Walking Desk

This doesn't really fit anywhere, but…

I was thinking of buying a walking desk. If you have one, or used one, can you tell me if you like it or dislike it and why?


  • picklesroofus
    picklesroofus Posts: 68 Member
    I feel like I work slower also I stumble if I am focused. It feels unnatural for me to not move my arms!
  • limecrush
    limecrush Posts: 23 Member
    I have a "desk" we built onto my treadmill that I can put the laptop on when I need/want to. I love it. It's great for when I'm really busy but still want to work and not be sitting. I don't use it when I'm running or going faster than 3mph, basically just to be moving while working. 20140221_201217_zps1f5f43c5.jpg
  • WalkingAlong
    WalkingAlong Posts: 4,926 Member
    I have a Vision Fitness treadmill and can wedge a lap desk under the front grab bar and use a laptop there. There also lots of good 'hack' ideas on the internet, to rig one up cheaply. There is a company that makes a cardboard desk sized to straddle a treadmill, too.

    I don't use mine often. I work from a home office so it makes more sense for me to sit and get work done (easier to type and mouse and focus and take notes) and take a break for the treadmill or an outdoor walk and focus on that. Not that I always do, so the desk is a good option for some days.