Weight loss supplements (pills and drinks)



  • izzylong201
    Honestly all supplements that claim that they help with "weight loss" are junk. Never rely on those! It's a bunch of chemicals your body does not need. But actual vitamin type supplements to aid workouts are a different story. I don't know if you're like me but I am always exhausted during my workouts after working all day, yawning every 5 seconds and barely have enough energy to finish all of my sets. My sister told me about nutrilux that make these vitamin supplements to help with energy levels and workout recovery (so you're not tired during OR after your workouts) and they really seem to be working for me! The energy/workout supplement has 9 different vitamins in one "bubble". They're chewable "bubbles" instead of pills you have to swallow (hallelujah!) and they taste amaaaazing. Raspberry/minty.

    Anyways I would try out DRIVE from nutrilux instead of any of those sketchy "weight loss" supplements. It'll definitely help boost your energy and help with workout recovery which (in the long run) should help you toward your fitness/weight loss goals! Good luck! :)
  • angelmma
    angelmma Posts: 33 Member
    About 10 years ago I took fat burners called EPH. Now I dropped alot of weight whilst I was on them, and had unbelievable energy, I was like the energiser bunny on speed. But started feeling sick with them, then started throwing up 'coffee granules' (which turned out to be blood) a trip to the hospital informed me that the eph had asprin in them and it had completely eroded my stomach lining and bled into my bowel and gave me a stomach bug which means im 70% more likely to get stomach cancer. Roll on a few years and now my bowel doesnt work 80% of the time and I'm on stomach tablets. I also put a stone on more than my starting weight when I stopped taking them. My advise is don't do it, its not worth it. Each healthy, track what you eat and exercise. Best of luck on your journey
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    I was wondering if anyone was taking any weight loss supplements that were effective and didn't alter their mood.....I am thinking about trying this product called Hcg1234,....it has phases and is supposed to help you lose weight really fast.....my other choice is zantrex 3......just wanting some feedback.....can anyone help?

    No. Just no. There are no short cuts or magic pills. 'Diets' and fad diets don't work. The sooner you realize that then the sooner you will finally start seeing the results you want. Lose weight the healthy way AND keep it off. Use MFP as it was intended. Calculate a healthy sensible calorie deficit, log everything be consistent and you will lose!
  • SmaugHugs
    SmaugHugs Posts: 60 Member
    The HCG that is available on the market is an artifically reproduced hormone that is actually a hormone naturally found in a woman's body when pregnant.

    I have seen people who go on this and they do lose a tremendous amount of weight at an alarming rate. But then, they pile the lost weight back on and then some. They don't get any tone even... and from what I hear of the diet ( 800 calories a day) I would not recommend the exercise required to tone their body as it would burn the very little fuel they are giving themselves. I worked in a health food store... we had people coming in for the magic pills and shakes all the darn time. Our answer? Eat better, have moderation and exercise!
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    The thing about weight loss is: If you don't do something that you won't do for the rest of your life, then you won't keep the weight off. So, while you might lose the weight, and lose it "really fast," if you don't make new, sustainable habits, you won't keep it off, and you might as well not bother.
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    If you want to throw your money away, you could just give it to me. :happy:

    Read this.

    See if that helps. It was written by another poster in here, he's lost 153 lbs and knows a little something about something.
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,096 Member
    Just bringing again to reader's attention a trend I have noticed in these type of threads - the ones about cleanses, weight loss pills and similar quick fixes...

    The posts against tend to be from long term active posters with successful weight loss records.
    The posts for tend to be from newly joined, low post posters with unknown results.

    Draw your own conclusions from the above.
  • arganusai
    arganusai Posts: 17
    I have been losing weight through exercise and eating sensibly, and have never taken a pill to help with this, but this thread is terrifying!

    I can't believe that with all the people posting about the rather grim side effects, ranging from diarrhoea to major long-term medical issues that these pills are even legal. Sadly it seems they offer an easy answer, just pop a pill and lose a stone, and forget that irreversible heart defects are created along with all the other issues.

    I hope the people who make these things get shut down!

    Good luck with the sensible low cal and exercise guys! I'd rather lose it over years and be healthy :)
  • claire87john
    A protein supplement can help with muscle recovery and assists in the construction of larger, stronger muscles. When used as a weight loss product protein recharges your internal system and provides you with the energy that your body needs.

    Using natural weight loss supplements can also help you a lot if you really want to lose weight without ant physical activity.You are choosing a product that contains natural, organic ingredients when you select a botanical supplement. This is one of the good sides of weight loss supplement usage that deserves to be placed at the top of the list. I would suggest you to try Phenocal which is best ever natural supplement i have found... but get it only from its official site you will get some bonus or discount offers there.find it out here: http://phenocal.com
  • LACan35
    LACan35 Posts: 2
    Skinny Fiber has worked incredibly well for me. As with anything it may not work for everyone, but if your interested here it is http://naturalweightlossninja.com
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,096 Member
    Just bringing again to reader's attention a trend I have noticed in these type of threads - the ones about cleanses, weight loss pills and similar quick fixes...

    The posts against tend to be from long term active posters with successful weight loss records.
    The posts for tend to be from newly joined, low post posters with unknown results.

    Draw your own conclusions from the above.

    Quoting my own post again - see prime example directly above me.
  • FatFreeFrolicking
    FatFreeFrolicking Posts: 4,252 Member
    I know of one…… a good ole caloric deficit.
  • FatFreeFrolicking
    FatFreeFrolicking Posts: 4,252 Member
    Hns - Garcinia Cambogia Chews I am also really tracking what I eat but this do help with my hunger and suppose to help lose weight also.
    Relying on a product to stave off hunger, will keep one relying on it.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
    When 1 is 150 pounds over weight and 100% disabled and can do little our no exercise and taking a pain cocktail that put a elephant to sleep he does what is needed Also she asked a question and I was honest

    You don't need to exercise to lose weight. You can lose weight by simply eating fewer calories (caloric deficit).
  • justianne82
    I suggest you to go on natural diet and ways to lose weight, natural ways are the best and safe. Don't try some weight loss product because it might affect your health. Exercise on a regular basis and have a healthy lifestyle. Count your daily calories intake and make sure to drink more water every day. Green tea can help you to have a good metabolism too.