Is 1000 calories net sufficient if I burn 400-500 per day?

I am worried about eating 1200 net calories. In the past when I dieted, I ate 1200 calories per day and then also burned 400-500 per day. Maybe that was too much since I only have 20-30 to lose total, but I just feel like 1200 net is too much, especially when we can never be 100% sure how much we are burning from exercise since everyones metabolism is different.

I am thinking of lowering my net to 1000. Would love to hear your experiences and opinions.


  • Gizmo52
    Gizmo52 Posts: 43
    I read an article in Prevention Magazine that said they don't recommend going below 1200 calories a day otherwise the body goes into Starvation Mode. If you're exercising and burning up 400-500 per day, I would think you'd need every bit of the 1200 calories. Just my opinion.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    maybe on days you exercise you could eat 1000 plus exercise calories, to account for over estimations on exercise, but on the days you don't exercise I would not suggest eating under 1200 cals.

    I would suggest keeping your goal at 1200 cals and eat back only 50-75% of your exercise calories, instead of all of them.
  • 123nikki123
    No 1000 calories is not enough!!! You need to eat at least 1200 or more because you are working out:smile:
  • ginnyroxx
    ginnyroxx Posts: 763
    i think you'll lose weight at first but then you'll stop and wonder why. you'll burn muscle, to boot.
    the term "skinny fat" comes to mind.

    you should eat a minimum of 1200 calories NET....which means eat your exercise calories, too.
  • sweebum
    sweebum Posts: 1,060 Member
    1200 net (after exercise) or you will burn muscle (lean muscle mass) and thus lower your resting metabolism to a crawl and never being able to eat at maintenance levels without gaining :flowerforyou:
  • simplywriting
    I am not at all helpful with your question, but sure hope someone will respond, because I am wondering the same thing. I have changed my calorie goal about 10 times just this past week. I have a lot more to lose than you do (or would LIKE to) and I would be interested in lowering my calories to roughly 1000-1100 calories a day.
    Anyone know how safe this is?
  • kimstn
    kimstn Posts: 6
    You need to have at least 1200 calories. You will sabotage your metabolism if you consistently eat less than that, and as someone else commented, your body will go into starvation mode.
  • lmalma
    lmalma Posts: 5
    I just moved my goal from 1000 to 1200. I feel like I would be fine with a goal of 1000 but I watched "I Used To Be Fat" on MTV the other day and this girl's trainer got on her for not eating enough. She started at like 250 and didnt lose anything at first because she wasnt eating enough (per her trainer). Once she started eating more, she started losing the weight! They do say though, if you are shorter than the average woman, it won't hurt to go a bit under 1200.
  • jbug100
    jbug100 Posts: 406 Member
    I believe in the starvation mode theory, but besides that, if I only ate 1000 cals a day I would always be starving and ultimately sabotage my weight loss by being constantly deprived and then eventually binge or overeat to compensate. My cal goal is 1200, and most days I go over by 50-300 cals, but have still managed to lose 20 lbs in 4 months. Yes, it has been slow, but I feel like I have made changes that are sustainable which is the goal here I believe. Everyone is different. It's a game of constant adjustment and experimentation. Good luck!