Need friends/motivation

Hey all,
I've used mfp in the past and lost around 30ibs, but sadly I've gained most of it back :( I was with a research group and I feel that the support helped me so much but unfortunately, after the program ended I was not allowed to continue even though me and someone else was volunteering to be a part of the research without pay, they told us no (so much support, right? Just pretty much felt like we were being used for their raw data and they didn't care about us as people). If I can please find great friends on here with advise on how to lose my weight and lots of motivation, please feel free to add me as a friend! I may not talk too much but it's because I'm reading your posts and diary as a source of motivation to better myself!
A little about my goals: I weigh 180lbs, 5'5"-5'6" in height and would like to weigh 135lbs! I have access to a gym but don't go because I don't know exactly what to do and how to do it properly :( if I go with friends, it makes it a bit too distracting to me IMO. I'm in college so I'm TRYING to eat properly. I don't want to have to get supplements other than multivitamins, but without more advice and motivation I might just fall for hydroxycut and what not :(
I'm not crying as I write this post, lol I just use sad faces a lot!
Please please please send me friend requests!!
Thank you,


  • simonkurth
    simonkurth Posts: 395 Member
    Hi feel free to add me :) You can do it!
  • Frappleberry
    Frappleberry Posts: 251 Member
    Hi, add me too - I've yo-yoed many times over the years but this is my first time on mfp, good luck! :smile:
  • unarag
    unarag Posts: 2 Member
    This is the first time that I'm writing on this message board. Usually I keep to myself, but I feel like I can help you, so here goes...
    If you are logging your food properly and sticking to the calories mfp suggests for you, you are off to a good start. And for exercises you don't even need the gym. Believe me. I'm gonna give you links to a web site full of videos. I wish someone told me about this when I was looking for a proper way to exercise. I must have gone trough every exercise video on google until I found these videos, that I love. None of the other videos were as complete as these are. Warm ups, cool downs and you have cardio and strength training in the middle and I know they are good exercises for you to lose fat and tone up, because they did that for me :)
    It's not gonna be easy at the beginning, but it's ok. Don't give up. Do as much as you can and after a while you will be doing them completely and loving your new strong, toned body. One video per day is enough. And you can switch them up so you'll never get bored. The site is:

    Don't forget to eat the calories you burn off if you are only eating 1200 calories. Otherwise you are just gonna exhaust your body, lose strength and nutrients and instead of positive effect you'll have a negative one. Here are some of my favorite videos. Good luck!
  • unarag
    unarag Posts: 2 Member
    And don't forget to have rest days. You don't need to exercise every single day. Your body needs rest to recover. I usualy do 2 days on, 1 off.
  • I'm in college too, and just started using MFP myself after my surgery in May. Feel free to add me if you want! :)
  • stickersticker
    stickersticker Posts: 140 Member
    feel free to add me, some days I feel like giving up
  • manoslim155
    manoslim155 Posts: 2 Member
    Add me to I would love to go on this journey together!
  • raaraa17
    raaraa17 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Feel free to add me :)
  • tophs94
    tophs94 Posts: 1
    Go ahead and add me too!
    I'm just now starting to add friends to make map for fun!
  • taydelanie
    taydelanie Posts: 16 Member
    I'm a college student too (well, just graduated but starting grad school this fall). It can be really tough with all the temptations that college has to offer. Hang in there though and feel free to add me! :)
  • LesleyL30
    LesleyL30 Posts: 16 Member
    I need friends! I have lost about 47 pounds and have gotten in a rut! I need more people to yell at me!!!
    please add me!
  • luppic8
    luppic8 Posts: 580 Member
    Hi, same thing happened to me! This is my first week back from being away for quite a while. Sad to say that I too gained back the 30 pounds I lost :-(

    I am active on this site so please feel free to add me if you like!