When Will I Start Losing Clothing Sizes?



  • larsen626
    larsen626 Posts: 99 Member
    I was 50 lbs down before I could not wear my clothes anymore I now buy them tight so they last longer but I notice about 15-20 lbs between sizes
  • corgarian
    corgarian Posts: 366 Member
    you also dont just lose fat in one place. You will lose from all over your body, so 20 pounds of weight loss didnt all just come out of the waist, it came out of your arms, back, chest, face, neck, legs, ect. Each person is different. I've been at it since januart and am down 24 pounds. I could potentially get some new clothes now but the size difference isnt big enough yet for me to waste the money.
    Keep at it, try taking measurements instead of relying on what the scale says too.
  • flumi_f
    flumi_f Posts: 1,888 Member
    That's very individual and depends on alot of things...height, build, muscles, where you lost the lbs, etc.

    I'm short, lost my weight all over very regularly and of muscular build (always was, even under the fat). 10lbs is about 1 size in my case.
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    I lost a total of 26 pounds and went down 1 size. from a 10 to an 8. Recently, in maintenance, I have been staying around the same weight, but have been tracking my body size and in the last month I have lost inches. I've been taking pictures of myself every week, taking measurements and doing body fat with calipers. I've gone down to 24% body fat (according to my measurements = MFP has me at 13%, which is athletic - weird),which is in the active range instead of average, and I've lost 2 inches in my waist and 1 inch in my bust and hips in the last month.

    There was a study done that said part of longevity is not being too thin or to fat, rather having a bit of fat on you. I'm 67, expecting to live a good long time, so I'm doing whatever I can to enrich my life. (BTW, the other two factors are exercising and having a _little_ wine or beer regularly)

    Last week I went shopping and found that mediums were starting to be too big. But with women's clothes it's hard to tell. More expensive clothes tend to run bigger at smaller sizes so it's mostly the fashion industry that's telling us we're smaller. ;-) But it's nice to feel like I'm smaller.

    There's only so small I can get in the hips because I don't want to get too thin, and I'm curvy so what's left under there is pretty much bone. lol
  • kristen2713
    kristen2713 Posts: 253 Member
    When I started, it took me about 20-25 lbs to really NEED new clothes or go down a size...but I was able at least try on in the size lower at about 15 lbs....in all honesty, I squeezed myself in like a stuffed teddy bear until I was busting seams at my highest weight (ya, so not attractive) so I probably DID drop a size sooner :laugh: It's different for everyone, but I have found that the more I've had to lose, the longer I would stay in one size. As I've gotten to maintenance, it only takes about 5-7 lbs to go up/down.

    Stick with your goals and maybe go do some window shopping in smaller sizes just to feel good, and save your money for when you really can't get away with it anymore! You'll feel like a million bucks and have more motivation than ever to keep on going! Good luck!!! :heart:
  • MegE_N
    MegE_N Posts: 245 Member
    Thanks to everyone for their wonderful responses! I definitely plan to keep at it.

    I have noticed that my dresses (made to my measurements when I started at 250) now have about an inch of extra fabric in the waist, and slide down to show a bra strap every now and again. I guess I just hoped for more by the time I lost 20lbs - like such a difference that I would have to get it taken in.

    Ah well - here's to 40lbs! :)
  • turtlebeth
    turtlebeth Posts: 57 Member
    I'm down 16 lbs and I am hiking my elastic waist jeans up all day long. Also my shirts are looser so my bra straps keep showing :o( But I have over 150 to lose, so maybe it shows quicker when you have a ton to lose. Can't afford new clothes, so I'll stick with what I have until I'm desperate then I'll shop for a few pieces at the thrift store as I continue to lose.
  • krennie8
    krennie8 Posts: 301 Member
    i think i've technically lost half a size so far. About two months ago I was 5 lbs further down, and while there I was definitely a full size down. So it looks like 17 lbs is my first full size down, but most of that was at the very end (I lost most of my early weight from around my underbust & stomach).
  • Sora4ever
    Sora4ever Posts: 98 Member
    It varies with everyone. We all have different body shapes and sizes. My highest weight was 197 lbs (I'm 5' 5.5) and I used to have to squeeze into size 14. They used to be really tight on me, and size 16 used to fit nicely. I'm also pear shaped so I'm pretty bottom heavy which I think makes a difference. Now, about 25 lbs lighter, size 16 is baggy (I can take them off still buttoned and zipped), size 14 fits nicely, and size 12 is a tight squeeze. I've also noticed that tank tops and other shirts that used to be really tight on me, now fit very nicely.

    It really just depends on your body.