Too thin? 5'4" 112



  • willywonka_71
    willywonka_71 Posts: 41 Member
    Your BMI is in a normal range (albeit low end of the normal range).

    How do you feel? Tired? Weak?

    I would suggest seeing your doctor and getting blood work done to make sure everything is in check (that the weight you are at is not putting a strain on your body). That way if everything is clear, then you can show your family that you are healthy and they don't have to worry.

    I am 5' 3", and a former anorexic. My lowest weight was about 98 pounds . I didn't think I had a problem because those who have the disease don't usually recognize it. If they do, they usually ignore it or make up excuses as to why they are not. And even when someone is at a normal weight, you can still have an eating disorder in terms of the mental side of the disease.
  • Linnaea27
    Linnaea27 Posts: 639 Member
    Well, it depends on your frame size. My mother is your height, but has a very very small frame (size XS/0) and was around 109 lbs for most of her adult life, no matter what she did or how much food she ate (she eats lots and has never had eating issues). She looked very good at that size and was very healthy. Now that she's been in menopause for a number of years, she's thinner-- I think she's probably around 100 lbs now. In my opinion she looks too thin at this weight but she eats hugely and doesn't gain much weight even in winter, when she's less active, so too bad for my opinion!! :wink:

    So it depends. . . probably people are saying that because they were accustomed to you being a little plump and seeing you slim is still odd for them.

    Losing weight can be mentally odd; I have never had eating disorder-type issues but sometimes while I was losing weight, and now as I've been maintaining for a short while, I think I've had some mind-$%^& moments of borderline body dysmorphia. I just got used to seeing myself as a plump person and it's really hard to adjust to being a thin person.
  • thepetiterunner
    thepetiterunner Posts: 1,238 Member
    You're barely heavy enough to donate blood so there's that.

    I'm sorry, what does that have to do with anything? Some of us are short and being well within our "normal" BMI makes us ineligible to donate blood due to weight. Does that mean we should gain weight just to donate? I don't see how that's a relevant factor to a health weight AT ALL.
  • JenAndSome
    JenAndSome Posts: 1,893 Member
    Without a picture it would be nearly impossible to judge if you are too thin or not. When your family says you are too thin are they actually concerned or just saying it because it's different from what they are used to? You are still in the healthy BMI range so as long as you are actually eating and are happy with the way you look I would say you are fine.
  • Fit4good85
    Fit4good85 Posts: 133
    You're barely heavy enough to donate blood so there's that.

    I'm sorry, what does that have to do with anything? Some of us are short and being well within our "normal" BMI makes us ineligible to donate blood due to weight. Does that mean we should gain weight just to donate? I don't see how that's a relevant factor to a health weight AT ALL.

    Yeah I was thinking the same thing! What was the point of that statement? I'm 5'2" and 118 (getting back down to my previous weight of 110). There is nothing you can do about being petite lol. And I'm certainly not going down the overweight road again!
  • butterbear1980
    butterbear1980 Posts: 234 Member
    Someone else mentioned frame size...this is huge! I'm 5'4", currently weigh 143, and am a size 4. I look sick at less than 125. So for me I would be crazy sickly thin at 114. But your not me your you. Would you say you are large medium or small framed?
  • wtg on your weight loss i am 5'4 and weigh 112lbs my BMI says I am in the normal range but my friends and family are worried about me in the beginning of January I weighed 146lbs now I would like to gain 10-15 lbs so i don't look to skinny i want to get toned up and lose this loose skin I just feel eww
  • I know what you are talking about I was diagnosed with Thyroid disorder when I was 30 years old last January I was considered a little over weight of 146lbs now I am down to 112 lbs i seriously want to gain some weight because I look too thin even with my lab results my thyroid is at a level that does not affect my weight issue this is the smallest I have been in a very long time
  • GatorDeb1
    GatorDeb1 Posts: 245 Member
    I got to 112 at 5'4" and people told me all the time to gain weight. I'm now at 119 lbs trying to get back to 112. I was self-consious then but I'm over it now (at people picking at my weight, now I don't care). I'm a 36-year-old female and used to weigh 230 lbs. I actually think I gained weight back because it bothered me that people were calling me anorexic at 112 lbs.

    As long as I'm 107.5 lbs or above, which is a healthy BMI, I'm ok with it. I tell people, the day I fall below 107.5 lbs I'll walk myself into an eating disorder clinic, but until then, my body, my weight, my decision :)

    BTW if YOU don't feel good at 112 lbs, then by all means gain weight. I felt awesome and I liked the way I looked. Weigh what it takes for you to like what you look and feel like. Since I do triathlons for me it's also about how light or heavy I feel and I know that at 120 lbs and above I feel heavy and at 130 lbs or above I get downright lethargic. I feel awesome in the 110-119 range.

    By the way in my profile picture I'm around 118 lbs and I don't think I look sickly. I have a very small frame (my wrist is under 6 inches).

    Who knew that after a lifetime of 230 lbs I'm actually petite lol
  • ExRelaySprinter
    ExRelaySprinter Posts: 874 Member
    It depends, if you have a small frame then 112 lbs may be OK for you.
    We can't see a photo of you, so we can't tell!
    I'm 5ft 3.5, muscular and medium framed, and at 120 lbs i was looking skinny (so i would never even think to go down to 112). But that's ME.
    Maybe check with your Doctor and see what they have to say.
  • gemmamummy
    gemmamummy Posts: 185 Member
    It depends how you carry it. I'm 4'11 and 99lbs, but I still have all me curves and stuff. As long as you feel good then it doesn't matter ;-)
  • DjinnMarie
    DjinnMarie Posts: 1,297 Member
    I'm 5'4" and 115, because I'm bulking. When cutting I get below 112 and look fabulous. It all depends on how you carry the weight.

    Btw, there will always be somebody who comment about your weight, whether you are 112 or 150. If you like it, and your doctor isn't concerned, then I don't see the issue.
  • mangogirl272727
    mangogirl272727 Posts: 95 Member
    Short answer: depends on your frame size and your natural set point.
  • UncreativeMe123
    UncreativeMe123 Posts: 52 Member
    Hard to say for sure with no photo, but I would imagine that you look fine. I am 5' 3, 3/4" and am aiming for 113, possibly down to 111 because I gain almost all of my weight in my stomach. I don't look too thin at that weight. Even at the weight I am at now I sometimes hear that I am too thin, but I know that's just because so many people are overweight, so it doesn't seem normal. If you feel healthy and aren't hungry, and are still in a healthy BMI, don't worry too much about it.
  • RHachicho
    RHachicho Posts: 1,115 Member
    Don't put too much stock in BMI. it's a mathematical hack of limited use that even the person who made it provided it with the disclaimer that it wasn't meant to be used as the be all end all judge of obesity and wouldn't apply very well to anyone who wasn't highly average.

    If you want a real look at your own health find out your body fat %. That is a much better indicator than BMI. Don't use the impedance scanners tho they are rubbish. Finding someone trained with the calipers isn't that hard though.
  • missiontofitness
    missiontofitness Posts: 4,059 Member
    The OP posted this in June and this was necro'd.
  • RHachicho
    RHachicho Posts: 1,115 Member
    The OP posted this in June and this was necro'd.

    Bah!! Ty for the heads up.
  • It is as that is even underweight for my height 5'3....
  • Do you have an eating disorder? If not, why worry?
  • SomeNights246
    SomeNights246 Posts: 807 Member
    It's impossible to answer this question without seeing a picture of you, knowing your frame, and knowing how old you are.

    My mom is 5'4". At 50 years old, and with a wide frame, she would be emaciated at 112 lbs. My sister who is, also, 5'4" would be at the very lowest possible weight to be healthy. She has been 115, actually, and she was very thin. But not nearly underweight or emaciated. She has a pretty slim frame and is 25.