any low carb people out there??

I've been low carb ing for about 5 days now.. i know it's not for everyone and I know that whole grains are part of a healthy diet but this is what I am choosing to do so please no nay sayers.. i just want some fellow LC people to tell me about your experiences and what you eat what you cook..and when will I start to get skinny! Anyone had any luck with low carb?? Thanks..looking forward to hearing from y'all


  • ladymiseryali
    ladymiseryali Posts: 2,555 Member
    I started keto(low carb, high fat, moderate protein) at the end of july of last year. I went from 165 to 138 as of now. Been stalling and gaining and losing the same 5ish lbs for the past couple of months. You can take a peak at my diary for some idea of what I eat. When it comes to weight loss on keto, if you start out overweight or obese, the weight will come off pretty quick, then slow down once you're in the healthy range. So if you're already at a pretty decent weight for your height, the loss will be slower, but that's just how it goes. Basically just keep doing what you're doing and be patient. Also, upping your water intake can help a bit. I try to drink at least 30 cups of water a day. I try to aim for 40 most of the time.
  • Leighsters
    Leighsters Posts: 33 Member
  • Psychgrrl
    Psychgrrl Posts: 3,177 Member
    I'm moderate low carb. Not trying to be in keto, but my body is happier with more protein. My macros are 45 (protein), 35 (carb), 25 (fat). Usually get more protein and fat than projected. And I'm OK with that! :)

    Set your macros for how you feel. And don't skimp on those veggies and some fruit.
  • LumberJacck
    LumberJacck Posts: 559 Member
    Yeah, I'm low carbing now. I like my food simple, 1kg of frozen veges a day with as many sardines as I can stomach. I get a high carb 'reward' meal for every 500g lost.

    I've done this in the past, it has to be the best diet I've come across, but I don't think it's suitable for longer than say 2-3 months. The rate of weight loss is quite high.
  • abheshek
    abheshek Posts: 525 Member

    100 gm carbs a day
  • kimberlyblindsey
    kimberlyblindsey Posts: 266 Member
    I try to keep mine under 100 net carbs a day, but I'm def. not keto. I just finally realized that when I eat less carbs I crave less carbs and sweets, weird how that works.
    For cooking I keep it simple, if I'm making sandwiches for lunch I just forgo bread or do a wrap, the one I'm currently liking is Flat Out flax. It has like 8 net carbs I think, burgers, I do lettuce wrapped, tonight my husband had fettucine Alfredo. I put mine on a bed of broccoli instead of pasta. It doesn't have to be time consuming or labor intense, just keep it simple if you can.
  • GreatDepression
    GreatDepression Posts: 347 Member
    I try to eat low carb (generally considered under 50g a day) but it's too hard to do that while still having enough fruit and vegetables to my satisfaction. I eat moderate carbs (100-150g per day) and has worked rather well for me. I am now able to always get enough protein and it feels quite emotionally satisfying to include "fatty" foods like cheese in my diet. Before, I was often under my protein goal because grains and starches took up nearly all of my calories. I don't get the benefits of ketosis but it's great to eat food that makes me feel full for longer than before.
  • Saramelie
    Saramelie Posts: 308 Member
    Whole grains are not necessarily part of a so-called healthy diet...
    Anyhow, I don't do low carbs per say because I eat a lot of fruits and veggies, but I eat almost no grains and little sugar. Not because I think I will lose more this way, but because they make me binge, and not eating them make it a LOT easier for me to stick to my calories. I think that in the end it's the calories you take in that makes a difference, not the kind of calories, to lose weight. For body composition, I do believe it makes a difference, but I am not there yet. For me it is really just a matter of being able to eat normally.
  • Saramelie
    Saramelie Posts: 308 Member
    As for your question about what we eat, for me
    Lots of fruits, all of them
    Lots of veggies, all of them
    Macadamia nuts, raw
    Seeds - flax, hemp, chia
    Milk products - yagourt, milk, lots of cheese
    Natural meats- beef, chicken
    Fish - white, salmon
    Lots of eggs

    And sometimes I just eat whatever is there, example at a restaurant or visiting a friend.

    I do not wish to be super strict with my choices. As long as I don't have the urge to binge, I know my choices are fine. And I freaking loooooooove sushi, hihi!
  • Anniebotnen
    Anniebotnen Posts: 332 Member
    Your body does not require any grains to be healthy.

    I generally keep my carbs between 100 and 150 grams per day. I eat lots of vegetables, fruits and berries, lean proteins, some fats and some dairy in the form of Greek yogurt. For breakfast, I have either eggs or yogurt with some fruit or vegetables and a few nuts, a big mixed salad with some type of protein for lunch, and steamed, sautéed or roasted veggies with lean protein for dinner. Snacks generally consist of fruit and nuts, quest bars, or a protein shake. I make sure I get plenty of protein because I lift weights. This approach has worked well for me.

    Good luck with your weightloss!
  • mtforrest07
    mtforrest07 Posts: 31 Member
    I am currently doing the atkins induction(today is day 10). I decided to go back on it to help cut out my sugar intake and try to get past my recent plateau(I have been stuck within the same 5 pounds for almost a year!!!) since starting, I have gotten past my plateau by 2 pounds! I love low carb because a diet that consists around mostly meat and veggies is sustainable....I don't have to buy specialty ingredients that I have never heard of before. Down to my last 5 pounds to my goal weight and I think I will actually be able to get there on this diet....being that I have tried everything else! So best of luck to you!!
  • hookilau
    hookilau Posts: 3,134 Member
    I try to keep my carbs to below 25 g per day.

    This means all sugars & starches are out.

    Everything else is IN. You can imagine it leaves a pretty major deficit as far as calories go, so fats make up the difference with a wee bit of protein.

    Lots of fresh veggies, but no fruit for me :ohwell: (most folks can have 'em even on low carb, but it's not in the cards for me)

    To keep my calories up I eat nuts, cheese, full fat cream, butter.

    Entrees include chicken, pork, beef...any kind of meat, preferably a fatty cut vs the more lean type.

    If I have leaner cuts, I increase the calories by adding butter, cream, avocado etc.

    I would not recommend this for weight loss. Even though I've lost 34#'s to date eating this way, one still has to create a deficit. I will say that eating this way SURE made it easier though. Not hungry at all, food is usually the furthest thing from my mind & I have enough energy to fuel my work outs & live an active lifestyle.

    I will say that many people simply cannot function at this level...find what works for you & work it :drinker:
  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member
    If you go into the Groups section of the community, there are some low carb groups here, just do a search.
  • tennisdude2004
    tennisdude2004 Posts: 5,609 Member
    There's plenty of low carbers on the general forums, but if you want help with recipes and such the groups are a great source of info.

    I eat low carb and love the constant energy I have without having to rely on continually fuel in with carbs.

    Also as others have put you do not need whole grains in a diet for it to be health. In fact whole grains offer very little nutrition for the calories they cost.

    In fact carbs In general are only optimal for a health diet, but not essential. Some people put way too emphasis on them in a healthy diet.

    Carbs aren't bad, but they're not all there cracked up to be either.
  • rlengland2014
    rlengland2014 Posts: 98 Member
    I'm doing LCHF/keto with about 20 net carbs daily. I feel great, better than I have in years. I was looking for old pictures today to see how things compare and I realized that I have not been this thin since 1997, when I graduated from college.

    Last year I did the CICO, low fat, lots of aerobic exercise and lost 20 pounds over the course of the year. I got very frustrated and ended up seeing a bariatric physician who put me on keto. I've lost 30 pounds since February during a time in my life where I have had more personal stress than usual.

    This WOE works for me, but I think you need to give it a month to decide if it will work for you. It takes that long to figure out the meal plans and to adjust to fat burning, when your energy will increase substantially. BTW, last year I was swimming an hour a day and felt completely drained at the end. Just jumped out of the pool after an hour and I feel I could go another hour!