Over 200 pounds to loose?

betterme1995 Posts: 11 Member
Hey everyone!

Thank you so much for taking the time to click on this!

I need some help.. I was wondering how long it'll take to lose the first 100 pounds? I am currently 400, and need to get this under control NOW!

Any tips are appreciated :D



  • itsbasschick
    itsbasschick Posts: 1,584 Member
    i'm working on losing 100, lost 14 pounds since may first (trying to do it safely) and am now losing about a pound a week. took me a year or so to lose the 10 pounds before that, but i wasn't working at it like i am now.

    how long it takes depends on your metabolism, height, activity level and amount of calories you eat. if you can cut 500 calories per day out of what you currently eat, you can lose a pound per week. if you are sedentary and start taking walks - not jogging or really fast, just non-stop walks, you can lose some more. and chances are good you can cut out 500 calories by making substitutions - i lost over 30 pounds that way before 2012, not by eating less but by eating low fat ice cream instead of full fat, eating low fat cheese instead of regular cheese, baked chips instead of regular chips and so on.
  • tryclyn
    tryclyn Posts: 2,414 Member
    I would suggest some more reading for better information.

    And a great group to check out because the general forums can be awash with misinformation and such.
    (be sure to read the stickies)

    Oh, I would advise against the low-fat / no-fat route. Not only are many essential vitamins fat soluble, but it can also cause other problems long term.
  • mommadearest3
    mommadearest3 Posts: 27 Member
    I think by making small changes like cutting some calories..eating less/better and increasing physical activity ( taking 20-30 min walks/day) you have a good chance of dropping some weight quickly. I would love to partner up and motivate each other. I need to lose about 100 lbs.

    Feel free to add me!
  • tiberd
    tiberd Posts: 1
    Watch some old episodes of Biggest Loser and Extreme Weightloss they will give you a good idea of what it will take. Remember the old saying "you r what you eat" it's true......... literally. You have to be serious about wanting to lose and expect that you r going to have bad days but don't let those bad days ruin all the days. This is going to be a total lifestyle change for you but do it and enjoy it. You will never regret it
  • vamaena
    vamaena Posts: 217 Member
    I have a total of 199 lbs to lose. So far I've lost 23lbs and it's taken me almost 4 months to get there. I go for 20-30 minute walks almost daily and exercise three times a week with a personal trainer. My goal was to do this at a slower rate to help avoid loose hanging skin on my stomach and arms. I'm hoping to hit a 100lbs loss by next spring/early summer.

    It's best if you stick to 0.5lbs/2lbs a week. Keeping a food journal will help as well, even if you don't monitor your calorie intake right away, it will give you an idea of what you're eating and how much. After a week or two then start working on reducing the amount of calories you ingest daily. I did this for a few weeks before I started to count calories to know how much I was eating daily. I went from 4,000+ calories a day (on junk) to between 1,600-2,000 calories a day (with relative healthy eating). I do occasionally grab some chocolate or indulge in less healthy foods. This stops me from going out and binge eating junk food when I get a craving. I also like to read the ingredients of foods that I buy. I usually opt for the least ingredients as possible when buying prepacked foods. I used to love granola bars and thought they were healthy until I read what they put in there. I feel sick to my stomach when I read what goes into it. I cut back on refined sugar as well (I get plenty of sugar from fruits). I elimated juice and pop from my diet. If you do tend to drink lots of juice/pop try cutting back at first.
  • AngelMommy13
    AngelMommy13 Posts: 42 Member
    Hi there. I am currently 352 and seriously getting started on making this change today. I am going to set small goals because I think those will be easier to achieve. I have been between 350-352 for months now and it is driving me nuts!! Feel free to add me, that goes for everyone. Maybe we can all set some goals together and motivate each other?
  • xcalygrl
    xcalygrl Posts: 1,897 Member
    It depends on the person. I lost 97 pounds in a year, but I also completely changed my habits (went from eating/drinking 4000+ calories a day to eating around 1800 calories a day) and started walking. I was also pretty young (16) at the time.
  • brandall56
    The slower you lose the longer you will keep off. Before I found fitness pall I lost 60 pounds with weight watchers, I had good weeks and bad weeks but I always went no mater what. I took the sadness and the glory. It took almost 3 years and I have kept it off for 16 years. Yes I faultered little but that's when I went to fitness pall site to find out where my weakness was.. come to find out even though I didn't eat sugar snacks my size of fruit snacks were high in sugar know I' very watchful of the size and how many. You can do it. this is easy you know when you have gone over board.
  • LadyArchangel
    LadyArchangel Posts: 124 Member
    Hi! I have about 188lbs to lose and next month will be the first year since I began trying to lose. So far I've only lost 63lbs but I did end up falling off for about 3 months due to surgery and other things, but I didn't give up and will not! You shouldn't have your heart set on losing a certain amount at a time, you should focus on the day, the week. Set weekly goals, even daily.

    Feel free to add me, I love having friends with similar goals!
  • RosyBest
    RosyBest Posts: 303 Member
    I'm in the same boat. I've been watching what I eat and have neen doing zumba. So far Ive lose 20lbs. Have you ever tried zumba? Its great cardio and people our size can do it. I don't have all tje answers, but this month we are doing a july zumba challenge. It willhelp you to jumpstart this journey and reach the 200 milestone. Either way, good luck....you can do it.

    "Zumba Summer 2014"
  • holycrapbatgirl
    holycrapbatgirl Posts: 17 Member
    Hello there! I am right where you are. Before I started losing weight my dietitian weighed me, and I was 453. I was so scared, and didn't think I could do it. But I started losing weight. By keeping track of what I ate , and how much. I slowly started doing exercise. It does get easier! I never thought I would have lost what I have today. I have lost seventy pounds. Feel free to add me! You can do it!
  • ssflbelle2012
    ssflbelle2012 Posts: 322 Member
    Yes I too had over 200 to lose. I started back in Jan 2005 and stayed with it until about Nov 2007. Went from 497 to 307. So for me it took about 22 months to lose 190 pounds. When I stopped in 2007 I was able to maintain for about 1 1/2 years. Than in 2009 I met a Chef who became a room mate and that was the end of losing. I gained back 83 pounds and started to lose again in June of this year. This past month I lost 19 pounds so I am on my way to getting back down to 307 and even further to my goal.

    Like others have said it will depend on what you eat, and drink, your body, age and the exercise you do. Good luck in your journey. I started a blog as I thought if I ever get to goal I want to be able to read what I did along the way and the struggles I had so I do not gain it back again,
  • brookielaw
    brookielaw Posts: 814 Member
    It varies from person to person and from plan to plan but the important thing is to STICK WITH IT! I started out over 375 and it took me about 17-18 months to lose 175, at which point I started fluctuating and maintaining. I still have another 50 or so to go but if I sustained those efforts from the first 17 months over the past 3 I'd be much closer to my goal.

    Honestly there is nothing special about me....well, I am a unique snowflake and my Mommy and Daddy love me and whatnot but I didn't do anything that isn't feasible for most people. I started with small changes, like better choices in foods and smaller portions. Then I added exercise. When I added exercise, swimming was all my body could handle, between the extreme amount of extra weight and severe osteoarthritis. I rewarded myself with a bike and started biking, then training for a triathlon. My thought is that if you find an exercise you love, stick with it. Celebrate your victories, move on from your mistakes, and NEVER give up. You CAN do it.

    Edit: To answer your specific question the first 100 took about 9 months. And because we are/were bigger it may take a while for people to notice. Don't let that bring you down. It's kind of like when you have a roll of toilet paper...remove the first 10 pieces and it's not so noticeable, but as the roll gets smaller, even taking 2 or 3 sheets makes a difference in the overall size of the roll.

    Yep. I totally just compared myself to a roll of TP.
  • lukewind
    lukewind Posts: 177 Member
    Took me about 8-9 months to lose my first 100, but I am a guy and its a little easier for men, but that said you can still accomplish that if you put your mind to it...Good Luck and if you want friend me in case you need some support and motivation.
  • dancingwater1
  • triciab79
    triciab79 Posts: 1,713 Member
    Took me about 8 months to lose the first 90. If you are serious, don't cheat ever, don't make excuses ever, don't quit ever, you can do this and do this in a reasonable amount of time. Some people like to go slowly but to me that was more like constantly torturing myself just a little, I would much rather just rip that bandaid off and get on with my life, even if it hurts more. Chances are you are breaking a food addiction. If that is the case it is like an alcoholic trying to cut back on drinking until they stop. It might work for some but most need to dramatically change their lives to get the job done.
  • sparklekittenbamf
    Anyone who has posted that they have 100-200 pounds to lose, please add me! So far I've lost 12 pounds and I have over 200 to go. I have lost over 100 pounds before but gained it all back and then some. I would love to help keep you motivated while getting motivated myself! :)
  • aarnoldmcf
    aarnoldmcf Posts: 41 Member
    Generally if you weigh more you lose faster. As you lose, your pace will slow down and somewhat plateau. I have friends who have lost 100 ilbs and it took them about 9 months to a year. They lost 10-12 lbs per month, weighing 300 plus from a start. Don't let this discourage you. Remember that you did not put it on over night so it will not fall off over night. Just stay focused on accurately entering every thing that goes in your mouth. DRINKS, KETCHUP, MUSTARD, SALAD DRESSING.ASPIRIN, VITAMINS, ETC. If you can learn to do this ACCURATELY and WELL, AND STAY WITHIN YOUR NUTRITIONAL GOALS (% Carbs, % Fat, % Protein) prescribed by My fitness pal, you WILL succeed. If you are not sure of amounts, measure it out.

    YOU CAN DO IT! You have already gotten past the hardest part; which is realizing that you are FED UP and ready for a TRANSFORMATION. Now you are taking action!
  • shayl995
    shayl995 Posts: 15
    I would like to loose maybe 60-70lbs and I'm am struggling very hard with doing that. I added you so we can motivate each other along our journey. I need constant motivation daily. :-)
  • KeliKaskie
    KeliKaskie Posts: 9 Member
    I wish I could give you some awesome advice, but I am still trying to figure out how to lose 150 lbs...I did weight watchers back in 1999, and went from 219 to 175 in about 8 1/2 months. It really worked, but now that I have 2 kids (1 special needs), I just don't have the time or money to drive to and from meetings. I know they have it online, but without someone holding me accountable every week it didn't work for me. The few bits of advice I can give you are:
    1-Exercise! I recently came to the hard realization that without going for a walk I cannot burn enough calories to lose any weight...period.
    2-Water! Drink 8 glasses a day and you really do feel better!
    3-Do NOT let friends and family tell you that "It's a holiday/birthday party/special occasion and just 1 day won't make a difference...with me, once I fall off the wagon it is harder to get back on!
    4-If you don't have one, get a Fitbit! It really is an eye opener to see how few calories you burn sitting on the couch all day!
    Hope this helps!