

  • jjcollins83
    i cant wait to start !!!!
    MOMDRE Posts: 10 Member
    i started Zumba the last week of December. I took off Chirstmas before I really jumped in with both feet. Ive lost 11 pounds since then. I recommend it 100%. I love it and do it almost everyday.

    Are you monitoring your diet also? When you do the workout - how long are you doing?
  • jjcollins83
    im going to try going 3 times a week for a hour. but im sure i wont last the hour the 1st couple weeks so ill work up to it!!
  • saholderness
    saholderness Posts: 3 Member
    ZUMBA for the wii is worth it!!! i love mine. and i've been doing zumba for a year now its way better than the videos and has the same music you'll find in the classes and helps you get the moves down better
  • saholderness
    saholderness Posts: 3 Member
    push yourself to last the hour you will hate it while its happening but love yourself for completeing it the first zumba class i went into was one of the most intense instructers at my gym and i didn't think i could keep going but i MADE my self and now i've been going for the past year! Lost 25lbs since this time last year and i am so greatful for zumba because it really makes you feel good
  • Zumbalady808
    I have a reallly good friend on facebook TJAYE who is a very married masculine ZUMBA instructor and he swears by it, he says it's the best cardio workout he's ever done, so yes it does work for men as well!!!!

    Dude who created ZUMBA a man, Beto Perez.... A super sexy hot fitness GURU!!!
  • Randonneur
    Randonneur Posts: 28 Member
    I have done it twice, its easy, I estimate it burns 267 calories:happy:
  • hooah_mj
    hooah_mj Posts: 1,004 Member
    I wear an HRM while I Zumba and what a blast of a workout I get! The class instructors are fantastic...I burn an average of 600 to 800 calories during one 60 minute class. Not like a workout at all. :tongue:

    You don't need to be overly coordinated either. just keep moving & the weight can't help but fall off...for me, anyway.

    Zumba Wii is just as good, if not better than a studio class. It gives you several levels to progress through...with a screen status bar (for the lack of a better description) of energy output, multiplayer capable, and it comes with a belt that holds the wii controller...so no holding onto it while you dance. I really love the program & highly recommend it :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • lisagetsfit
    I do Zumba twice a week and absolutely love it! I have found that it has really built up my endurance and it has toned me some and built some muscle but I can't really gauge well as far as weight loss goes, because my diet didn't change at the same time.

    I'm new to the board and looking for some friends to work with along our journeys. My first goal is to lose 27 pounds which will get me down to 160. Anyone up for trudging along with me?

    Wishing everyone much joy and success!

  • jlhanks
    jlhanks Posts: 33
    Zumba is awesome! I've been doing it for about 6 months now and I credit it for a HUGE portion of my weight loss success. One of my instructors wears a heart rate monitor and it says she burns nearly 1,000 calories during our hour long class! The hour flies by so quickly because it's that much fun. The songs and routines are easy to follow as long as you have a good instructor. It can be a tough workout in that you'll definitely be sore the following day, but SO WORTH IT!
  • ptdreamer135
    I have been going to Curves which just started up a Zumba dancing along with the regular workout with the machines and I just love it. It's alot of fun and I can really tell that I burn alot of calories with the two combine. I feel that I will be at my goal in no time. Best of luck to everyone.
  • healthyme2be
    I've been doing zumba for a couple weeks now. I have the Dvd's and Zumba for X box Kinect. Let me say, by far this is one of the best workouts I've done. You will love it especially if you love to dance. I get really into it when I do it and never burn less than 600 calories in a 45 minute timeframe. Haven't lost much weight as of yet but I've lost 2 inchs from my hips & thighs just by doing it 2-3 times a week within the past 3 weeks...so yes it works. I'm thinking about trying the live classes too.
  • jjcollins83
    i bought zumba for the wii last night. and it is AWESOME. I think it is harder with the wii than with the class .Maybe its cuz i do the workout at home alone and class with friends. But i LOVE BOTH . I done it the last 2 days twice a day
  • Rosy67
    Rosy67 Posts: 282 Member
    I've just found out Zumba for wii is available to pre-order from Gamestation in the UK now- release date 11th Feb 2011. Yippee!
    Can't wait :happy:
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I went to one class, and signed up for ten more. :smile:

    I thought I had some degree of rhythm, but I was terrible. :laugh: It was still fun. Lots of fun. The way I look at it, as long as I kept moving, it didn't matter that I got the steps right. It was still a fun - and tiring! - workout. And in a way, possibly more fun because I was SOOOOOOOO bad, because it got me laughing, too.
  • monylove311
    monylove311 Posts: 251 Member
    I have the DVD's. How do you determine the calories burned and why hasn't anyone added Zumba to the database yet? : )
  • hels4397
    hels4397 Posts: 100 Member
    Here's a Zumba story for ya.I am absolutely in love with it, and have lost 48 lbs because of it.

    I started on a whim at the school I used to work at. The first class was the worst, and I totally stuck with it.

    I started in the back of the class, in the corner. After a few classes I brought my best friend (even though she was very hesitant). She fell in love with it. This was in March/April.

    By July we were certified ZUMBA instructors.

    Now we teach 2 days a week, we work for Parks & Rec and they want to add more classes. And we spend our time creating new choreography and finding new music.

    ZUMBA is awesome because it helps to redefine your body. I never had a waist. I was always lumpy and fat. Now I have a waist, and it has helped me tone my legs and lose 48lbs.

    The first class or 2 is always your hardest. Don't be afraid to ask for helps with the moves and dances. Look online on YouTube for tutorials to help you also if you get stuck. Stick with it, and after the first few classes, you'll be hooked :)
  • Zumbalady808
    Congrats on joining the best exercise in the world.. Nah it's not exercising it's dancing and having fun!!!!

    Live, Laugh, Love and ZUMBA!!!!
  • EWinn91600
    I go to zumba once a week and its so much fun! Also it keeps you moving so your burning off the calories, if you put your own extra effort into it you'll get more out of it!!! :-)
  • Zumbalady808
    Congrats on becoming Zumba instructors, yes Zumba is the bomb and it's awesome when you have a partner to share and do it with..

    I can't stress it enough for everyone on this site, as like yourself I was a total couch potato and did a ZUMBA class started in the back and would never even stand in front of the mirror.. I was so ashamed of myself, I will post my before picture!!!!!

    Now I'm the one teaching it!!! Hhahhahaahh

    So yes this exercise is for woman and men alike!!!! Wonderful, fun and total worth it!!!