
Asking for any input...Last year I lost about 45 lbs (5lbs was before I started mfp so ticket isn't accurate there) by staying within my calories based on mfp and working out by walking/jogging combination (C25K) and Zumba. I fell off the darn wagon and life got busy on me...even through all this time off the wagon (about 5 months) I only put back on about 7ish lbs. I have been back at it hardcore - exercising and staying in my calories (I've found out last year that by not eating back anymore than half my calories burned, I was losing the weight). The scale is not moving. I think it has been at least 6 weeks now. I keep fluctuating between 2 lbs but the scale is not going down! I'm getting frustrated and disheartened - I really need to lose at least 25 lbs by my wedding at the end of November.

There are days that I may have forgotten to log but I didn't go way overboard. I'm just feeling uninspired. I also started Tabata HIIT workouts once a week.


  • Branstin
    Branstin Posts: 2,320 Member
    You have to do a better job accurately tracking your foods. It is way too easy to overestimate the amount we eat. If you haven't thought about it then consider buying a food scale to get back on track. Also, make sure you are being conservative with your exercise calories when eating a portion back.
  • petefromguelph
    petefromguelph Posts: 84 Member
    yeah food scale seems to be the best way.... I find I don't lose when I eyeball things even though I think im being good...

    I love ribs
  • ValerieS1122
    ValerieS1122 Posts: 23 Member
    I do portion out my food. And I use a heart rate monitor to get my exercise calorie burn. I don't eat back most of my calories burned most of the time..
  • JessMell16
    JessMell16 Posts: 11 Member
    Hey Val. I looked at your food diary. MFP has your calorie goal at 1,200 like mine. I never exceed 1,300. I only go over 1,000 if I have burned more than 600 calories that day. I did research on plateaus. They say to "confuse" your body. Alternate different types of work out and calorie intakes. Try eating a couple hundred calories over your goal for a day or so and then a couple hundred calories below your goal for a couple days. Your body has to react to this change.
  • ValerieS1122
    ValerieS1122 Posts: 23 Member
    Hmm Jess I will have to give that a whirl. However, I've always heard that 1200 is the bare minimum calories you should eat though because under that you put your body into "starvation mode" and you won't lose weight by eating less than that. What are your thoughts on that?

    I did exercise yesterday and ate back some of the exercise calories and went over 1200...It concerns me, hope I don't gain!

    The tabata workout is new for me..Today will be the 3rd time. Maybe I'll try some different DVDs at home too.
  • ossentia
    ossentia Posts: 96 Member
    Starvation mode in this context is a myth. Don't worry about it. That said, you should not EVER be eating less than 1200 calories. Your body needs fuel to function. If you are accurately tracking your food using a scale or (less accurately) measuring cups and staying under or right at your goal, then you are not eating too much. You may want to eat back a portion of your exercise calories. Again, your body needs that fuel and there is no reason to go below your 1200 net calories per day.

    Changing things up may help with the plateau. It may not. Instead of using the scale as an indicator of how well you are doing, take photos and measurements. You'd be amazed how different your body can look even if the scale shows a ZERO loss.
  • skhny
    skhny Posts: 41 Member
    this happened to me a few backs and at the same time I started taking my measurements. Sure enough I was losing inches but not pounds (so I am assuming I was gaining muscle). Try doing that to see if you are actually making progress that the scale isn't noticing. Keep going it will move again :)