So friggin tired..



  • joepage612
    joepage612 Posts: 179 Member
    I wasnt able to see your diary. Make sure you eat back all your exercise calories. Make sure your ratio of carbs fat and protein are on track in the pie chart. If I had to guess without seeing your diary Id say you arnt getting enough carbs. They are crucial for sustained energy. >>>>GLYCOGEN is your friend.
  • TXRanchGirl
    TXRanchGirl Posts: 303
    sorry Joe, its public? but I did not log over the dang busy (sold cows, hauling cows, rounding up cows and shearing sheep. )

    On another note..and I am obviously still awaiting my test results. I have found eating a small amount of peanut butter when I get home really helps boost my energy AND mood..thoughts on this?
  • goldfinger88
    goldfinger88 Posts: 686 Member
    My guess is you've done too much and are burned out. You need not do a formal exercise daily but two or three times a week is sufficient. Of course you should be active. Walk a lot, stand a lot, don't sit much. But you're probably burned out and the exercises are just too much. I suggest you cut back.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    Sometimes you just need a break. I'm tired as hell right now and pretty beat up from some training I had been doing since about February as well as it just being a tough month at work and not getting enough sleep, etc. My body is telling me to rest...I am listening to it and not doing anything vigorous this week...all I'm doing is walking my dog for three miles riding, no bike hills or sprint, no weight room...just walking and rest. Just two days and I'm feeling better already...sometimes the body just needs some recovery time.
  • darlilama
    darlilama Posts: 794 Member
    Just wanted to pop in after reading through the discussion and say I'm very impressed with your perseverance and frankness! You have the right attitude. Sorry, no new advice. It sounds like you're doing all the right things... following through on the various avenues, looking to your doctor for help and advice, trying different things, and you know better than to do the "crazy stuff".

    As for the PB... not sure. Most are comprised sugar, (healthy) fats, and a touch of protein. Hm. Yummy, in any case. :smile:

    Best of luck to you! :flowerforyou:
  • TXRanchGirl
    TXRanchGirl Posts: 303
    Yummy is right! I am sure that Dark Chocolate, Peanut Butter and rum are proof God loves us..:)

    Thanks for the kind words..:)..I am working hard on my mental state, in regards to feeling "OK" with not working out a day or two. its a hard block to get over..Im sure others can relate..I get scared if I slack, Ill never get back up on the "horse".

    its moderation...I "know" this..but I need to "practice it". Looking forward to ruling out medical issues.

    I am taking a rest day today...Im aching and havent gotten enough sleep recently...I will just tell myself "its OK" and go about my day.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member

    Thanks for the kind words..:)..I am working hard on my mental state, in regards to feeling "OK" with not working out a day or two. its a hard block to get over..Im sure others can relate..I get scared if I slack, Ill never get back up on the "horse".

    its moderation...I "know" this..but I need to "practice it". Looking forward to ruling out medical issues.

    I am taking a rest day today...Im aching and havent gotten enough sleep recently...I will just tell myself "its OK" and go about my day.

    To mental state - do you like strong workouts?

    Do you realize that the stronger the workout, the better effect you get from it?

    Do you know that you can NOT do as strong a workout on tired muscles?
    Do you know that you do NOT get as much recovery and repair on muscles worked by putting another hard load on them?

    So if you know the facts, and you want your workouts to be more than just spinning your wheels (unless biking of course) and burning calories but that's about it, then it's easy to accept mental state of realizing - what I'm doing is best for a good workout.

    May mean it's easiest to switch things around.
    Like I normally don't even attempt an easy recovery ride on the bike, I enjoy pushing too hard and going fast, unless I go in with attitude I'm going to hold back, or so dead tired the body is going to force it on me anyway, and I have HRM zone alarms set that I intend to follow.
    But I can usually get myself to slow down enough on jogs to keep it easy, and make that recovery level. Plus you realize that training is useful too - training the aerobic fat-burning system, which is very required and beneficial too.

    Or you realize you have 2 back to back workouts that are basically using same muscle, perhaps one lifting and one cardio. Which is more important?
    Do you have a hard fun cardio workout, but then worn-out for lifting the next day? I don't even waste time on that anymore. If you can't overload the muscles, you aren't getting much if anything out of that lift session, might as well do something else.
    If you have a good lift session, can you force the cardio slower to allow recovery/repair. Every time you start to go too hard you think - do I want yesterday's hard workout to be wasted right now.

    Just suggest you keep the facts in mind, mull them over, perhaps look at schedule better if it needs rearranging, and accept that rest and easy days are part of the workout, it's what allows the workout to actually be a workout - the recovery.

    And yes, it is hard.
  • MoJoPoe
    MoJoPoe Posts: 139 Member
    Protein! Don't skimp on protein. Perhaps the peanut butter pick-me-up proves it.
  • One-A-Day has introduced a woman's multi-vitamin that is a half-dose. The pill is smaller and you take it twice a day or two at once.
    They are much easier to swallow. Those are the ones I use. Others have suggested getting your iron levels checked. Consider if anything has changed as far as your reproductive system. Sometimes the monthly can take a lot out of you. Especially iron! I have been anemic my entire life. My new doctor and I are going to be working on getting my iron up, and she thinks that my monthly cycle is contributing to the problem. I, too, have been very tired and my legs have felt heavy and hot. I was tested yesterday for blood clots, but the results are good: no deep vein thrombosis.
  • TXRanchGirl
    TXRanchGirl Posts: 303
    heybales, you sound like my husband..very anyalitical..but thats good..that is what I need to be..instead of being so emotional about eating and exercise I need to be practical...I need to remember that overtraining will do nothing but make me a grouchy "b"..:)

    My dr appt is later this week!
  • TXRanchGirl
    TXRanchGirl Posts: 303
    Had my followup this AM. outside of a slightly elevated Glucose..I am within the acceptable range on everything.

    Doc set me up for another followup in January and reccomended a good mutli vitamin. Im so dissapointed. I was hoping this was something physical and could be easily remedyed..

    Now Im afraid its something my mind..and how the heck does one conquer that? ugh..
  • angiegig6
    angiegig6 Posts: 1 Member
    Good Morning,

    I just started MyFitnessPal and I am so excited about this app and messge boards. I love encouragement and I love to be able to share my story to help others.

    Three years ago I was at a point in my life that I was getting ready to have a lap band surgery because I let life and excuses get the best of me... At that time I was 90-100 pounds overweight and completely not the mom/wife I dreamed of being to my four kids and husband. I had no energy to take care of them let alone take care of me.

    On April 18th, I decided to take care of ME! I made great changes to my nutrition, supplementation and exercise. Having a weight problem my entire life I have tried many things but I was never taught the benefits of the TRIANGLE - Nutrition, supplementation and exercise. When you are eating clean and adding in the right vitamins and nutrients it gives you the ENERGY to exercise and be able to take care of myself and family. Everyday I was organizing my four kids after work for 30 minutes to watch TV so I could sleep before I would get to start my evening with them. Day two of my changes I was playing with them after work and three years later I would say I am not a NAPPER anymore. I have the energy to be active in their lives all day everyday! I lost 80 pounds in one year and have kept it off for 2 years and at 40 have never felt better about ME. :)

    I see that your post stated you were looking for some suggestions and I would love to connect with you and share what I did. Let me know if you would like to talk and how we could connect.. Angie
  • gothchiq
    gothchiq Posts: 4,590 Member
    Make sure you have enough iron and magnesium. If you work out your muscles need magnesium. Also, try taking sublingual liquid vitamin B, especially right before working out. It takes a lot of effort and monitoring to get enough nutrition while cutting calories.
  • TXRanchGirl
    TXRanchGirl Posts: 303
    I thought for sure my iron would be low...but nope..everything normal. only Glucose alittle high.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    I thought for sure my iron would be low...but nope..everything normal. only Glucose alittle high.

    Do you have your hands on the actual blood test with results?

    Usually the only thing the Dr is looking at is the flag that says something is out of range or near the edge.

    I know of several cases, some family members that were very in to their own research, that found several of those in-range but near the edge matched up and spelled something clear for someone looking. Even the Dr once it was pointed out agreed and things had to be taken care of.

    So just suggesting you go through the list, and especially those values on the edge, and see if any comments or interesting regarding the combo that may be on the edge.
    True, not everyone is going to be dead on average in the middle of the range, but doesn't hurt to check it out.

    You can find several WedMD or other trusted sites that walk through what the items are, current range recommendations, points of contention in research world and possible new ranges (lab may be using old info), and I can't find the one I used, but they would point out other values to be concerned with as a combo.
  • TXRanchGirl
    TXRanchGirl Posts: 303
    yes I have the actual test..Ill go thru it and see where I might be borderline..good suggestion, thanks!