90-day revolution JM

redzgal Posts: 255 Member
I know there's been so much info out there but it seems pretty old. I'm just wondering if anyone has had good results not necessarily following her eating plan? I bought the DVD's from someone and she didn't have all the charts and eating plan that came with it. I'm starting tomorrow and I definitely plan to eat well...just not sure if I can stay at 1200 daily, but I can manage 1400.

Just wanted to know if anyone saw a difference in body shape or weight loss without adhering strictly to her eating plan...thanks!! I'm looking to drop 10-15lbs.

Oh and did anyone substitute their own cardio on cardio days?

Excited to get started and any advice is appreciated! :laugh:


  • ba502
    ba502 Posts: 54 Member
    I did JM 90 day last fall. I didn't follow her meal plan. I was averaging 1400-1700 cal a day. I didn't lose any weight but did lose significant inches and gained strength. Started to be able to do push-ups on my toes, upped my dumbells to 8 and 10 lbs. for the first 45 days I did do some running as well a couple times a week. I really enjoyed it and it easily prepared me for p90x3 which I did immediately afterwards.