Lowered calorie goal and need help staying full



  • JennsJourney30
    JennsJourney30 Posts: 99 Member
    lots and lots of veggies
    2 fruits a day
    greek yogurt (plain, you flavor it)
    did I mention lots and lots of veggies?
    Oats (plain, you flavor it)

    ETA: If you're hungry, increase your protein. If that doesn't work, then you aren't eating enough. I end up around 1200 unintentionally, but i'm not hungry. If i was hungry i'd eat more.

    Thanks!! Yes if I'm at 1200 and have hunger/stomach growling I'm not going to deny myself food. I am not out to starve myself. I was thinking need more protein. I'm adding in more fruits now. I wasn't eating many before and yep veggies lol I just bought a produce box picking up tomorrow so I'll be doing that too. I'm excited to get this going and appreciate the comments.
  • helsbelshms
    helsbelshms Posts: 93 Member
    Ok, I'm with the "eat more calories" club, but you have to come that conclusion on your own. I found with trial and error that 1600 was a great goal for me, because I couldn't get any treats in with a lower goal. I weigh less than you and I'm losing 1 - 2lbs a week.

    Answering your question on what to eat, if you really do have no time to eat lunch other than in the car, you need to start thinking of snacky foods. E.g. chopped veggies (carrots, celery etc). One idea is egg muffins. They are basically an omelette made in a muffin tin :happy:. I have them for breakfast and using a silicone muffin tray I just add some ham, onion and cheese and beat 4 eggs with a little milk. Bake in the oven for 20 mins and they can last a few days.

    If you really want to do low calorie, you have to get very strict and remove things like bread which aren't filling enough for the number of calories.
  • JennsJourney30
    JennsJourney30 Posts: 99 Member
    If MFP had your calorie goal set to 1400 why would you manually change that? I would definitely go back to 1400, you'd be way happier and still lose weight. You should not be going hungry on purpose, you need to fuel your body. I'd be absolutely miserable eating 1200.

    It's a short term change. Not permanent. Going back to 1400 after this. If my body is growling/feels hungry I'm going to eat. I'm not going to be starving. It's not good for me to be like that and become ravenous. I won't let that happen.
  • JennsJourney30
    JennsJourney30 Posts: 99 Member
    I like a coleslaw (raw not with mayo) salad with shredded chicken mixed in. Get your flavor from the chicken. You can also add spices to get it to be more flavorful. Low calorie and you feel like you're eating a lot. Raw coleslaw is close to 20 calories for 2 cups.

    You could also mix in a boiled egg.

    You can get a low calorie high fiber tortilla (90 calories) and add lettuse and cucumber, things like that. Add one slice of thin sliced ham and one slice of cheese. Maybe two or three banana peppers for flavor. And you have a fairly filling wrap.

    Sounds good too. I'll need to get some good wraps and make the light before for lunch. Sound easy and portable.
  • ConnorS879
    ConnorS879 Posts: 47 Member
    I used to eat sometimes just to have something in my mouth. :) Good luck!

    Chewing gum is a good solution to this problem
  • JennsJourney30
    JennsJourney30 Posts: 99 Member

    OP, go to this link and enter your stats. It will tell you how many calories to eat to still lose weight. Taking what stats you gave (weight, age) I plugged them in, I guessed your height to be 5'6, and it still said to eat over 1700 calories. This link also includes exercise into the calorie amount, so you don't log exercise calories if you decide to follow this plan.

    Thanks I'll look at this later tonight :)
  • JennsJourney30
    JennsJourney30 Posts: 99 Member
    I would take more veggies to snack on. They are lower in calories so you can eat more of them and stay fuller. Drink more water, that will help. If you are too sensitive to caffeine coffee, for me at least, is an appetite suppressant.

    For Breakfast: Have you considered doing any sort of protein shake? There are some pretty filling ones out there that may sustain you for a little bit longer. The one I normally take lasts for me until about 10-10:30 AM and then I'll have a small snack of a piece of fruit or vegetable.

    Ideas regarding your lunch: If you are having to come home to walk your dog, why don't you just have some meals pre-prepped that only need to be put in the microwave so you can eat something a little bit healthier and more fulling.

    I hope some of these ideas help you! Congratulations on the success that you've had thus far! Keep going! Skinny isn't the goal, healthy is! :smile:

    Thanks. I have thought if that but I only have 10 minutes at home and most of it is with him outside but I can heat it while I'm out with him and then take in car on way back :)
    Thank you so much. I'm trying to get to healthy weight. Nothing drastic.
  • JennsJourney30
    JennsJourney30 Posts: 99 Member
    Ok, I'm with the "eat more calories" club, but you have to come that conclusion on your own. I found with trial and error that 1600 was a great goal for me, because I couldn't get any treats in with a lower goal. I weigh less than you and I'm losing 1 - 2lbs a week.

    Answering your question on what to eat, if you really do have no time to eat lunch other than in the car, you need to start thinking of snacky foods. E.g. chopped veggies (carrots, celery etc). One idea is egg muffins. They are basically an omelette made in a muffin tin :happy:. I have them for breakfast and using a silicone muffin tray I just add some ham, onion and cheese and beat 4 eggs with a little milk. Bake in the oven for 20 mins and they can last a few days.

    If you really want to do low calorie, you have to get very strict and remove things like bread which aren't filling enough for the number of calories.

    Ohh I like that egg muffin idea. Thanks! I'm only looking to do low calorie short term. So far I've been happy at 1400 and occasionally go over for a goody. And I'll get back to 1400 soon. I promise I don't want 1200 for long.
    Yes snacks foods for lunch is what I'm thinking instead of the turkey sandwich I've been thinking of doing turkey roll ups and snacks veggies. To still get protein.
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    OP - shortly after I started on MFP, I started tracking my weight and calories and exercise calories every single day in a spreadsheet. From that I could see the pattern of weight loss and adjust based on what the numbers were telling me over time.

    For me (5'4'' female about the same weight as you) - here are some things that I learned:
    1. I will stay at the same weight for a few weeks at a time, drop a few pounds, and then go back up for a few more days before making the actual drop to the lower weight.
    2. My most steady weight loss comes with about 1600 calorie intake and moderate exercise (200-500 calories burned a day)

    If I weighed only once a week, it would have appeared many times for over a month that I was making no progress at all, when actually that was my body's cycle of loss.

    I am not at all trying to say that you will lose on the same intake as me or exercise as me, but I am suggesting that you be open to increasing your calories, and maybe tracking in a spreadsheet in greater detail what you are doing to see what really works and what doesn't. I become a raging b!tch on 1200 calories, and also start binging uncontrollably. At 1400 - 1800, I am happy, content and able to better control what I eat.
  • mamaomefo
    mamaomefo Posts: 418 Member
    Check out the web site heandsheeatclean.com. They have a "wonderful" recipe for "Powerful Protein Bars". I made them this week, substituted a few items, added a few and they are delicious, homemade goodness. You can also eat them on the run, in the car, whatever. Good luck with the snacking in the car. ????
  • VTRutz
    VTRutz Posts: 52 Member
    TL;DR (Mostly because some of the crazy irrelevant-to-the-actual-question "advice" is grating on my nerves)

    My recommendations for foods to keep you full: high fiber, high protein, or high fat. Doesnt have to be all three, but each of these things help signal "full" to the body.

    High fat:
    Cheese, avocado, nuts, or- search pinterest for "fat bombs" -- be careful with high fat things though, they pack a caloric punch

    High fiber:
    Veggies. Lots of veggies. Fiber one has an amazing line of delicious high fiber stuff- and a lot of it is also 90 calorie packs, so that could help keep you in line with your 12 or 1300 goal

    High protein:
    Chicken, Beef, Cheese, some legumes. Sometimes if I know I am going to have a crazy week I bake up a bunch of chicken and cube it for individual packs and put a few toothpicks in the pack. That way I can eat it on the go without having to remember/fuss with a fork.

    Good luck!! :)
  • MexicanOsmosis
    MexicanOsmosis Posts: 382 Member
    I see that you are just eating randomly. That's how you got fat to begin with.
    No. A calorie surplus is how that happens, try again.
    Follow a meal plan. Breakfast. Snack. Lunch. Snack. Dinner. Snack.
    That can help, though it can also just be Meal #1, Meal #2, Meal #3. Hell, it can even just be Meal #1 with all your calories. Calories don't know how to tell time.
    And hire someone to walk your dog until you lose a good amount of weight.
    Slow down eating, and you will get full.
    That can actually help.
    Stay away from the carbs!
    What? Why?!
  • Four_Leaf_Clover
    Four_Leaf_Clover Posts: 332 Member
    Since you are asking how to stay full... here is what I have found works for me.

    Protein and some fat have been a great combo - plus lots of water and fiber.

    Breakfast - I like eggs, toast with pb, turkey sausage, protein bars (Think Thin or Quest), oatmeal made with almond milk and berries is also yummy
    Lunch - I am all about salads - tons of filling veggies, a good portion of protein (4-6 ounces), a little fat (either from the meat or from olive oil in my dressing) or if I am not feeling a salad, I go for a protein (usually leftover dinner) and a double portion of veggies.
    Dinner - whatever I am making for the family - usually a protein, veggies, and a starch.

    I would try to eat lunch when you return to work if that is at all possible rather than in the car. But if in the car is your only option - what about a smoothie with lots of fruits and veggies and some protein? Then have a substantial snack in the afternoon?
  • mhoffman2007
    mhoffman2007 Posts: 10 Member
    I have a lower calorie goal too and my diary is open. So you could look through that to get ideas. Since I've been on the lower calorie goal I seem to each more snacks and less at meals - pretty much 5 small meals a day. Hope that helps!
  • Efflictim
    Efflictim Posts: 147 Member
    Eat less carbs and more protein. It's really that simple. And never go more than 4 hours without eating. My cal goal is 1200 and I never eat more than 1000, and I'm full and have tons of energy!

    Did you put in your current weight and height? Activity level?

    Exercise can allow you more calls, but don't eat them and you'll lose more.

    GET RID of processed things like Jimmy Dean sausage biscuits. That's keeping you back more than you know! Eat oatmeal for breakfast. It sticks with you!

    Message me if you want to!

    Worst advice ever
  • akaMrsmojo
    akaMrsmojo Posts: 762 Member
    My apologies, but 1200 is just too hard to maintain with adequate nutrition. I would quit on 1200. If you did not want people to comment on it, I would suggest not posting the 1200 thing. It is a sore subject with everyone. Everyone I know who insisted on limiting themselves to 1200 quit. We all have the same goal, to be successful.

    I agree with the oatmeal.

    Just because you quit on 1200, doesn't mean that everyone who tries it will quit. There are numerous people on here who did quite well on 1200 and didn't starve, quit, gain all their weight back, lose their hair and nails and muscles, etc.

    Like she said, she didn't ask opinions about her cal limit, just wanted some suggestions for staying full on lowered calorie levels.

    OP- like others have said, lowering your carbs is your best bet when cutting out calories. Proteins and healthy fats will help you stay fuller, along with lots of non starch veggies. Buy the bagged salads and keep them handy. Add some chicken, turkey, or whatever meat you like, plus cheese, avocados, seeds, nuts, etc. Measure out your toppings so you don't overdo it, and use some low cal dressing, or low carb oil and vinegar, but be sure you measure it. I found Maple Valley Farms Balsamic Vinaigrette is very good, and only 5 cals per serving. They also have a sugar free Raspberry Vinaigrette that is great too.

    The veggies really help you feel fuller and if you like to chew your food, it takes care of those urges. Keep a bag of raw carrots, broccoli, cauliflower, celery, etc handy.

    If you have Diabetes in your family, there is a good chance that you are insulin resistant, so lowering starchy carbs is good advice. This doesn't mean cutting out ALL your carbs, just get most of them from fruits and veggies (Non starchy). Cut down on bread, pasta, potatoes, etc.

    Omelets are great breakfast or lunch food. You can add mushrooms and any other veggies you like to them to bulk up the volume. You can even just scramble it together if omelets are too difficult and time consuming. You can even throw the eggs into a low carb tortilla (Mission carb balance brand) for an on the go breakfast if you are running late. And even make 2 at a time and keep one for lunch later to pop in the microwave. Get creative. My fave is Ham, cheese, mushrooms, garlic, onions, and spinach, with avocados and a little salsa added after it is done. You can even precook the veggies ahead of time and keep in the fridge for a quick scramble in the mornings.
    I usually use Egg Beaters and fat free cheese to get the protein up and calories down, then adding the avocados gets my healthy fats back in, without a lot more calories. For under 300 cals you can have a skillet full of food that keeps you full for hours.

    Okay, I am not going to read all that. I NEVER said I did quit. I know myself well enough to know I would. All my friends who did the 1200 and everyone I have known on 1200 quit. I hate eggs.

    You DO NOT HAVE TO DO 1200 to lose. It is just not necessary. I lose on 1540 and my BMR is 1480. I am not into that skinny fat look. Maybe it is just me. I like to be healthy.
  • JennsJourney30
    JennsJourney30 Posts: 99 Member
    OP - shortly after I started on MFP, I started tracking my weight and calories and exercise calories every single day in a spreadsheet. From that I could see the pattern of weight loss and adjust based on what the numbers were telling me over time.

    For me (5'4'' female about the same weight as you) - here are some things that I learned:
    1. I will stay at the same weight for a few weeks at a time, drop a few pounds, and then go back up for a few more days before making the actual drop to the lower weight.
    2. My most steady weight loss comes with about 1600 calorie intake and moderate exercise (200-500 calories burned a day)

    If I weighed only once a week, it would have appeared many times for over a month that I was making no progress at all, when actually that was my body's cycle of loss.

    I am not at all trying to say that you will lose on the same intake as me or exercise as me, but I am suggesting that you be open to increasing your calories, and maybe tracking in a spreadsheet in greater detail what you are doing to see what really works and what doesn't. I become a raging b!tch on 1200 calories, and also start binging uncontrollably. At 1400 - 1800, I am happy, content and able to better control what I eat.

    Like the spreadsheet idea. I have a paper diary I write on but I like that better. I do weigh once a week but know that even if it stays the same I could be building muscle so I'm not too focused on the scale as much as I used to be. I lost inches so I know it's working. I will def raise my calories shortly. Like I said it's not a permanent change. I wouldnt want to do 1200 forever.
    I do know everyone loses differently so I like your experience. It does give me ideas. Thanks :)
  • petrulak
    petrulak Posts: 56 Member
    Great question, I needed a little help in that area as well! :smile:
  • JennsJourney30
    JennsJourney30 Posts: 99 Member
    Check out the web site heandsheeatclean.com. They have a "wonderful" recipe for "Powerful Protein Bars". I made them this week, substituted a few items, added a few and they are delicious, homemade goodness. You can also eat them on the run, in the car, whatever. Good luck with the snacking in the car. ????

    Thanks sounds good. I have thought about also doing a shake for breakfast. A protein one. Wonder if that's an ok breakfast?
  • akaMrsmojo
    akaMrsmojo Posts: 762 Member
    My apologies, but 1200 is just too hard to maintain with adequate nutrition. I would quit on 1200. If you did not want people to comment on it, I would suggest not posting the 1200 thing. It is a sore subject with everyone. Everyone I know who insisted on limiting themselves to 1200 quit. We all have the same goal, to be successful.

    I agree with the oatmeal.

    Don't mind if people comment and it's only a short term way to break a plateau. Want to make sure everyone knows it's not permanent. Just trying to break plateau. Then back to my 1400.
    I've always had motivational and helpful responses so that's why it posted here verses somewhere else. But I don't like people telling me my doctor and coach are clueless. Everyone teaches differently and maybe her research is a little different than the next but I trust them and am happy so far. It's only 100-200 calorie drop for a short period of time.

    I broke my plateau by upping my calories and lowering my weekly goal. 1200 is really hard to sustain.