I need some help to get started

First of all, I need help. (Please read all text)

I feel like I won't get started with this whole myfitnesspal or fat loss thing, as I have problems inbuilt in my brain, that I am not made to plan things suddenly, or start things with a "boom". I have a little asberger syndrome in me, which hinders me in doing quick and sudden things. I can't even start planning what to buy months ahead...

And second, when it comes to my way of eating, I don't want it to change it too drastically, but still keep it in the 1200-1600 cal restrictions.

-I like water, I often drink about 4 bottles at school but not as much at home for a reason?
-Fruit and berries are no problem
-I'm not so happy making food, but don't have a problem doing it
-I know all about eating small "meals" every hour so, but that comes to my "planning problem"
-I need to stop drinking soda! Dx

-And how do I slow down on my sugar intake? I like sugar...can't hide that :blushing: Fruits? Honey? I dunno!

-I am thinking of buying the Insanity workout and some protein powder, as I exercise from before, but now that it's summer vacation I am at home away from the student house, which was 1/2 km away from the house....which I don't have here where I'm now, so I have very little imagination...

So for those who have managed a goal, or think that they managed to lose fat/weight, I need help, tips, hints, and tricks...and last of all guidance! :D


  • nordic_bjork
  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    First of all, I need help. (Please read all text)

    I feel like I won't get started with this whole myfitnesspal or fat loss thing, as I have problems inbuilt in my brain, that I am not made to plan things suddenly, or start things with a "boom". I have a little asberger syndrome in me, which hinders me in doing quick and sudden things. I can't even start planning what to buy months ahead...

    And second, when it comes to my way of eating, I don't want it to change it too drastically, but still keep it in the 1200-1600 cal restrictions.

    -I like water, I often drink about 4 bottles at school but not as much at home for a reason?
    -Fruit and berries are no problem
    -I'm not so happy making food, but don't have a problem doing it
    -I know all about eating small "meals" every hour so, but that comes to my "planning problem"
    -I need to stop drinking soda! Dx

    -And how do I slow down on my sugar intake? I like sugar...can't hide that :blushing: Fruits? Honey? I dunno!

    -I am thinking of buying the Insanity workout and some protein powder, as I exercise from before, but now that it's summer vacation I am at home away from the student house, which was 1/2 km away from the house....which I don't have here where I'm now, so I have very little imagination...

    So for those who have managed a goal, or think that they managed to lose fat/weight, I need help, tips, hints, and tricks...and last of all guidance! :D

    You do not have to have small meals throughout the day.
    The only thing that matters is your calorie count. You can eat all of them in one or two meals.
    Exercise will make you healthier but it is not as important as lowering your caloric intake -- you can focus on the food first if you want.
  • _Zardoz_
    _Zardoz_ Posts: 3,987 Member
    You're over complicating it and buying into a lot of fitness myths. Follow the sexypants link given above. Just eat your normal food but less of it and do a little exercise that's all there is to it.

    Good luck
  • nordic_bjork
    Ah I don't feel like you answer it correctly, but thanks for staking out the misconception I've had.

    You all say "it's just...just do it like that" it's not only"just" for me, that's what the problem is

    I am looking for on how people who had the same problem managed to fix that, and which might help me.... :frown:
  • 87Djones
    87Djones Posts: 145 Member
    I would recommend starting off with couple times a week performing cardio such as light running. Eat lean proteins along with vegetables. If your sugar is from fruit only I wouldn't worry much about it. During my weight loss I mostly ate fruit throughout the day but at the same time everyone body reacts differently.

    General advice
    If wanting to get tone, I suggest performing reps between 10-14 with moderate weight.
    You can also perform quick exercise with limited rest to increase fat burn such as circuit training or drop sets
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    Maybe "The Hacker's Diet" will suit you, google it, may go well with a little Asperger's.
  • tarcotti
    tarcotti Posts: 205 Member
    My best friend is aspergers as well, so I know where your coming from! Everyone else has already addressed my thoughts. I did want to add one thing. And I know a LOT of people would disagree with this, but I buy 0 calorie soda. Because right now, calories is all that matters when it comes to weight loss. Obviously, you need to practice good nutrition, but the soda (even though its got sweeteners that people say NO to) helps when I have a soda craving. But don't drink it everyday. I indulge every now and then. But the best advice for drinks is don't drink your calories. I do water for every meal except for light apple or grape juice in the morning. Plenty here will suggest coffee or tea, but I don't like either.

    Also, I only eat 4 meals a day, and my weight loss is just fine :)
  • AleciaG724
    AleciaG724 Posts: 705 Member
    My oldest son, and also a friend of mine have Asperger's, so I understand.

    Baby steps... make small changes and keep it up for a few weeks. Put all the food you would like to eat on a plate, then take exactly half and wrap it up for another meal later, or tomorrow (this also helps make logging easier since you can copy meals). Start off by walking - around the block, or a park, or at a shopping center, try to do it every day. After a few weeks, increase your time by 15 minutes. Logging your food will help you to be more in control, and start you to thinking about what you eat, and be more conscious of how much you eat. Make small changes over time, and you will start to see progress.
  • nordic_bjork
    My best friend is aspergers as well, so I know where your coming from! Everyone else has already addressed my thoughts. I did want to add one thing. And I know a LOT of people would disagree with this, but I buy 0 calorie soda. Because right now, calories is all that matters when it comes to weight loss. Obviously, you need to practice good nutrition, but the soda (even though its got sweeteners that people say NO to) helps when I have a soda craving. But don't drink it everyday. I indulge every now and then. But the best advice for drinks is don't drink your calories. I do water for every meal except for light apple or grape juice in the morning. Plenty here will suggest coffee or tea, but I don't like either.

    Also, I only eat 4 meals a day, and my weight loss is just fine :)

    Well, I have started drinking squash to blend with water to get some flavor...they have zero calories and natural sugar. This is typical Norwegian to drink concentrate from berries or fruit with some water :) I try to drink only water sometimes, but it gets too boring sometimes so I try switching and varying. It was hard finding the translation for it x)

    And recently I'm trying to get the hang of green tea, I really like tea :)
  • nordic_bjork
    My oldest son, and also a friend of mine have Asperger's, so I understand.

    Baby steps... make small changes and keep it up for a few weeks. Put all the food you would like to eat on a plate, then take exactly half and wrap it up for another meal later, or tomorrow (this also helps make logging easier since you can copy meals). Start off by walking - around the block, or a park, or at a shopping center, try to do it every day. After a few weeks, increase your time by 15 minutes. Logging your food will help you to be more in control, and start you to thinking about what you eat, and be more conscious of how much you eat. Make small changes over time, and you will start to see progress.

    Thank you :)
  • pookeyism
    pookeyism Posts: 84 Member
    Given how you describe yourself, you are going to be fighting routines and habits, and therefore need to really understand that.

    You have triggers, what you do during and then reward. Water through the daytime is a habit, and if you can pinpoint why you may be able to bring it into your evening routine more.

    To avoid soda you have to do just that - avoid it. I have not had soda in a really long time - years. I drink water, juice, infused water, tea. Sweetener can be artificial, or agave, or honey - but getting away from soda reduces the need for a drink to be sugary.

    If you don't like to cook - perhaps a eating plan that has more raw foods, and mono meals would work? Also consider making the prepping of your food a part of the routine of bringing your groceries home. That way your foods are waiting and not such a chore to eat well.

    Good luck!
  • paula82much
    paula82much Posts: 3 Member
    Accountability and $$ rewards are what work for me. There's an app called PACT that links to your MyFitnessPal acct and they pay you if you track to your goal = say track 5 days a week. If you miss a day you pay $5 - 10. That's a lot of money but it motivates me to track daily. If I keep to my pact they pay me $$. :flowerforyou: Good luck!
  • nordic_bjork
    Accountability and $$ rewards are what work for me. There's an app called PACT that links to your MyFitnessPal acct and they pay you if you track to your goal = say track 5 days a week. If you miss a day you pay $5 - 10. That's a lot of money but it motivates me to track daily. If I keep to my pact they pay me $$. :flowerforyou: Good luck!

    That's the dumbest thing I've heard about, I'd rather get a good punch at my face. I'm a student and living for myself, I still don't have a part time job. 5-10$ are about 30-60 NKR, and that just too much for me. And what to say if I "miss" my goals, not having entered them on myfitnesspal, but still done them...I lose money... And I am also not on my phone or computer too much either :/ I'm sorry if I sound angry :P