Here I go again

I went from a very active job as an aquatics director to a sedentary job as support staff at a local medical group. The new job has great benefits and much better hours, but I have put on 20+ lbs since I started a year and a half ago. I have now gotten back over 200 lbs and I feel so fat and yucky.

10 years ago I lost almost 70 lbs doing WW. I had given birth to my last 2 boys (twins after 2 other single birth boys) and ballooned up 30 more lbs on top of pregnancy weight due to prednisone. It took some time to do it, but I felt so much better physically in the 160/170's.

For the last year, I have been trying to get myself going with MFP but I just feel like it's too much work. For breakfast and lunch I am in control and have no problem. But when I get home, hubby cooks a lot now and his fare is not always so healthy or it's practically impossible to know what all is in it to account for the fat,calories, etc. And then to have the energy to get to the gym too when my hip has been hurting and my shoulder is jacked up and I've been in PT for it for about 6 months now too.

I'm usually such a go-getter, but I just find myself depressed about all the extra weight and how my body feels like it's failing me ...and I'm only 43! I can only imagine how hard it's going to be to try to stay healthy as I get older! I'm overwhelmed. I want to, but I just feel like everything is conspiring against me right now.

I know what I need to do, it's just the mental aspect that is my hurdle right now. Any advice?


  • accelerashawn
    accelerashawn Posts: 470 Member
    Do it! Start! You can change anything you want to, you just have to want it! I struggled to get started back in August so I actually moved my weight bench into my bedroom so I literally had to trip over it on the way to the bed...that got me started.

    Try to think about how good you felt after making positive changes last time. I too have a very sedentary office job but I drink so much water that I have to get up and walk across the facility to the bathroom.

    Don't worry so much about what you eat, just focus on how much you eat. Try to stick to proteins, slow carbs, and good fats but don't call it a diet! Diets are hard to stick to. If you feel like pizza, eat some! Just log it and try to even out the calories throughout the day, and if you cant, do better tomorrow. Don't tell yourself you can't have this or can't have that because that will make the "diet" feel like punishment.

    Also, be happy about every small little positive change you make because the happier you are with the small things, the easier it'll be to motivate yourself to keep going!

    you can do it!
  • accelerashawn
    accelerashawn Posts: 470 Member
    Oh yeah, and remember that fitness is a lifestyle thing, not a "couple of months" thing. If you fall off the bandwagon for a couple of days, no big deal!! Its not like you can't hop right back on and keep going! You just gotta make sure you hop back on!
  • KSimmarano
    KSimmarano Posts: 12 Member
    I knew it, but I guess I needed to hear it again. I do get too anal about it sometimes. THANK YOU!