Busy moms, can you relate?



  • lbpears
    lbpears Posts: 40 Member
    Married mom of three.

    Full time job.

    Graduated graduate school last year, graduated law school this year.

    Studying for the NY bar exam.

    I prepare healthy meals and run. Every. Single. Day.

    Stop making excuses. You want it? Do it.

    I don't understand why people post stuff like this on these boards when someone is looking for support. Big kudos to you for having it figured out, and I mean that honestly. Not all of us are there just yet.
  • stomasel
    stomasel Posts: 2 Member
    I remember those days when my kids were young. It was harder when I was a single mom with my first child, now I'm single mom with 3 kids, but they are older now. When they were real young, I would put on the music and have my son exercise with me. I would get on the treadmill before anyone would wake up. I know the feeling of exhaustion, you'll feel like you can barely push yourself to do much more. I believe it's important to give your kids all the attention you can when they are young, I found ways to excerise with them, like swimming, dancing, running, kids love to run and for you to chase them. :)
  • sarah2954
    sarah2954 Posts: 291 Member
    Married mom of three.

    Full time job.

    Graduated graduate school last year, graduated law school this year.

    Studying for the NY bar exam.

    I prepare healthy meals and run. Every. Single. Day.

    Stop making excuses. You want it? Do it.

    I don't understand why people post stuff like this on these boards when someone is looking for support. Big kudos to you for having it figured out, and I mean that honestly. Not all of us are there just yet.

    I suppose my tone reads as harsh. But that's what it comes down to: your own motivation. There are countless blogs, articles, etc on how to workout, eat better, spend more time with your kids, prepare nutritious meals, etc etc. But in the end, it comes down to "you." No one can make you change your behavior. If you're "too tired" to go for a walk and watch TV instead, that's a choice, and it has consequences. SO I guess my best advice on getting started in changing unhealthy habits is to fake it til you make it. Too tired? Do it anyway. You'll feel better tomorrow, and eventually it will become a habit.

    I hope that was more helpful.
  • BarbieAS
    BarbieAS Posts: 1,414 Member
    Married mom of three.

    Full time job.

    Graduated graduate school last year, graduated law school this year.

    Studying for the NY bar exam.

    I prepare healthy meals and run. Every. Single. Day.

    Stop making excuses. You want it? Do it.

    I don't understand why people post stuff like this on these boards when someone is looking for support. Big kudos to you for having it figured out, and I mean that honestly. Not all of us are there just yet.

    Yup. SO freaking over the mommy guilt crap. We all do the best we can, some people are trying to do just a little bit better or are looking for people who share their struggles. Instead of boasting about your success (and, fully agree, sincerely good for you), why not offer some tips about how to get there, or else just keep it to yourself instead of posting that you're so awesome so everyone else should be able to be just as awesome, and if they're not then they're just not trying hard enough? Seriously. (Edited to add: I was still typing when I saw the follow up response. I appreciate the effort to tone it down, but I stand by my statement.)

    Anyway. OP, you described my life. I have a 4 year old and a 2 year old. Including commute and daycare drop off time, I'm out of the house from about 7am until about 6:30pm or later Monday through Friday, and the second I get home it's dinner time. Then I get my precious few minutes to just play/be with my kids (which I am ABSOLUTELY unwilling to give up on any regular basis), then bath and bedtime starts about 8:30pm (sometimes a bit later). By the time they actually get to bed, it's 9:30-10pm or later, and then I STILL have to do all the the normal day-to-day stuff like cleaning, laundry, paying bills, packing breakfasts and lunches, etc etc etc, plus MAYBE find a half hour in my entire day to just turn off my brain and relax (I know, SO indulgent, right?). If I get to bed by midnight I'm lucky. Weekends are just as bad, packed to the gills with errands and all the cleaning that doesn't get done during the week and play dates and birthday parties and soccer games and swim lessons and time with family and friends and everything else that people do on weekends.

    I do get to the gym a couple of times per week, usually I find an hour or so on a weekend and/or I go at 10pm after my kids are in bed. Mostly I get my activity in by just walking as much as humanly possible - when I'm spending time with my kids I try to get outdoors, go on walks, go to the park, go to the zoo, etc. I also try to walk on my lunch if I actually get an opportunity to get away from my desk instead of eating there and working through (and I don't have an urgent errand to run). I would love to go in the morning, but I'd need to be awake at like literally 4:30am to make that happen....and I know it just sounds like a whiny excuse, but I CAN NOT do it. It may work for some people, and I'm absolutely jealous of them, because it doesn't work for me and I'd LOVE to be able to get my workout done in the morning instead of having to lug my butt to the gym at 10:00 at night after I'm exhausted from a day of work and kids. I'm not a morning person and I simply can't function on 4.5 hours or less of sleep per day. I have enough trouble getting up by 5:30-6am. So, I just squeeze it in when I can. Not every workout needs to be a full 1.5 hours of cardio and resistance...walking a mile or two at lunch or something counts too, and it's far better than nothing if it's all you have time for.
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    pre cook as many of your meals for the week ahead of time. crock pot meals are great. grill up a family sized pack of chicken. make a big pot of rice, cook some veggies. things that can be mixed and matched with each other.

    the other day i made about a dozen protein waffles. i ate two and put the rest away for the week. oatmeal can also be made in bulk and in advance (just under cook it, so when you heat it up in the microwave it's not too dry.)
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    Married mom of three.

    Full time job.

    Graduated graduate school last year, graduated law school this year.

    Studying for the NY bar exam.

    I prepare healthy meals and run. Every. Single. Day.

    Stop making excuses. You want it? Do it.

    I don't understand why people post stuff like this on these boards when someone is looking for support. Big kudos to you for having it figured out, and I mean that honestly. Not all of us are there just yet.

    she gave support in her own way. personally, i like what she said. do it, and find a way to do it.
  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    I get up at 5:00 so I can run before my daughter starts her day. I work through lunch so I can leave an hour early to go to the gym for 45 mins or so before heading home by 5:00 - just started this recently. The good thing is the gym is free and in our building. During XC and track season I need to be at school by 5:00 to pick up kiddo so I'll have to be out of the gym by 4:30 to be there on time. Sometimes during the summer XC practice I'll run with the team so I can sleep until 6:30 and shower when I take daughter home. :-)

    My boyfriend is a big help with things around the house and pitches in with daughter whenever needed, but she's my responsibility and he works until at least 5:00 so he can't help out there anyway.

    It is hard and exhausting, sometimes I feel like I never sit for 5 mins to relax. Daughter also goes to youth ministry, plays soccer, attends chuch so we have our plates mighty full. I just keep moving forward, that is all you can do.
  • sarah2954
    sarah2954 Posts: 291 Member
    Married mom of three.

    Full time job.

    Graduated graduate school last year, graduated law school this year.

    Studying for the NY bar exam.

    I prepare healthy meals and run. Every. Single. Day.

    Stop making excuses. You want it? Do it.

    I don't understand why people post stuff like this on these boards when someone is looking for support. Big kudos to you for having it figured out, and I mean that honestly. Not all of us are there just yet.

    she gave support in her own way. personally, i like what she said. do it, and find a way to do it.

    I also amended my post, if someone would notice that :) My point is, motivation is internal. I have 24 hours in a day. So do you. Do what you want with them, even if it's hard. Again, "fake it til you make it," then it will be habit, and you and your family will be happier and healthier. Best of luck.
  • aarnwine2013
    aarnwine2013 Posts: 317 Member
    My kids are older so I can relate but things are different now. Honestly I started putting me first. I had to do this for me and I sat my family down and told them they can support me in this or not, I'm doing it.

    It was rough for a week or two and there are still days when my husband wishes I'd just hang out with him in the evenings, but I stuck to it.

    You have to make the time and put your self first or at least a close second. That's the only way to fit things like this in.

    I should say I'm no expert, but so far things are going really well and my family gets it and helps out. Hope you find some good ways to manage it all! Good luck!
  • Jessica11221
    Jessica11221 Posts: 58 Member
    I'm right there with all of you. I became a stay at home mom last year I didn't think I would feel so overwhelmed. My husband is supportive but since I'm home he has put much of the responsibilty on me. I do all the laundry, Dishes, Cleaning, cooking, yard work and take care of 3 kids ages 5 and under. I'm exhausted and it's discouraging because I never feel like I get much done during the day. We have no help because niether of our parents are very involved with our kids. I do however get comments about my weight frequently when we have family get togethers....when it comes to exercise I'm too tired in the evenings and during the day forget it. Some days are just defeating.
  • Muddy_Yogi
    Muddy_Yogi Posts: 1,459 Member
    Married mom of three.

    Full time job.

    Graduated graduate school last year, graduated law school this year.

    Studying for the NY bar exam.

    I prepare healthy meals and run. Every. Single. Day.

    Stop making excuses. You want it? Do it.

    I don't understand why people post stuff like this on these boards when someone is looking for support. Big kudos to you for having it figured out, and I mean that honestly. Not all of us are there just yet.

    I suppose my tone reads as harsh. But that's what it comes down to: your own motivation. There are countless blogs, articles, etc on how to workout, eat better, spend more time with your kids, prepare nutritious meals, etc etc. But in the end, it comes down to "you." No one can make you change your behavior. If you're "too tired" to go for a walk and watch TV instead, that's a choice, and it has consequences. SO I guess my best advice on getting started in changing unhealthy habits is to fake it til you make it. Too tired? Do it anyway. You'll feel better tomorrow, and eventually it will become a habit.

    I hope that was more helpful.

    I love your post actually. It is truth! The more you move, eat right and the weight comes off, the more energy you will have. But you have to decide that is what you want and you have to change the behaviors that are making you lethargic. Change one thing a week, a month or a year. But do it!
  • ew_david
    ew_david Posts: 3,473 Member
    Married mom of three.

    Full time job.

    Graduated graduate school last year, graduated law school this year.

    Studying for the NY bar exam.

    I prepare healthy meals and run. Every. Single. Day.

    Stop making excuses. You want it? Do it.

    I don't understand why people post stuff like this on these boards when someone is looking for support. Big kudos to you for having it figured out, and I mean that honestly. Not all of us are there just yet.

    she gave support in her own way. personally, i like what she said. do it, and find a way to do it.

    I also amended my post, if someone would notice that :) My point is, motivation is internal. I have 24 hours in a day. So do you. Do what you want with them, even if it's hard. Again, "fake it til you make it," then it will be habit, and you and your family will be happier and healthier. Best of luck.

    I noticed and I agree with both your original and this one.

    I spent years making excuses for why I was overweight and lazy. YEARS. Once I decided to really get after it was when everything changed for me.

    I'm a single parent of three active kids. I work full time. When I started missing the gym because of time constraints, I put one in my house. I try to pre plan meals for the week (not always successful).

    No one is "mommy guilting" anyone here. We are just pointing out that it isn't impossible to have a family, a job, and achieve your fitness goals.
  • AsaThorsWoman
    AsaThorsWoman Posts: 2,303 Member
    Let me tell you about my life.

    Yesterday I 1) woke up and was at work by 8am.

    2) bought groceries on my lunch and started the dinner in the crock pot on my lunch break

    3) finished a full 8 hour work day

    4) networked and promoted my event, was invited to an autumn event of another kindred

    5) finished dinner, ate at the table with my boyfriend and washed all those dishes

    6) cleaned the ferrets box, fed them too

    7) cleaned living room

    8) ran tabata sprints

    9) took a shower, put on make up, cute outfit

    10) hosted 9 people to read the Legend of Sigurd and Gudrun in my home

    11) cleaned up broken glass and beer off the kitchen floor....

    Yes, it's probably hard to believe this is a real person's life that they live on a day-to-day basis. My boyfriend had the audacity to say "Is that all?" I told him he better not even start because I did more today than most women do in a week!

    I am single although my boyfriend did help me yesterday by vacuuming the living room.

    ETA: And shredding the meat from the crock pot, and workout motivator, he was pretty excited about sprints, and I probably would've skipped it if not from him.
  • LastMinuteMama
    LastMinuteMama Posts: 590 Member
    I can relate!

    Married mom of 2 boys.

    Full-time job.

    Hour commute.

    Husband works 3-11.

    By the time my day is done - dinner, general house work and finally geting the boys to bed its usually after 9pm! I used to workout then, but I really felt that like I also needed to unwind. Slowly but surely I am becoming someone who works out in the morning. I've realized that it's the best time to do it.

    My husband is super supportive and has been known to throw my running shoes at me and push me out the door when I start saying I have to do X, Y and Z before I can workout.

    It also helps that my boys are 8 & 11, I can leave them for a bit to take a short run or have them workout with me.

    It's not easy, but it can be done.

    I write it on the calendar so that it's like an appointment. I make early morning walking/running dates with friends. I prep my lunches for the week.

    You can do!
  • PinkyFett
    PinkyFett Posts: 842 Member
    Do videos at home or get a treadmill or something. I have 3 kids, I'm a full time student, though I don't work outside the home, I am looking for work. I'm extremely busy and still find the time to work out. I do it in the morning usually. I'd never do it if I waited until after dinner.
  • AsaThorsWoman
    AsaThorsWoman Posts: 2,303 Member
    Married mom of three.

    Full time job.

    Graduated graduate school last year, graduated law school this year.

    Studying for the NY bar exam.

    I prepare healthy meals and run. Every. Single. Day.

    Stop making excuses. You want it? Do it.

  • AsaThorsWoman
    AsaThorsWoman Posts: 2,303 Member
    Married mom of three.

    Full time job.

    Graduated graduate school last year, graduated law school this year.

    Studying for the NY bar exam.

    I prepare healthy meals and run. Every. Single. Day.

    Stop making excuses. You want it? Do it.

    I don't understand why people post stuff like this on these boards when someone is looking for support. Big kudos to you for having it figured out, and I mean that honestly. Not all of us are there just yet.

    Posts like this make me feel like not only do I have what it takes to maintain, but motivates me to do more!

    If she can do it I can too!

    There's nothing wrong with being Super-woman, and I love to see that I'm not the only one, because here in Oklahoma where most women are "stay at home wives" I do sometimes feel like I am the only one.
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    I bought the gym equipment I wanted over time and have it at home....
  • rachelrb85
    rachelrb85 Posts: 579 Member
    I can definitely relate. I work full time, come home and feed my one year old and start her bedtime routine. By the time we eat dinner it's 8-9pm. I work out on my lunch break since I don't want to spend any more time away from home. I also take the jogging stroller out at least once a weekend for a quick jog. Are you able to workout on your lunch break? Maybe wake up earlier and get a quick workout in?
  • fooninie
    fooninie Posts: 291 Member
    I'm a married mom to two, my eldest is a competitive soccer player (that's three weeknight practices/games), my husband is a bodybuilder. I work full time (40 hours) and with the commute am away from the house 10 hours per day. What this poster wrote below (minus all the awesome EDU credit) is exactly how I feel. I can't work out in the morning. I work out at lunch and in the evenings, when possible. Sometimes, I drop my daughter off to soccer, then run a 5k, watch the rest of her practice and take her home so my hubby can go to the gym for 2.5 hours. Is it ideal? Likely not, but it works. I also make homemade meals. Key for me is planning EVERYTHING. Most of my meals are decided by the weekend so I can get a few meals frozen to serve during the week. I also have a very busy 3 year old son. When you want, you get it. There is no candy-coated version. I sacrificed to gain tons of weight and I sacrificed to get it off and to keep working towards my ideal body goal. I know you have it in you too! :)
    Married mom of three.

    Full time job.

    Graduated graduate school last year, graduated law school this year.

    Studying for the NY bar exam.

    I prepare healthy meals and run. Every. Single. Day.

    Stop making excuses. You want it? Do it.