Fat boobs - no other way of saying it?!

I've racked my brains in how to titlle this thread so it doesn't sound too risque!

This is a rather delicate question .... but it has been playing on my mind since I set out on this serious effort to lose weight. I am 5ft 6 inches tall and currently about 35lbs overweight. Most of that is distributed around my middle section - boobs, belly, upper arms - I am the classic apple shape, with smaller hips and long slim legs. I have been gaining weight steadily over the past 10 years and have gained 15 pounds in the last year alone.

I've always had large boobs since my teens and even when I weighed a great deal less than I do now. I was what you would call large busted. - as in a lot of breast tissue. Not huge, but definitely I would be classed as larger breasted.

As I've got fatter over the years I've also gained a lot of fat in that area as well, so my breasts are even bigger in terms of overall measurement.

For my age (early 50s) and despite having breastfed two children, they are in good shape. Not saggy, but I think this is, in part, because they are plumped up with all the addiitional fat. Apart from being on and around the breast itself, the fatty tissue extends to the under arm area and around my back somewhat – I have that classic horizontal upper back crease that you see in overweight people – I'm trying to be as descriptive as possible here.

My current bust measurement is 40in, down from 42in, 3 weeks ago.

So my concern is ... as I start to lose fat, and inevitably lose it from that area ... what will happen to my boobs? As the fat goes, will they sort of deflate and become saggy? Does anyone have direct experience of this, and is there anything I can do to minimise the effects of weight loss in that area.

Exercise wise I do yoga daily, aerobics two or three times a week, and I do have some 3lb hand weights which I use for arm exercises (at home) and I walk, garden, do housework and try and keep active, although I do have a job that keeps me sitting at a computer several hours a day.

Many thanks.


  • josparkle
    josparkle Posts: 141 Member
    I was in a similar position to you though slightly less in actual inches, my cup size was an F/G. It is now (20lbs weight loss) down to an E and I've gone from 38" down to just under 35".

    And to answer your question, definitely deflated, not saggy per se but definitely less perky. But we're all different and it doesn't necessarily mean that will happen to you as it depends on your pectoral muscles, how the remaining fat is distributed etc. I believe that the lifting I've been doing has helped a bit but as the fat is coming off they are definitely less full.

  • Creiddylad
    Creiddylad Posts: 27
    Many thanks for the reply.
  • Auzziedoggie
    Auzziedoggie Posts: 66 Member
    I am a 34 H and want to lose 55 lbs overall. I was a 36 C in grade 7 and a 36 GG at age 18, so they aren't going ANYWHERE. (UK sizes)
    They are already sagging and I have stretchmarks. I am 27 years old.

    My plan is to lose all the weight and then get a breast lift to get rid of the excess skin. Breast lifts cause scaring around the aereola and down a line at the front of the breast to the crease underneath the breast. It will be visible, but is the less of two evils. This will enable me to wear a bikini or tanktop without bulky straps visible. At my normal size it is impossible to wear a strapless bra. We will look GREAT on the outside. :D