Piriformis Stretch question

I found the blog on stretching and strengthening your back.

Seated Hip (Piriformis) Stretch: Sit towards the edge of your chair with both feet flat on the floor. Pick up your right foot, and place your right ankle on your left thigh. Gently place your right hand on your right thigh and begin to hinge forward, allowing your right hip to open. Continue hinging at your hips to increase the stretch, being sure to maintain equal weight on both sides of your pelvis. Hold for 30 seconds to 1 minute. Switch legs, and repeat on the other side. - See more at: http://blog.myfitnesspal.com/2014/06/5-moves-for-a-stronger-back-better-posture/#sthash.uNbApzc3.dpuf

Here is my question/issue: When I place my right ankle on left leg, my right leg will go almost parallel with the floor, but when I put my left ankle up on my right leg, my left will barely hit the 45 degree angle. I do have lower back pain, especially on the left.

Any ideas?? Thanks for listening/reading. Have a great July!!


  • joanna_82
    joanna_82 Posts: 151 Member
    I have the same issue with this stretch and have been told I have tight hip flexors on that side. I stretch these daily too and have been doing yoga to improve my strength and flexibility. I have a lower back problem on the same side.

    Piriformis pain is SO annoying!
  • nursedonnaj
    nursedonnaj Posts: 57 Member
    Doesn't YOGA hurt your back? I have back and neck issues and I have tried YOGA a few times and it seemed to make things worse.
  • Sam_I_Am77
    Sam_I_Am77 Posts: 2,093 Member
    I'm gonna say that one is just tighter than the other. If you're right handed, then your left leg is likely your dominant leg which means you will likely favor it more which causes a little more tightness. I have issues with mine as well from a previous back injury. What works well for me is using a Lacrosse Ball, sitting on it and rolling back and for on my butt. Hit all areas of your butt. When you find a tight spot, just sit on it and deal with the discomfort to help loosen things up. Then, do your periformiss stretches. You can do some more actively when you pull it up and down and some staticly where you pull and hold. Push for 1-minute holds when doing it staticly, if not longer. I also like to do the iron cross. Pre-workout I do it actively unless I cannot loosen up then I will do it actively followed by a 30-sec static hold.
  • WatchJenShrink
    WatchJenShrink Posts: 18 Member
    Try a yoga pose called the pigeon. It helps me a lot with back/hip pain.
  • sticky130
    sticky130 Posts: 101 Member
    Can't believe I'm sat at my desk trying this out at work!!

    Please don't let anybody catch me :noway:
  • walterm852
    walterm852 Posts: 409 Member
    nice post!
  • runner475
    runner475 Posts: 1,236 Member

    Here is my question/issue: When I place my right ankle on left leg, my right leg will go almost parallel with the floor, but when I put my left ankle up on my right leg, my left will barely hit the 45 degree angle. I do have lower back pain, especially on the left.

    Any ideas?? Thanks for listening/reading. Have a great July!!

    Your concern should not be if your legs are parallel to ground. It's got nothing to do with this stretching.

    Here is a very good video of what target area should be performing Piriformis stretch.


    Good Luck.
  • jkcabe22
    jkcabe22 Posts: 1
    I'd agree with Sam that one hip is tighter than the other, and I wouldn't give up on yoga! I have been practicing for two years and used to have back and shoulder problems. It was uncomfortable and tough at first, but eventually all the aches and pains went away. Now I feel great! Perhaps try the chiropractor too if you haven't already done so! :happy:
  • nursedonnaj
    nursedonnaj Posts: 57 Member
    Thanks all! I will have to try yoga again as well as keep stretching. I am also going to get a massage and see if that helps loosen it up as well.
    @runner475 - I can't watch youtube at work, so I'll watch it when I get home.
    @sticky130 - made me giggle.
  • curlergal14
    curlergal14 Posts: 20 Member
    I have a super similar situation, just reversed. Mine is from years of stretching the one side more than the other (through the very one sided sport of Curling).

    If you keep working on the stretch and others that stretch the muscles around there, over time your legs should become a bit more similar! And even a small bit of improvement can greatly ease the pain. It is often easier to stretch after a warm up exercise such as a couple minutes of walking or slow jogging.