New here and a lot of weight to lose.... :(

wwh140 Posts: 133 Member
edited September 23 in Introduce Yourself
Hi, I am new here. My doctor actually showed me this site when I was there for an appointment today. He is very understanding and wants to help me lose weight and get in shape. I have a lot of weight to lose. I used to be thin when I was younger, but having kids and getting older has taken it's toll on my body. I am now a 46 year old grandmother. Inside I still feel like I should be about 30, but on the outside I look and feel every bit of my age and more. The weight gain originally started when I was young and having my kids. Then birth control pills added 50 pounds to me in a few months. Of course the doctors said it wasn't the pills, but I know it was. It was the only thing that had changed. I was eating healthy, taking care of two active children and working out 5 times a week and still gaining the weight. Needless to say, I went off the pills. Unfortunately that 50 pound weight gain was the beginning of the end of my healthy, thin days. I tried and tried over the years to lose the weight but whatever I lost always came back, plus more. I realize that I have to lose this weight in order to be healthy and be here for my children and grandchildren, but it's just so hard. It's a daunting task to look at that BIG number I need to drop and feel like I can really do it. I know a lot of people have been successful and lost a lot of weight, I'm just not sure I can be one of them. I really want to, but it's so hard to stay motivated. I'm hoping that with my doctor's encouragement and the help and motivation of this website and fellow bloggers I'll be able to do it this time. I'm looking forward to getting to know some of you on here and learn from you as well as stay motivated by following your stories. Hopefully, one day I'll be a motivation to others. Let's get started.


  • Welcome aboard! You can add me if you would like? I am new as well and would love some more pals!
    You can do it! You just need motivation and support and you came to the right place!
  • Welcome! I'm sure you will do great here, so many fantastic stories! Feel free to add me for support :smile:
  • luv2ash
    luv2ash Posts: 1,903 Member
    Do you have a plan of attack?

    Have you considered the Medifast plan? I have been doing it for 4 months now and lost 66 pounds. It is teaching me how to eat and how carbs affect me. I eat 5 of their "meals" and one meal I make on my own. You can look them up at

    Good luck on your journey.
  • polo571
    polo571 Posts: 708 Member
    Welcome aboard soldier =)
  • lbewley3
    lbewley3 Posts: 96 Member
    Don't be overwhelmed by the amount of weight you want to lose. One pound at a time. Stay faithful to your exercise and eating plan and record every bite you put in your mouth. That alone keeps me from nibbling. You found a great site to track your intake - just keep doing it. I am getting close to my goal, have lost 150 lbs, but know that I'll have to track my food intake for the rest of my life to keep the weight off. Every bite counts!! But this site makes it easy. Good luck - you can do it!
  • susu5
    susu5 Posts: 122
    You can add me as a friend, we can motivate each other and our other new friends.:smile:
  • BrownEyedG1rl
    BrownEyedG1rl Posts: 625 Member
    Welcome!! You can add me too! We can help each other!!! This place is AWESOME!!!
  • rpalacio
    rpalacio Posts: 10 Member
    Hi. Welcome aboard!! YOU CAN DO IT!!!
  • sdwelk11
    sdwelk11 Posts: 825
    Welcome! Don't concentrate on the pounds! Just watch how you will start to feel! You will have more energy and feel the weight coming off! Too many times we get on the scale and it doesnt go down as much as we want and it discourages us! I say, in my opinin, weigh in at the start and dont weigh in again for two weeks. Then once a week you can log it so the system can adjust your calorie allotment accordingly! Good Luck and we are all here for support for one another! Its not a easy journey but in the end it gives you a healthier body. and that will be the best reward ever!
  • You will do fine.. all of us here are great motivators for one another.. I myself felt the same as you and I too have a lot of lbs to lose. Thanks to MFP and MFP buddies I keep myself motivated everyday with all their encoragement. If you like add me as a buddy and ill promise you Ill motivate you! :)
  • Sheenieg
    Sheenieg Posts: 7 Member
    hi..just joined son has been doing this since november and has done really well.,.add me as a friend and we can keep each other motivated..sheena x
  • Welcome aboard, just continue to work at it. Its not easy, but you will succeed! You can add me if you want. I work in the healthcare industry so I see first had what to do and what not to do. I believe in old nature exercise and portion control ( didnt care when i was younger).
  • teasdino
    teasdino Posts: 228 Member
    Hey, well you are on the way to a better you ;-]
    You can read my profile and add me if you want.
  • Don't focus on the big number if its too daunting, create mini goals/targets and break your journey down into a number of stages, that way... each time you reach one of your mini goals you should feel proud of your progress and motivated to keep going. A lot of people on this site have achieved great results and I'm sure you can be one of them too with a bit of support and encouragement. It has definitely worked wonders for me!

    Feel free to add me if you want an extra friend for support. Good luck on your journey!
  • wawa39
    wawa39 Posts: 12
    I agree small goals each week help me.
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