Gaining weight despite diet and exercise? Long

I am hoping someone here has gone through this and can offer some advice, because my body is not doing what it is supposed to anymore and I'm getting frustrated.

Background - have worked out since I can remember. I do not miss workouts, even on vacation. 5 days a week, weekends off. Always a combo of cardio and strength. Have been following using my cut value (from TDEE) for about 3 years now - it HAS worked for me. Only recently has it stopped and I am trying to figure out why.

2 summers ago, I was 140 (I am 5'7"). I was happy and on the verge of wearing a bikini for the first time in my life. I needed a little more work on my abs tho, so I kept at my cut calories and decided to clean up my diet. I didn't eat that bad - chips or ice cream now and then - so I converted to clean eating. But still logged on MFP. At the same time, I started lifting more (Cathe Friedrich's STS program, which is 3x a week for an hour - heavy weights). I had done 30-45 mins 3x a week in the past, cardio 2-5 days a week, to get to 140. So this wasn't too drastic a move for me.

I started to sloooowly gain, but figured it was muscle mass since my clothes fit fine. By January of the following year, I was up to 145 but clothes still fit. I didn't feel like I was losing any body fat tho - no inches lost. I finished that program up and started NROLFW, with cardio 5x a week. Continued to gain that summer and fall. Upped my cardio - did Insanity coupled with NROLFW. Cut out ALL refined sugar. By this past January, I was up to 151. I felt that I was still in reach of the 140s, so all was not lost. I just committed to doing what had worked before, exercise and calorie counting.

That is where things got really screwy. I finished up NROLFW and started Body Beast. Started gaining a lb a week! My clothes were not fitting by now - I was gaining fat, could not see muscle definition anymore. My middle is the worst! I was doing weights 5x a week for 30-45 mins and cardio 5x a week for about 30 mins (either steady state or HIIT). By May, I was up to 157 lbs. I was a size 4/6 2 years ago; now my "fat" 8s won't fit. I decided to go all out in May and buckle down - an hour of cardio, an hour of weights daily. Ate 99% clean, stuck to my cut value for calories. Gained 2 LBS a week that month!!!!

Went to my PCP for bloodwork, everything came back normal. Tried sticking to cardio only. No change. Tried sticking to lifting only. No change. Dropped my calories to 1800. Only gained 1 lb that week. Dropped them to 1500. Barely gained a lb that week. By this time, I was up to 167 lbs.

This past week, I lost weight for the first time this year - by dropping my intake to 1300 calories and doing 1 hour of cardio, 1 hour of heavy lifting 5x a week. This makes NO sense!

I calculate my calories burned with a Fitbit and a HRM. The Fitbit is linked to MFP, but not my HRM, so I don't eat back my exercise calories burned. Fitbit comes off when I work out, HRM goes on. I burn 200 cals with my lifting and 400 with my cardio according to my HRM. My heart rate never gets above 130 tho - no matter how hard I push, and I go all out. According to my Fitbit, I burn 2300-2500 a day through normal activity, which is about right since I hit 10K steps every day and don't sit down for more than an hour (other than mealtimes). So that means I am burning around 3000 cals a day. But if I eat above 1300, I gain weight!???!

Medical history - my mother and grandmother both died from hypothyroidism, but my TSH levels show totally normal according to my bloodwork. I have an appointment with an endocrinologist at the end of the month, but have been scouring the internet in the meantime to find answers. I am sick of hearing "just go gluten free!" or "maybe you should try pilates!" because I KNOW that makes no sense. I should be eating at least 1000 cals more than where I'm at yet if I do, I gain like crazy. Something is seriously wrong here. This isn't about the scale - I could care less about the numbers - I have NO CLOTHING that fits me other than my elastic workout shorts! I can't wear that to client meetings! EMWL has totally been my "thing" and has worked wonders. What is going on?

Has anyone experienced anything like this before? I expected changes as I got older (I turn 40 in a few months), but I have been careful about diet and exercise in order to minimize that. I have maintained my weight for a good 6 years prior to this craziness!


  • LastChanceWorkout
    I agree that this is strange. I do remember reading somewhere that TSH tests are not the only factor in determining hypothyroidism so you should probably ask your endocrinologist for further testing. I wish I could help more, but I am not at all an expert on the subject. I am 5'7" 125 pounds and eat around 1500 cals/day and exercise 5x per week (weight lifting classes, sports, yoga, or intervals on the treadmill) and my weight stays steady. I don't eat clean at all (chocoholic) so yea, your story sounds like there is something strange going on with your body.
  • beckieharwood
    Hi wookiemouse!

    I am going through the same thing. It's very frustrating. I am 40 years old, I usually weigh 123-126, I am 5'6" and very active. I run 5-6 days per week, attend spin class twice a week and attend body pump three times a week. This summer I have put on 6 pounds. I know this is not 6 pounds of muscle because I do not like the way I look or feel in clothing. I log my exercise and food intake daily on MFP. I normally net 1200 calories per day. MFP states I am on track to weigh 115 in five weeks (my goal weight is 123). However, my scale is not moving and when it does it goes up. I plan on going to the doctor to check for hypothyroidism. In the meantime, I am disappointed daily when the scale does not move. And, with fall around the corner...I am worried my jeans will not fit. I hope your situation improves. I just wanted you to know you are not alone....
  • Meerataila
    Meerataila Posts: 1,885 Member
    Print out a copy of your food and exercise diary going back as far as you have accurate entries and bring them to the endocrinologist appointment.
  • defauIt
    defauIt Posts: 118 Member
    You said you cut out refined sugars (hope that includes orange juice and fruit yogurt). But did you cut out carbs? They're just as bad.

    Carbs are not bad. Sugar is not bad. Fruits are not bad. Yogurt is not bad. Stop spreading misinformation.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    You said you cut out refined sugars (hope that includes orange juice and fruit yogurt). But did you cut out carbs? They're just as bad.

    Starting you morning with a bagel or bowl of cereal (any cereal), having a bowl of pasta for lunch, and a burger (it's the bun that's bad for you, not the burger) with fries for dinner, is not helpful.

    Obviously I'm making major assumptions regarding your diet. But do cut out the carbs if you are indulging. Can't hurt to try for two weeks.

    Do you notice how many people on this site post that they can't lose weight, despite their low calorie intake and high level of exercise? It's because a calorie is not a calorie.
    Please top spreading this nonsense. No food is good or bad for you unless you are either allergic or have a sensitivity to it or your doctor tells you to cut it from your diet due to a medical condition.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    You said you cut out refined sugars (hope that includes orange juice and fruit yogurt). But did you cut out carbs? They're just as bad.

    Carbs are not bad. Sugar is not bad. Fruits are not bad. Yogurt is not bad. Stop spreading misinformation.
    I agree. The best thing people could do for themselves is to get rid of the "good food/bad food" mentality. It's outdated and it's simply not true. Moderation is the key.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    Print out a copy of your food and exercise diary going back as far as you have accurate entries and bring them to the endocrinologist appointment.
    This is a great idea.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    Aside from what others have suggested in regards to printing off a report and showing your doctor(s)...

    Do you use a food scale to weigh out your food?
    Could you make your diary public so we can take a look?

    When you log your exercise, are you only logging them on fitbit (and then having it to sync to MFP) or are you logging it on both MFP and Fitbit?

    How have you set things up with fitbit and MFP to figure out if you should be eating your exercise calories back or not?

    Have you tried maybe doing the TDEE method where you have a set calorie goal that includes exercise and just don't eat the fitbit burns back?

    Actually, to be clear..are you NETTING 1300 or just eating 1300 with exercise?
  • albayin
    albayin Posts: 2,524 Member
    um...I am doing body beast but not strictly following the schedule nor meal plan...did you follow their plan to a T?
  • eric_sg61
    eric_sg61 Posts: 2,925 Member
    You said you cut out refined sugars (hope that includes orange juice and fruit yogurt). But did you cut out carbs? They're just as bad.

    Starting you morning with a bagel or bowl of cereal (any cereal), having a bowl of pasta for lunch, and a burger (it's the bun that's bad for you, not the burger) with fries for dinner, is not helpful.

    Obviously I'm making major assumptions regarding your diet. But do cut out the carbs if you are indulging. Can't hurt to try for two weeks.

    Do you notice how many people on this site post that they can't lose weight, despite their low calorie intake and high level of exercise? It's because a calorie is not a calorie.
    Produce one study that shows subjects eating over their TDEE and losing weight or eating under their TDEE and gaining weight. HInt: there isn't one!
  • albayin
    albayin Posts: 2,524 Member
    someone posted a similar issue recently on a different forum. It was suggested she might start developing insulin resistence....not sure if you were prone to that as she always has elevated blood sugar.
    thyroid could change too. Could be temporary abnormality due to all the stress...ask your doctor to have a full panel blood work...sometimes just TSH alone doesn't draw the whole picture. good luck~ I know how it feels and I can totally relate
  • wookiemouse
    wookiemouse Posts: 290 Member
    I am planning on bringing my food diary with me. The carb thing is asinine. Carbs are an energy source, not the enemy. I base my intake on 40/40/20 macros. I do have carbs in the AM - granola and fruit. Carbs at lunch - sweet potatoes. Carbs at dinner - quinoa. These are not bad foods. Your body needs them.

    I'm not following the Body Beast plan to a T because I don't agree with some of their supplements. But in general, I do follow the food plan. I WAS taking in 1800-2000 cals a day no matter what my Fitbit said. Fixed number. In the past few weeks, I've found that if I drop as low as 1300 a day and keep up the 2 hours of exercise, then the weight gain stops. That's not healthy tho. Going back to weights only, minimal cardio and upping my calories to 2000. If I gain, I gain. I'm not going to mess up my metabolism any more while things get sorted out. Endo appointment is this Thursday.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member

    I'm glad you didn't fall for the carb nonsense above. Good luck at your doctor's appointment, and I hope you find out what is going on with your body.
  • walleymama
    walleymama Posts: 174 Member
    Given you have been doing this for so long, I'm going to guess that accurately tracking your food intake is not the problem. I'm assuming you weigh everything, including recipes you make at home.

    With that said, I think taking your charts to the endocrinologist is exactly what you need to do. Good luck!
  • martymum
    martymum Posts: 413 Member
    just going to throw this in....please do not be offended but is there any chance you could be pregnant???

    Only because the steady gain seems to have been from feb ish this year....a change of 5-10lbs could just be your maintenance range but the gain this year is different
  • AshleyLeelette
    AshleyLeelette Posts: 46 Member
    What kind of cardio do you do? Perhaps maybe switch from weights to a low "movement" strength train. A lot of the pilates or piyo might be helpful, that is, if you don't already incorporate those. The ones forcing you to stretch your muscles, while strength training them in a non-bulking way? Gets you hot, sweating, heart rate up, calories would be burnt. Guess that's all I can think of, seems you've done more than your part... Good luck!
  • BramageOMG
    BramageOMG Posts: 319 Member
    I saw a show on this last week, and the woman said: My heart rate never goes above 130.. she could not even finish the sentence, the sports trainer said: You are not working hard enough. Regardless of endurance level, you should be able to get into the 150's easy with high resistance and pushing hard. You may just be working under your endurance level.
  • Lynnmi07
    Lynnmi07 Posts: 131 Member
    Maybe it is as simple as just taking a break from exercise for 2-4 weeks. Sometimes our bodies just need a break.
  • stephe1987
    stephe1987 Posts: 406 Member
    I think your TDEE has dropped with age. Or you're eating more than you think, or not burning as much as you think. I think this is something you should discuss with your doctor because of your family history. We can give general advice but can't know your exact situation.