just joined and ready for a new me! Help!

bexywoza Posts: 9
edited September 23 in Introduce Yourself
Literally just joined having heard great things about this site and app, newly single and ready for big changes ahead now.

So pleased this forum is on here for the extra moral boost, im not the best with will power, just debating if its too much to try stop smoking as well as diet and exercise??

Gym joined couple months ago, only been handful of times, multiple attempts to stop smoking last year too - am i expecting too much hahaha ;-s


  • ProTFitness
    ProTFitness Posts: 1,379 Member
  • giggles724
    giggles724 Posts: 49 Member
    I want to say.....WELCOME!!!!

    Glad you decided to take the first step. Although I'm not new to the site, I'm a returning user. I can say from past experience that this site is AWESOME!! All that moral support is what helped me lose those 31lbs and I'm a little competitive so when I saw my friends losing the weight I didn't want to be left behind.
    As far as you tackling too many things....What has helped me is taking one monster at a time. If I don't, I end up feeling overwhelmed. So my advise is once you have a good exercise routine and you start seeing those pounds just shed off.....that alone will give you confidence to try to quit smoking.......just don't push it, that way you don't end up failing. I know you can do it girly!!
    Best of luck and just know I'm here for all your moral support!
  • BuceesNana
    BuceesNana Posts: 302 Member
    Welcome and good luck!
  • i just joined too, i also heard this site is great and im excited to use it...but will power is not anything im too god at either :)
  • It can be a lot to change all at once. But it's hard to gym it up when one's lungs inhibit the ability to give it everything you've got.
    I joined the site only a couple of days ago and have enjoyed reading posts of other newbies as well as the people that have had real and measurable success.

    Do you need accountability?

    What are your goals? I tend to lean toward goals that are based in the process instead of the result (like, for example, my goal is to run 3-4 times per week instead of a goal to lose a certain number of pounds)

  • sarahsmom1
    sarahsmom1 Posts: 1,501 Member
    Welcome you will do well here I quit smoking after 30+ years just don't buy any that is what i did you can't smoke what you don't have you can not eat what you don't have. Not saying you wont want it but if its not there its not a temptation Best of luck
  • Hey everyone!

    Thanks for stopping by to say Hi,

    I think maybe one step at a time seems to be the way forward - im so glad if found this site, i think everyones support will be a really big help - good luck to us all and keep up the hard work to those doing so well!!

    Becky xx
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