Taking care of mommy :)

bschafers Posts: 14 Member
edited September 23 in Introduce Yourself
Hi! I'm Beth and I'm new to MFP - just starting this week and loving it! I am so excited for this new chapter in my life! Here's a little bit about me:

I am the mother of 2 beautiful kids - born w/in 1 1/2 years of each other. I had rough pregnancies w/ both and, b/c of some complications, couldn't excercise AT ALL with either - not even walking. To put it nicely, that didn't do much for my figure post-baby! I used to be super athletic and was very confident in my skin, but have really struggled with that since the kids were born. I've decided it's time to get that back!

My sister is a size 4 and is getting married on the beach over Memorial Day weekend. I am her Matron of Honor and am the only one standing next to her. Right now, I'm a size 14. My goal by wedding time is to be a size 8 and drop about 40 pounds. I'm not as worried about the weight number as I am the dress size - I think that's all that really matters!

I am doing the Biggest Loser Boot Camp workout and loving it so far! Staying in check with my calories and trying to stay as active as possible (not hard w/ a 1 & 2 yr old!) . Love the message boards and how encouraging it is to see so many success stories!! Looking forward to walking this journey with all of you!


  • tawny7
    tawny7 Posts: 276 Member
  • good luck getting to your goal. i too am a mum of two and put on weight due to post pregnancy problems. so good luck. you can do it.
  • tigerblue
    tigerblue Posts: 1,526 Member
    It sounds like you are right where I was one year ago today! Here is a bit of encouragement: By Memorial Day I was down 30plus pounds and definitely in a size 8, maybe a 6 (and I, like you started at size 14.
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