Encouragement please!

Okay so here is what happened. After I healed from my car accident I gained 20 of the 50 pounds I lost after my son was born and I had to nearly start all over. now I'm 10 pounds under what I was before my accident and I'm plateauing..... I'm beginning to think it is because I walk to and from work every day and I'm on my feet all day and then I do my workouts before bed. I dunno if I'm not eating enough or what but the only thing I'm doing differently now that I'm working again is I cant fit my 2 mile walk in twice a day.
But here's the thing I'm working all the time and I'm always on my feet at a fast paced industry and you'd think thing would even out. Plus I literally have to walk to and from the store carrying groceries in my hands and my three year old on my shoulders. AND i go swimming three times a week. Why am I plateauing? I'm getting frustrated here guys. Help!


  • AliciaV30
    AliciaV30 Posts: 147 Member
    What's ur calorie intake and how many calories are u burning? U have to take all that into consideration. Plateauing sux I'm sorry I can't tell u exactly why it's happening but if u need more motivational friends add me I'm always here!!!!

  • KLangleydoula
    KLangleydoula Posts: 1,494 Member
    Hi! My name is Kim and my weight loss journey began two years ago. I was at my heaviest (225) and things were not good. I couldn't keep up with my kids, I was tired all the time, and my doctor told me that my cholesterol was on the rise! I decided something needed to change. I started walking, and eventually doing some weight training. I am down over 75 pounds! I feel so much better, and I love supporting and encouraging people to do the same. I would be happy to be an accountability partner with you. I still have some weight to lose, so we can work at it together! Getting your nutrition under control is a big key to losing weight. I can share what has worked for me if you are interested. If you work hard, I know you can reach your goal! So what do ya say? Are you in?
  • missydiet
    missydiet Posts: 3 Member
    Need an accountability partner as well. My spouse and friends are enablers. help me!
  • mandybear014
    mandybear014 Posts: 209 Member
    Hi tishtash0317,

    I clicked on your profile, looking at your ticker tape you have lost 32 pounds! That is awesome! You have done a great job so far with your weight loss. Be proud of that.
    I've had hiccups here and there when it has come to my weight loss journey. I have found that when I come across these hiccups, dialing my goals back just a little (example 1.5 lb a week to 1.0) has helped me get back on track. Also when I have added more friends on here my weight loss got better. I like to look at their diaries and get new ideas for exercising or receipes.

    If you (or anybody else) needs an accountability partner I am here for you.