does anyone do zumba and is it working for you is it hard?


  • mszSHOGAN
    mszSHOGAN Posts: 2,278 Member
    I've gone a few times. It's more fun than hard, as long as you keep moving you'll burn calories!
  • stephaniekendrick
    stephaniekendrick Posts: 87 Member
    I am so in love with Zumba!!! I started doing it a few months ago and while it's difficult to learn the steps at first (don't give up after one or two sessions), you'll crave it afterwards. It's not like a workout, it's like you're on the dance floor just moving around...it's fun! I have done the treadmill thing, but got so bored of being on there for an hour. A zumba workout will FLY by after an hour!

    I have recently started Zumba classes three times a week and am seriously considering Zumba for the Wii to give me a workout the other days when I want to work out.

    Definitely give it a go, but don't give up after the first few sessions.
  • jyt2573
    jyt2573 Posts: 80
    [Copied and pasted from an earlier post]

    Let me just say, Zumba really DOES work. It is the whole deal - cardio, toning, balance and coordination. It has everything except weight training, and there are even classes now that do use weights. I have only ever taken live classes (not from a dvd) but the workout I got from them far exceeded any time I spent on the treadmill or elliptical. Due to my schedule changes, I haven't been able to take a Zumba class for about six months now and I sorely miss it. I am seriously looking into getting some dvd's so I can get back into my routine. Take a class or rent a dvd to try it out. I'm betting you'll be hooked!
  • sammielou86
    sammielou86 Posts: 2 Member

    Yeah I've been doing Zumba for a few months, I love it!! Hardly feels like your working out at all!! I have been on and off with my diet and exercise programme... its either all or nothing, so its hard to tell if its working by itself, but i certainly lose weight quickly when i eat well and do that (and a few other classes). If you hate the gym and exercising go for it!!!! xx
  • Zumbalady808
    I'm a Zumba instructor check out my profile and blogs Zumba is Great for you!!! 70 pounds lost and hard only if you make it hard for yourself, it's alot of fun, gosh I wish everyone lived here on Maui and came to my class...LOL
  • Zumbalady808
    I'm a Zumba instructor check out my profile and blogs Zumba is Great for you!!! 70 pounds lost and hard only if you make it hard for yourself, it's alot of fun, gosh I wish everyone lived here on Maui and came to my class...LOL
  • yellowfairy
    yellowfairy Posts: 207 Member
    I have it on the Wii (just got it for Christmas) and I love it;) I haven't been able to use it as much as I like-but next week I will be able to-and I am so looking forward to it!
  • tigergreeneyz
    tigergreeneyz Posts: 13 Member
    I wasn't aware that Zumba made a wii program. That's cool! For those of you who have tried it, would you recommend the program on the wii or the actual dvd's? Also, can a person with absolutely no rhythm be able to do Zumba? :)
  • Sasha_Bear
    Sasha_Bear Posts: 625 Member
    I do I've taken a few of classes, but they changed the schedule at the gym, so I bought the Zumba Dance Party for the Wii.
    I won't kid you yes it's hard the funny thing is when I first got it I thought I was gonna workout for a hour... I almost died within the first 5 minutes! LOL...But the more you do it the more stamina it will give you, and each time you will be able to do it do it longer and longer. It is a really fun workout especially if you got friends to join you.
  • jjcollins83
    i am going to try it tomarrow and try and do it 3 times a week. i live 30 min town. i may try the wii zumba also just think it will be funner with friends.
  • CelticDragon
    CelticDragon Posts: 66 Member
    I want to know if any men have tried it and had success?

    As a former dancer I think it looks awesome. But does it work?

    A mans perspective? Or are you all too alpha to admit using Zumba? :laugh:
  • shanolap
    shanolap Posts: 1,204 Member
    I agree with everyone else here on how easy and fun it is to get your cardio workout on! I just want to add, I burn approx 700 calories per session! That's almost 1/2 a pound per week (2 classes per week)!
  • morganhccstudent724
    morganhccstudent724 Posts: 1,261 Member
    I really like it alot!!!! But I do think it has alot to do with the instructor....so I would try a couple different ones. I think in the beginning it's all about just "shakin what your mama gave ya" and as you continue to go, the steps come natural. I have been doing it about 3-4 times a week for the last two years and I have lost about 55 pounds AND KEPT IT OFF which for me is the struggle. My piece of advice: Go AT LEAST 5 times before you give up on it....you gotta make sure you really like it!!!! Good luck and happy shakin :-)
  • jjcollins83
    hehehe!!! we'll i'll let you know cuz if i cant find friend to do it with me my bf will be going with me!!! lol
  • mem50
    mem50 Posts: 1,384 Member
    I wasn't aware that Zumba made a wii program. That's cool! For those of you who have tried it, would you recommend the program on the wii or the actual dvd's? Also, can a person with absolutely no rhythm be able to do Zumba? :)

    :bigsmile: That was gonna be my question of the day! I love to dance but have little to no rhythm. Normally keep my dancing in the basement where no one can see me.
  • jyt2573
    jyt2573 Posts: 80
    I'm a Zumba instructor. Gosh I wish everyone lived here on Maui and came to my class...LOL

    I wish I lived on Maui.
    I wish I could come to your classes, but,
    I just really wish I lived on Maui. :flowerforyou:
  • MrsRios
    MrsRios Posts: 56
    I Love Zumba,this is my 6th month doing it and all the weight has come off mostly from Zumba(and Eating Healthy). I take classes at least once a week and I also have the dvd's they're great I burn up to 600 cals. per workout! You should definitely give them a try i wasn't in the best shape when I started so at first I could only do 20 min. then 30 then 45 Now I do the whole hour, Its not hard all you need to do is learn the steps. u should try it you'll really like it : )
  • jparson714
    jparson714 Posts: 171 Member
    In September, I started with a low impact Zumba class that comes in to my work once every other week. (I live in a small town and don't have a gym with a class so I haven't experienced a real Zumba class.) Then I got the DVDs for Christmas. There are 4 different DVDs and 6 different work outs for what ever level you are on or what you want to work on, i.e. abs, cardio, strength. I am seriously addicted to it! My sister says the XBox game is much harder than the DVDs. I want the Wii game, but I think I will have to work up to it.
    MOMDRE Posts: 10 Member
    Today was actually my first day of Zumba Wii --- LOVE LOVE LOVE it! I started on easy and did two of the 20 minute classes - so fun and easy!
  • qtewvgrl
    i started Zumba the last week of December. I took off Chirstmas before I really jumped in with both feet. Ive lost 11 pounds since then. I recommend it 100%. I love it and do it almost everyday.