crazy Cat Ladies ?



  • Just joined today and saw this thread! Thought my name would allow me to introduce myself and Pepe! He's a gorgeous, loving and gentle muppet who we adopted at 10 months old as a loving friend to my boys who had been through some rough times.
  • Yess im a very crazy cat lady .I always had cats my entire life. I had one right now Kiwi he's a Siamese and tabby mix.
  • aledba
    aledba Posts: 564 Member
    I have a 14 year old hairless cat, I adopted her last year after her owner unexpectedly passed away. She is so loving, energetic and people friendly. I grew up with cats as well. My dream is to raise a puppy and a kitten together so they can be friends and not know their own species.
    She looks so wise :heart:
  • limecrush
    limecrush Posts: 23 Member
    A crazy cat lady here :) We have 3 rescues. One had a front leg amputation from cancer when she was a kitten and is the sweetest little thing ever. They are in my ticker pic, a rare moment when they all sit peacefully together for a second LOL
  • TenaciousTAZ
    TenaciousTAZ Posts: 135 Member
    I'm Crazy & I have a cat, so.....LOL And I have a tat of my kitty on me....will have to post a pic later
  • R_ckThisBody
    R_ckThisBody Posts: 20 Member
    TAZ Year old, he is my baby and he knows it:love:
  • R_ckThisBody
    R_ckThisBody Posts: 20 Member
    TAZ Year old, he is my baby and he knows it:love:
    here a pic of him sleeping
  • emmietoby
    emmietoby Posts: 172 Member
    ok i must admit i usually have dogs !! i do miss not having any since i had the last one put down because she was sick.. ooohhh how i miss them ( 4 dogs in heaven :( ) now i have two crazy cats that i got from the pound !! the first time that i saw them playing i thought that they were going to kill each other !! hoping to get a dog sometime soon..but i do love my krazy kats !!
  • I have 2 kitties. :)


    They are rescues from a no-kill shelter. Their previous owner passed away due to cancer, and they were being sorely neglected by her surviving husband, because he wasn't "a cat person".... They are around 5 years old, I've had them for almost 3 years.

    Ooooh, the one on the right looks a lot like my late Beauty! I got her as a kitten when I was in first grade waay back when. She was my best friend and begged for food and attention worse than any dog I've ever met! If I stayed up to late at night, she'd rub my legs and meow and head for the stairs, if I didn't follow she'd come back and do it again. If I was ready for bed before her, I'd stand at the top of the stairs and call 'Beauty, here kitty kitty!' and click my tongue and she'd come running meowing up the stairs! I moved out of state when I went to college and couldn't bring her with me, so she stayed behind with my parents. Whenever I came home to visit, she'd scold me for being gone so long and then she'd do figure eights around my ankles to forgive me. A couple years ago she curled up in her favorite spot on the counter and went to sleep and never woke up.

    I don't have any cats at present, I know the dogs wouldn't go for it since they despise the stray and feral cats that roam the town. Maybe when it's time to find a new puppy, we'll get a kitten as well.
  • I'm a crazy cat lady....I love my cat, she even gets a mention in my about me section on MFP.....Anyone is welcome to add me as I'm on here every day as I am serious about my health and fitness also :)
  • rosehips60
    rosehips60 Posts: 1,030 Member
    I now have 7 cats and at one time briefly had 12 (too many even for me). Before I die I want to have had one of every color!
  • PunkyRachel
    PunkyRachel Posts: 1,959 Member
    I now have 7 cats and at one time briefly had 12 (too many even for me). Before I die I want to have had one of every color!

    you sound like my mom, she's down to 7 cats, but at one point had 23 cats in the house. It was only because 3 of her cats got pregnant, before she could get them fixed. I had to help her find house for all the little kittens
  • eels4peels
    eels4peels Posts: 229 Member
    As Promised. Fresh Ink Yesterday.

  • Do witches count?
  • PaulaKac
    PaulaKac Posts: 79 Member
    Crazy cat lady here LOL I only have 1 but she is spoiled stinky. She's definitely my baby and she knows it LOL
  • eels4peels
    eels4peels Posts: 229 Member
    Do witches count?

    I assume if you have a black cat.
  • WonkaCat
    WonkaCat Posts: 42
    Yay fellow feline lovers! I've been a life-long cat lover and we currently have five cats ruling over our home. The one in my profile pic is Kitty, who is a strapping boy. A few months before my husband and I met, hubby was at the gym one night and Kitty decided he needed a workout and someone let him inside. Hubby tried to find the owner but couldn't so he brought him home and notified the shelter and the animal control officer in case someone was looking for him. He didn't know if he was a boy or girl so simply called him Kitty. No one ever claimed him after my husband went door to door trying to find the owner so he kept him. When I moved in, I brought four more fur kids. Sadly, two passed away over the next two years from cancer at the ages of 12 and 13. Last summer, we decided to pay a visit to our local shelter and ended up adopting two more. One is a tiny little girl 3 years old and the other is an old fella who is now 19 (18 when we adopted him).

    We also have two ferrets, three tarantulas, a Red Devil (fish) and two giant goldfish which instead of eating, the Red Devil adopted.

    I also have a cat tattoo. ^ ^

    Feel free to add me as a friend!
  • Do witches count?

    I assume if you have a black cat.

    And her name's Midnight...
  • bregrig
    bregrig Posts: 154 Member
    Just rescued a three week old kitten and still have to bottle feed him and rub his little hiney for him to go to the bathroom :huh:

    But he is adorable :love:
  • kbeckley11
    kbeckley11 Posts: 203 Member
    I'm a crazy cat lady. I only have one right now. I think I'm going to have to take her to the vet though, because she hasn't been eating :( Her name is Roxie, and she is a rescue cat. She was probably about 2 when I got her, so she's about 10 now.

    When I was a teenager, we had 24 cats at one point. Only 10 of them were our pets, they were all outdoor cats. (well, they would go outside all day, and come in at feeding time and bed time) We had an appointment to get one of our female cats spayed, but she got shot twice a couple days before her appointment. By the time she recovered enough to get spayed, she was pregnant. Then it turned out another cat was pregnant. They both had their litters, then they both got fixed. But, that gave us 14 kittens, which we found homes for, and went back to the ten cats.