SCALE MUST DIE! Challenge--Who's with me?

I decided today that my scale must die! :mad:

I have lost a total of 9 pounds in the last 9 weeks--seems like alot but given my calorie deficit, IT STINKS! I should be losing 2 pounds a week.

AND, it looks like I'm heading for another plateau.

AND, the dang scale says I gained 4 pounds during my 5 day vacation. NOW, I know there is NO WAY that is true, so I know it's water weight (AGAIN--trips mean fluid retention for me :grumble: :grumble: :grumble: ) but 4 days later, and I've only lost 1.5 pounds of that 4 pounds. :angry:

Anyway, I love to weigh--2x a day usually--and have finally decided that my scale must die...or at least go away for a bit!

SO....Banks started a challenge back in May I think it was to go 1 month without weighing.

I know I can't go a month but would like to go at least a week and see if I can stop getting so FREAKING FRUSTRATED!

And I mean, I am frustrated. I've posted this rant before but the last time I lost weight, I got to about this same weight and couldn't lost anymore. I'm still at least 80 pounds overweight but my body just seems to like this weight for some STUPID REASON! :angry: Last time, I gave up and ended up gaining everything I lost plus more besides.

I'm not giving up this time but I am really at my wit's end. Nothing I am trying seems to work. And my deficit should be giving me more weight loss.

I've tried eating more, eating less, eating my exercise calories, not eating my exercise calories. I tried varying my diet, varying my exercise, on vacation I even "splurged" twice on cheeseburgers (sans bun).

Nothing, nothing, nothing, is working. My weight loss is getting slower and slower and I'm just stuck between 224 and 227.

I wanted to be 220 by Aug. 21, as that is our 25th Anniversary and I weighed 220 when we got married--but that goal ain't happening now!

Anyone want to join me?

Set your own time length--I'm aiming for 1 week without weighing to start with and see how it goes.


  • shorerider
    shorerider Posts: 3,817 Member
    I decided today that my scale must die! :mad:

    I have lost a total of 9 pounds in the last 9 weeks--seems like alot but given my calorie deficit, IT STINKS! I should be losing 2 pounds a week.

    AND, it looks like I'm heading for another plateau.

    AND, the dang scale says I gained 4 pounds during my 5 day vacation. NOW, I know there is NO WAY that is true, so I know it's water weight (AGAIN--trips mean fluid retention for me :grumble: :grumble: :grumble: ) but 4 days later, and I've only lost 1.5 pounds of that 4 pounds. :angry:

    Anyway, I love to weigh--2x a day usually--and have finally decided that my scale must die...or at least go away for a bit!

    SO....Banks started a challenge back in May I think it was to go 1 month without weighing.

    I know I can't go a month but would like to go at least a week and see if I can stop getting so FREAKING FRUSTRATED!

    And I mean, I am frustrated. I've posted this rant before but the last time I lost weight, I got to about this same weight and couldn't lost anymore. I'm still at least 80 pounds overweight but my body just seems to like this weight for some STUPID REASON! :angry: Last time, I gave up and ended up gaining everything I lost plus more besides.

    I'm not giving up this time but I am really at my wit's end. Nothing I am trying seems to work. And my deficit should be giving me more weight loss.

    I've tried eating more, eating less, eating my exercise calories, not eating my exercise calories. I tried varying my diet, varying my exercise, on vacation I even "splurged" twice on cheeseburgers (sans bun).

    Nothing, nothing, nothing, is working. My weight loss is getting slower and slower and I'm just stuck between 224 and 227.

    I wanted to be 220 by Aug. 21, as that is our 25th Anniversary and I weighed 220 when we got married--but that goal ain't happening now!

    Anyone want to join me?

    Set your own time length--I'm aiming for 1 week without weighing to start with and see how it goes.
  • emorym
    emorym Posts: 344
    I'm in.
    I just came off a 1 month plateau and I am finally starting to lose weight again. Not at the same pace but at a slower pace. I wasn't ready to give up the workouts and the eating better, but it is still very frustrating. I like to weigh myself every morning and I think this will be hard. Now if I could get me tape measure to work properly. I have lost over 20 pounds and have only lost like an inch total for all 3 measurements.

    Off for my morning walk with the kids before Fay brings on the rain.
  • kellch
    kellch Posts: 7,849 Member
    I have to stop weighing every day too...:laugh: I get so excited to be down and the next day or even the end of the same day....BAM! I'm up past where I was the day before...:grumble: Even though, deep down, I know its water and the food I ate and blah blah blah blah blah....THAT'S why, I'm with ya. I need to start weighing once a week instead of a few times a day. Soooooo...since I got a good one today :laugh: I will call it quits until next Tuesday before I weigh again. All this every day thing does is frustrate me. I really wanna concentrate on the changes I see in the mirror before I worry about numbers on the scale anyway. My clothes fit differently....and I am soooo excited that even though there's still a blob of fat on my stomache I can actually see some definition starting to show on my top side of my stomache (I think those are my obliques????) I still have some work to do, but even when I was skinny in my junior high/high school days I've always had the soft flabby belly....Well not no more buddy!!! :laugh: Billy Blanks TaeBo is really actually starting to show results. I strongly recommend TaeBo. SERIOUSLY :wink: Especially the amped series. When I'm done I always say to myself "wow, what a workout" I have sweat just dripping off of me. It's great. And he explains everything step by step. After doing the videos a few times each move got easier and easier...granted, in the beginning, I couldnt get some of them down. It was quite humorous for my fiance to watch me try :bigsmile: But now after 2 1/2 months of doing it I've got em all down and am seeing some serious results.......BACK TO THE TOPIC THOUGH......even with the results the scale won't budge:grumble: Yeah yeah yeah I know I know muscle takes up less room than fat and weighs more (well lets not make anyone mad...:laugh: It takes up less room but weighs the same...:laugh: ) blah blah blah....BUT I thinks u might b right :bigsmile: THE SCALE MUST DIE!!! :devil:

    I'M WITH YA !! :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • Kirsti
    Kirsti Posts: 53
    I'm soooo bad for jumping on the scale once or twice a day! I'm in....... no weigh in for at least one week..... a month would be great if I could hold out that long:laugh:
  • p90x_Dude
    p90x_Dude Posts: 332
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    I would join, but I already killed mine.

    I'm seriously considering taking up a career as a contract killer of scales. My fees are small. . .and I leave no evidence behind. . .any takers?

    My calling card is a tape measure.:wink:

    Seriously, I'm not weighing again until October, when I get a full "fitness assessment" at my gym complete w/ body fat work up.

    We must unite to defeat our scale overlords!
  • soup78
    soup78 Posts: 667 Member
    I'm up for this challenge, for sure! I keep telling myself, "don't get on, don't get on......okay, just one more time." Urgggg:grumble: Then only to find out I'm down a few ounces, if that.....I know, I know measurements are best but d*** that scale! :angry: My clothes are fitting a little better and I can start to see my biceps(ooooh, feel those babies) again. But, I still have a ways to go and I keep getting irritated with the numbers on the scale.
    So, I hereby announce: No scale for 1 month! (OMG, did I just say that?!?:noway: )

    *****I must run and hide it NOW****
  • shorerider
    shorerider Posts: 3,817 Member
    YEA! More joining!

    MFP HATERS OF SCALES UNITE! You have nothing to lose but your frustration! Well, and Pounds and inches!! 1053178878.gif
  • emikarls
    emikarls Posts: 1,058 Member
    I'm in! I have scale issues.....
  • p90x_Dude
    p90x_Dude Posts: 332
    The question is do we want it to be quick and painless or drawout for maximum moans & groans GGGGGGRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!! :mad: :mad: :mad:
  • soup78
    soup78 Posts: 667 Member
    The question is do we want it to be quick and painless or drawout for maximum moans & groans GGGGGGRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!! :mad: :mad: :mad:

    Um, i want to moan and groan........:grumble: .......:grumble: ..........:grumble:

    Much better now.:smokin:

    Challenge begins! :drinker:
  • p90x_Dude
    p90x_Dude Posts: 332
    The question is do we want it to be quick and painless or drawout for maximum moans & groans GGGGGGRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!! :mad: :mad: :mad:

    Um, i want to moan and groan........:grumble: .......:grumble: ..........:grumble:

    Much better now.:smokin:

    Challenge begins! :drinker:

    LOL, I want my scale to do the moan and groan. It never amazes me that I can be 1 pound lighter fully clothed. I wonder who makes the most accurate scales and are you better with analog vs digital.
  • shorerider
    shorerider Posts: 3,817 Member

    I want to see that smile wiped of it's itty bitty face!!!
  • Javancub
    Javancub Posts: 181
    I'm in, though i cant do the 1 month. But i will go for 1 week without weighing in. Maybe 1.5, but i have to see if i can even do it for a week! lol....Good luck everyone!
  • p90x_Dude
    p90x_Dude Posts: 332

    I want to see that smile wiped of it's itty bitty face!!!

    :angry: :angry: :angry: mail that rascal to me, I'll wipe that smile of his face :angry: :angry: :angry:
  • shorerider
    shorerider Posts: 3,817 Member
    Should have added-not my scale. Found pic on 'net but I feel like that's what my scale is doing when I step on it.
  • p90x_Dude
    p90x_Dude Posts: 332
    Okay, well I'll still be looking for IT!!! :mad:
  • heyjuede
    heyjuede Posts: 73 Member
    glad i am not the only one with this issue!! when i decided to get healthy, i bought a nice digital one thinking, hell alot more accurate right. i used to have one of the regular ones, but found that i could move it all over my bathroom and get a different reading:laugh:

    so here is to the one week challenge... dunno if i can do it. but i am going to try like hell cause i am sick of seeing up one down one up two and up another lol...:explode:
  • heyjuede
    heyjuede Posts: 73 Member

    this is good:laugh:
  • heyjuede
    heyjuede Posts: 73 Member

    this is what mine was saying
