What is wrong with me?

I lose and gain it back? I'm am eating 1500 calories a day and exercising at least 3 times a week. I am trying to eat "clean" foods as much as possible but it's not working! I lose a pound gain two, lose four inches gain 5. What is wrong with me?


  • MarcieSwitzer
    MarcieSwitzer Posts: 18 Member
    Are you tracking everything you eat? Sauces and toppings can add a bunch of empty calories. If you're tracking truthfully, have you seen your doctor for a complete checkup. Fluctuations in hormones can do a number on weight loss. I have a hypothyroid which makes my doctor crazy because after seventeen years the levels won't stabilize and its given me a lot of difficulty with rebounding.
  • Mrs_K_
    Mrs_K_ Posts: 23 Member
    You can look at my diary I add EVERYTHING I put in my mouth! I had blood work done back in February 2013 and nothing was abnormal. I have recently made some changes and I now have an IUD for birth control. I was on the depo shot for about three years. I also have a few things going against me, I'm on a beta blocker for high blood pressure and PVC's. I also have poly cystic ovarian syndrome, which I know plays a role with hormones. I am supposed to go have my cholesterol checked in two weeks, maybe while I'm there I should go ahead and get labs done again?
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    Is it always up and down or do you see a downward trend over a month or two?
  • mydeloo78
    mydeloo78 Posts: 328 Member
    Due to your unique medical issues I might advise seeing a dietician who can help. I know it can be very hard to lose with PCOS (or at least so I've heard!). Make sure you're doing the right things in the right way, might at least be worth looking into?
  • jkal1979
    jkal1979 Posts: 1,896 Member
    I took a look at your diary and it could be that you are eating more than you think. Buy a food scale and weigh all solids and see if that helps.

    This will also help you with accurate logging...

  • MelodyandBarbells
    MelodyandBarbells Posts: 7,725 Member
    I lose and gain it back? I'm am eating 1500 calories a day and exercising at least 3 times a week. I am trying to eat "clean" foods as much as possible but it's not working! I lose a pound gain two, lose four inches gain 5. What is wrong with me?

    How long have you been tracking at 1500 cals per day?
  • TheVirgoddess
    TheVirgoddess Posts: 4,535 Member
    Hi, friend :)

    I totally agree about the scale. It's second nature to me now to measure everything I put in my mouth. It's really eye opening, too - that whole "about 13 pieces" in a serving is almost always off with the weight listed.

    I also agree about seeing your doctor and getting some lab work done. Get a fasting glucose and a thyroid check and talk to her/him about the struggles you're having.

    Good luck! I'm here for moral support :)
  • Ely82010
    Ely82010 Posts: 1,998 Member
    Due to your unique medical issues I might advise seeing a dietician who can help. I know it can be very hard to lose with PCOS (or at least so I've heard!). Make sure you're doing the right things in the right way, might at least be worth looking into?

    I agree with this comment, and be aware that beta blockers slow down the metabolic process and can have an impact in weight gain.
  • crystalbluewolf13
    crystalbluewolf13 Posts: 197 Member
    I have the same problem. I suffer with PCOS (diagnosed in 2009) and i can eat less than my daily cals and exercise loads and still gain 5lb then the next week i can do stuff all exercise and eat loads of lose 5lb. I go through stages of gaining one week, losing the next, then gaining then losing. It's been going on for at least a year now. The best thing i can suggest is seek medical/professional help. I went to see a dietician/nutritionist and now i have a personal trainer to try and get it under control. I also found out that i have a wheat/egg/dairy intolerance which was sabotaging me without me knowing and since i cut down on them my weight has started to shift (This can be common with PCOS for some reason apparently). The other thing i have found with PCOS is you can keep water weight a lot especially round your tummy area (PCOS band) it is really hard to shift though. Hope you find a way to manage it lovely. Feel free to add me if you want :) x
  • Mrs_K_
    Mrs_K_ Posts: 23 Member
    I actually do have a scale and I weigh everything I eat. Even though my family eats what I do for meals I still weigh out my portions individual and prepare mine seperate from everyone's. It's just really frustrating to feel like I'm doing good one day and then the next have it all go away. I'm at my wits end already. I have only been doing this for 23 days, so not too long. I will look into seeing a dietician, my doctors office has one that comes in on Saturdays for her "weight loss clinic" but I honestly thought if I cleaned my diet up I would be ok. I don't see how I was at a steady weight for so long consuming 3000+ calories a day and drinking dr. Pepper and sprite to consuming 1500 a day and drinking nothing but water! My OBGYN also told me if I was on birth control pcos wouldn't interfere, is she wrong? Another thought is, with me being on beta blockers would that change my TDEE or BMR?
  • st0rmagedd0n
    st0rmagedd0n Posts: 417 Member
    I've been on beta blockers for about ten years now, and I've been able to not only maintain, but lose weight. I can't speak for your unique situation, but I can say I haven't had that problem, nor have I seen weight/metabolic change as a common side effect.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    I lose and gain it back? I'm am eating 1500 calories a day and exercising at least 3 times a week. I am trying to eat "clean" foods as much as possible but it's not working! I lose a pound gain two, lose four inches gain 5. What is wrong with me?
    There is not one single thing wrong with you. You and your family (in your avatar photos) are adorable!

    I think there might be something wrong with your logging habits though. First, In looking at your diary, I suspect that you are choosing entires that use measuring cups or general descriptions for food. Believe me, not all the same foods are created equal. For example, you can have three bananas that look about the same size but will weight differently in grams. Also, small, medium, and large are in the eye of the beholder. It's important to weight all your solid food and find the correct entry in the database, or create you own with the nutrition information. You want just about everything to be weighed in grams.

    Also, be sure to log everything you eat, including drinks, condiments, random snacks, etc.

    Secondly, I see you have entries for house cleaning and other types of exercises that are not steady state cardio. You might want to not include those activities that would pretty much be in your daily activity. For example, I have my activity setting at active even though I have a desk job, but I move around quite often with the job, work to/from car about six blocks from work, walk to the mall or downtown during lunch, heavy weight lift, but I don't count any of these as extra. The only exercise I count is steady state cardio, such as running or spinning. I use a heart rate monitor because the MFP database, gym machines, and internet exercise sites tend to grossly overestimate calories burned. When I used the machines and MFP for calorie estimations, I didn't eat all those calories back.

    Just hang in there and make sure you are correct exercise in/out and you will lose weight. Be patient too, because it doesn't happen overnight.

    Also, if you feel that you are doing all of the above and not seeing results, then I'd suggest going to the doctor for a thyroid check.

    Good luck!

    ETA: I see you said you weigh food. However, if you don't choose the correct entires then you could still be overestimating.

  • awesome_ani
    Do you swell a lot? The reason I ask is that I had the same issue. I would gain as much as 10 pounds in a day and then lose 6 and gain 5 and lose 7 and on it went. The worst part about it was I could never really see my progress. Even when I knew I had lost weight I couldn't feel it because my midsection would be so puffed up my pants were tight. I looked for years for the cause of my swelling. People always offered suggestions and I would try and nothing worked. I felt like a great big hot air balloon constantly inflating and deflating. Anyway, it was horrible and made the weightloss effort excruciating. It sounds like you may be experiencing something similar, even if it's not quite the same.

    What I did was take myself to the doctor. Now, I am not saying this is your cause or solution, but for me my Doc put me on a water pill. I had been declining it for years but finally gave in. After a month my swelling was under control and FINALLY I could see and feel the progress I have been making. I see this as a very helpful temporary solution to an undefinable problem. Now that I have lost a bit of weight I am seeing that my body is handling things better so I will be ready to come off of the pill soon.

    So, the long way around to the point, have you been to the Doctor lately? Maybe a little there is a short term solution that will help you get unstuck and back on your way. Just a thought to be taken with a couple grains of salt. :)
  • kaimyn
    kaimyn Posts: 4 Member
    It's been about 3 weeks. Hang in there and see what happens in another 3 weeks.

    My first three weeks, I didn't lose anything either.
  • Blueseraphchaos
    Blueseraphchaos Posts: 843 Member
    Just a couple suggestions: weghi everything, like others have said. Also, weigh yourself under the same circumstances every day or week or however often you do it. (I.e. no clothes, first thing in the morning after all bathroom things are done, etc.) Also, make sure you're measuring yourself in the exact same place and manner each time. And if all that already checks out, see a doctor? Good luck!
  • hmroebuck
    hmroebuck Posts: 64 Member
    Ummm, your progress shows you've lost 10 pounds. In 23 days that's GREAT! I don't see how you can expect any more than that. Keep up the good work and be patient.
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    Give it a month or two. Don't worry about minor scale fluctuations. If I hadn't lost a bunch before I started weighing myself, I'd have been so discouraged! "Up a pound?! How?! From where?!" Luckily, I knew that what I did worked for me,so I don't care about minor fluctuations and just watch the overall trend. Sometimes I'll stay the same or go up and then the next week I'm dropping weight left and right. I don't do anything different, it just happens.

    I'd trust the OBGYN because they'd know more than me. If you doubt them, get a second opinion. :)
  • Maleficent0241
    Maleficent0241 Posts: 386 Member
    I actually do have a scale and I weigh everything I eat. Even though my family eats what I do for meals I still weigh out my portions individual and prepare mine seperate from everyone's. It's just really frustrating to feel like I'm doing good one day and then the next have it all go away. I'm at my wits end already. I have only been doing this for 23 days, so not too long. I will look into seeing a dietician, my doctors office has one that comes in on Saturdays for her "weight loss clinic" but I honestly thought if I cleaned my diet up I would be ok. I don't see how I was at a steady weight for so long consuming 3000+ calories a day and drinking dr. Pepper and sprite to consuming 1500 a day and drinking nothing but water! My OBGYN also told me if I was on birth control pcos wouldn't interfere, is she wrong? Another thought is, with me being on beta blockers would that change my TDEE or BMR?

    23 days is not enough time to notice long term trends in weight, imo, especially as a woman. Water weight from my period can literally mask 2 months worth of weight loss until it sloughs off at the end of my cycle. Double check your food weighing and logging for accuracy, give it another month, and see your doctor if you're still not making any progress. Medical issues and medications can make things tougher, and your medical team should be able to help with that side of things.
  • MelodyandBarbells
    MelodyandBarbells Posts: 7,725 Member
    It's been about 3 weeks. Hang in there and see what happens in another 3 weeks.

    My first three weeks, I didn't lose anything either.

    +1 (or more like +5 along with all the other posts along these lines). Keep at it. Good luck!
  • MagicalGiraffe
    MagicalGiraffe Posts: 102 Member
    Try actually measuring your food rather than using cups as that is not an accurate form of logging for solids. Just from looking at today I found: "Peas - Green, frozen, unprepared, 0.13 cup ". How on earth did you measure 0.13 of a cup?? You could be eating more than you think you are.