New here and have lots to lose

Hi everyone,

My name is Donna and I have about 150 pounds to lose. My husband and I are going on a cruise for our 30th anniversary this October and I want to be fit enough to take an excursion into the rainforest. We have both joined MFP and are starting this journey together. We started the South Beach Diet in November and I have lost 20 pounds (even with the holidays). I am starting to exercise more (joined a gym) and am starting to get some energy back.

I know it is going to take a while to reach my goal, but every journey starts with a single step.


  • jewely1701
    I need to get motivated ! Uhhh
  • agartin
    agartin Posts: 274 Member
    Wow! Way to go on losing the first 20! I'm sure you can do it! Just stay motivated! I just started, myself. :)
  • runpiggyrun
    Well done on your weight loss so far. I have only just joined MFP and have found it such a great site for support and motivation and its a great tool keeping track. I have about 40-50lbs to lose and I started just before xmas. Im sure we can all support and motivate along the way. x
  • lford2759
    You just lost 20lbs that great!!! and you have 30 years with the same man. Girl you should be singing for joy. WAY TO GO:laugh:
  • runpiggyrun
    I need to get motivated ! Uhhh

    have you got a goal or something to look forward to? Thats a great motivater...or go and buy an outfit a size too small and see if that motivates you. I brought a trouser suit before xmas ready for my uni interviews in a weeks time, and I think I will be wearing it. :)
  • alarcher
    alarcher Posts: 21 Member
    That is the best frame of mind to have. Congrats on the anniversary, and the 20lbs! Welcome...
  • poedymom1
    poedymom1 Posts: 3 Member
    Thank you all. Feel free to friend me.