Carbs Question



  • dieselbyte
    dieselbyte Posts: 733 Member
    Clearly you didn't read my post, or you lack reading comprehension. I didn't criticize people that "bash" refined carbs. I criticized those that label carbs as "good" and "bad". Stating that "bad" carbs, i.e. white bread, white pasta, hinder weight loss or make you gain weight is a fallacy, plain and simple. Micro nutrient dense carbs containing fiber will make you "feel" full - are you disputing this? My post was stating that individuals whom cannot control intake, give into hunger, then blame "bad" carbs for stalling weight loss or contributing to weight gain are incorrect. Calories in vs calories out.

    In my other post I challenged your assertion that fructose is "unhealthy" unless ingested post workout to replenish glycogen stores, and stated glucose was a better choice. Most individuals refer to replenishing muscle glycogen stores post workout... I was unaware that you are more concerned with replenishing liver glycogen stores.

    I did however, jump the gun on your glycemic index post. Carbs containing protein and/or fat are accounted for. My problem, and many others, with the glycemic index is the real world application, since most individuals are not only eating a carb source for a meal.

    (* nods *) - yeah, I think we're good and in sync now. I see what you meant about good/bad carbs. Yep, I agree with that.

    Three topics that are likely to start an argument - Religion, sports... and carbs lol!

    Honestly though, your "list" of carbs isn't the reason you lost 65lbs. As others have stated, being in a caloric deficit is the reason you lost weight. If being that strict with your carb intake works for you, and you can sustain it, then good for you. However, demonizing carbs i.e. "no carbs at night", "only fructose post workout" - is dangerous and steeped in myth and fallacy. Understanding WHY you lost your weight is the key. To lose weight, there is no need to avoid any foods, outside of having a medical condition or allergic reaction. There is no magic in this. Eat less than you burn to lose, eat more than you burn to gain - plain and simple. But using "what worked for you" as a basis for what others shousd do and implement is NEVER a good idea. Science trumps all.
  • lee91356
    lee91356 Posts: 330 Member
    I dont really stress the "natural" carbs from fruits, nuts and veggies, like I do with natural sugars. Most things aside from pure proteins (like cheese and meats) have carbs and there is very little you can do to avoid it if you eat a balanced diet. What you should do it just limit the processed ones from breads, pasta, crackers, etc.
  • mogz36
    mogz36 Posts: 38 Member
    My carb rules:

    - No added sugar and high fructose corn syrup
    - No sweetened beverages (no juice, no soda) - only water and milk
    - Only fruit immediately after a workout (helps with recovery)
    - Focus on complex/low glycemic index carbs (veggies and whole grains)
    - Limited use of simpler carbs if you're working out (white bread, bagels, pasta) - also helps with recovery
    - Zero to very little carbs of any kind at night

    This works for me and I've lost 65 lbs.

    Great rules that have helped you be in calorie deficit.

    It's the calorie deficit, not the rules though that have lost you the weight.

    Thanks, I know. I should have been more clear. Those rules didn't cause me to lose weight but they certainly did help me create a consistent caloric deficit by tempering my appetite and efficiently recover from workouts.
  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    I seem to be going over my carbs daily lately and don't know if this is ok? A lot of my carbs do come from fruits and veggies so it is healthy carbs. Any advise on carbs would be greatly appreciated.


    If that does not cause your protein and fat to dip too low you should be fine.