New to all of this.....

Ben2118 Posts: 571 Member
edited September 23 in Introduce Yourself
Hey! My names Ben, never joined a message board before so this is a tad alien to me. Although I have never been determined to make such a change to my lifestyle I suppose!

I started just under 3 weeks ago at a start weight of 343lbs (I'm from the UK so stones is the norm for me but I'm learning ;)) and so far have lost 11lbs :) and.....I'm actually enjoying (most) of it!

I have been in car sales since I left college basically which is one of the worst jobs for watching what you eat as you can be busy all day and can never judge anything! So a poor diet and beer has taken its toll on me and when I got made redundant last year, I got it in my head, my appearance was hindering my chances of getting a job, all be it once I finally got round to it I realised that was the least of my worries being 343lbs!!

I stopped smoking in November in "preparation" as I thought there is no point exercising every day and then going for a smoke after!! (my opinion anyway).

I stick to 2000 or under calories a day and do 30 mins a day on my exercise bike (its one of those where your arms move too so its quite intense, for me anyway!)

I have Fridays off the exercise and I do weights once a week at the min.

I suppose I have come on here for motivation and to give motivation to other as I see some hard times ahead and I suppose it couldn't hurt to speak to others about it.

Anyway for any of you that are still reading this I think I'll shut up now. Good luck to anyone who is in the same situation and I wish you all the success :)



  • lanie13
    lanie13 Posts: 55
    good luck! stick to it and you'll do great :)
  • rsonthelake
    rsonthelake Posts: 113 Member
    Sounds like you got a plan for success Ben. Good Luck!
  • Your are on the right track and its thing I have learned that weights are real important to weight loss and it is best to do cardio after a weight try to do weights 3 days a week...say M, W, and F....cardio afterwards....Good luck...keeping a food journal and excercise journal has really helped me. :smile:
  • BuceesNana
    BuceesNana Posts: 302 Member
    Good luck!
  • hi well done
    i started takeing xenical today am hopeing for some gd results
    does anybody else here take this
  • Well done Ben! Keep going!!
  • plt55
    plt55 Posts: 111 Member
    Great job its all about how bad you want it
  • Ben2118
    Ben2118 Posts: 571 Member
    Ozzie - the weights side of it is a 45 min full body work out, im lifting to gain muscle, so I lift quite heavy and about 10 reps for 3 sets. I use to train when I played rugby so that side of it is the bit I enjoy the most.

    Its only once a week at the min as my delayed onset muscle soreness (doms) is quite bad and takes me about 4/5 days to recover 100%, which over time will go down so I will increase my workouts according to that.

  • 4492
    4492 Posts: 15
    hi well done
    i started takeing xenical today am hopeing for some gd results
    does anybody else here take this

    I took it a while back and it did what it was suppose to but you really have to think. What is your problem, is it greasy foods or over consumption. If it is both then it will make you not want to eat grease. Its like eat grease or be on the toilet. And over eating is a downfall and you have to learn to gain control. I don't think there is a pill for that.
  • msdebg
    msdebg Posts: 33 Member
    Welcome Ben! Your plan sounds really good, you will be on here bragging about your weight loss before you know it!
  • I certainly understand that...I was just mentioning what I learned from my trainer...I know after a weight lifting session I feel it...
  • tanks
    tanks Posts: 9
    Hi Ben, Glad you joined. You sound like you know what you're doing. Wishing you the best!
  • Ben2118
    Ben2118 Posts: 571 Member
    I have done my homework tanks, to make sure I do everything safe and don't waste any time doing the wrong thing.

    Ozzie, no pain, no gain! as they say. Everyone does it differently but glad to know you have found a way that works for you :)

  • heyitsmekatie
    heyitsmekatie Posts: 544 Member
    Hiya Ben! Sounds like you're on the right track. Best of luck to you!
  • Ben2118
    Ben2118 Posts: 571 Member
    Thanks for the messages, Good Luck to you all too.

  • T0M0
    T0M0 Posts: 250 Member
    Hi Ben,

    Great post to start the topic. I'm new to the site / forum and app too. Looks like you have a great plan in order to reach your goals. What part of the UK you from. Doesn't seem to be many of us using the message boards from the UK. I live in Coventry in the West Midlands.

  • JennyJH
    JennyJH Posts: 189 Member
    Hi Ben,

    I'm new & from the UK too:smile: Good luck with the weight loss & job hunt.

    Paul - I'm practically from Coventry too!! Sunny Nuneaton:laugh:

  • Ben2118
    Ben2118 Posts: 571 Member
    Nice to see some more UK losers!! haha that still sounds bad when I say it!

    I'm from up north (Leeds way)

    Thanks Jenny, you too :smile:

    Paul, yes I don't think I have ever been this motivated to do anything!! I have a long way to go but there's no shortcut to any place worth going!!

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