anyone lose weight swimming/water aerobics?

So, I have arthritis. It got pretty bad last year while I was biking, jogging, and doing Jillian Michaels' workouts. You name it; I was doing it. It got so bad that I quit everything. I just couldn't go on. The pain was awful. I ended up seeing a pain management doctor. Fast forward to this spring. I discovered I had an abscessed tooth. Once the root canal was done, I realized that this could have been a hug culprit to my flare. I mean, if my body was fighting to attack a chronic infection, it would make sense that it's going to attack itself and send my immune system into overdrive (my arthritis is an autoimmune form). Right? Anyway, once I began feeling better, I started swimming. I thought this would probably be the best thing to do now since there is no impact. I've noticed that I'm swimming more laps, my form is better and I feel better. I haven't measured (I know; I'll get around to it), but it appears as if my arms are smaller as well.

So long story short - has anyone LOST weight while swimming and doing water aerobics? I'd love to hear your stories.


  • MegE_N
    MegE_N Posts: 245 Member
    When I was in college I went swimming for 45 minutes every day after doing 30 minutes of cardio and 30 minutes of weights. I didn't do water aerobics, just laps. Freestyle one way, breast stroke the other to rest. This was also the time in my life when I was drinking 4 nights a week and ending each day with an ice cream sundae ... and the weight was just melting off me. I don't recommend doing it QUITE that way if you can't do the cardio/weights too, but swimming in my experience is one of the best workouts for weight loss. So maybe skip the sundaes and only drink twice a week - but still! For me, it worked.
  • bkthandler
    bkthandler Posts: 247 Member
    Can you actually swim? (I don't mean not drown) If you are not a "good" swimmer it is hard to get your heart rate up. Over the years when I have been able to swim (access to a decent pool, which is hard to find without spending a fortune) it has been great but there were always people doing more floating than swimming, getting in the way of lap swimmers and wondering why it wasn't helping.

    If you were never on a swim team maybe talk to someone at the pool or in Masters Swimming about how to get a good workout in. I know a local gym had classes for people who were thinking of doing a tri-athalon and wanted help with the swimming, since that is often a weak spot for even really in shape people.
  • chloeelizabethm
    chloeelizabethm Posts: 184 Member
    I took up swimming to try and lure myself back into exercising and found weight loss to be quite quick and definitely felt a lot firmer after a few weeks - I was going around 4/5 times a week, ranging between 30-75 minutes each time, trying to improve time or distance :)
  • jmt08c
    jmt08c Posts: 343 Member
    Swimming is a full body cardio work out when done properly and will burn more calories an hour than any other cardio. I will argue this to anyone who believes they are in great shape. Hop in a pool and see how many 25 yard lengths you can swim-or even better try an olympic size 50m pool. 99% of people won't make it to the other side.
  • bkthandler
    bkthandler Posts: 247 Member
    Another thought might be aqua zumba...i haven't tried it but it looks like fun. I also saw on the Zumba website that there are classes at a hotel pool not far from my house so I may give it a try.
  • groovyreba
    groovyreba Posts: 72 Member
    I've been going 5-6 times a week and trying to get in a minimum of 30-45 minutes, but most days it is longer. I'm doing all types of exercises. I'm not a great swimmer, but I'm getting my heart rate up and I can actually FEEL the muscles I'm working - if that makes sense. And I do feel better.
  • groovyreba
    groovyreba Posts: 72 Member
    Let me know how those zumba classes go...
  • moniqueleec
    moniqueleec Posts: 2 Member
    I faced a similar struggle. I have a damaged knee on one leg, and a damaged ankle on the other. I was gaining weight quite rapidly as I was eating too much, but wasn't moving much either. I would try to jog/run and it caused to much pain and I got down on myself.

    In February this year my Mum suggested I start swimming with her, as she has arthritis in her knees. Unfortunately for my Mum, she still found swimming quite painful. Mind you, she only did two laps, and gave up. I wonder if she tried a different style of swimming (rather than freestyle) would she be better off?

    Sometimes when my ankle or knee is bugging me I only swim with my upper half, and don't kick to vigorously.

    Since February, I have lost 16 kilos swimming 5-6 times a week for 30-40 minutes. The first 10 kilos was exercise only, and not particularly worrying about diet. 5 weeks ago I started eating a 1200 calorie diet and have dropped a further 6 kilograms.

    Without a doubt, swimming helps you to lose weight.