Size rant- pear shaped ladies

No advice needed per se, I'm just a little annoyed with my pear-shaped body and need to moan lol. I'm 5ft 10in, in January I started out at 266lb and I'm now 219lb. On top, I have gone from a size 18 (uk sizes) to a size 12. But on bottom, I went from a 22 to an 18 with the first 20lb, and since then... nothing. Flipping nothing. I am completely mismatched, I look ridiculous. Dresses are a no-no, and whereas I can buy lovely new tops, I can't replace my grubby old jeans because I refuse to buy another pair of 18s while I'm losing weight, but I'm nowhere near a 16 yet. Grrr. Any other pear shaped ladies having this problem?


  • swsays
    swsays Posts: 125 Member
    Yes! I'm 5'11 and started around 250ish. I'm at about 217 now. Took 25 pounds before I went down a pants size (US20 to US18) but I'm down 2-3 sizes on top already! I can say that my smaller pants are starting to get loose though, so I'm hoping the next size reduction will come sooner.

    I always figured (and hoped) my upper body weight would go first, since it was the last to pile on, but am hoping all my squats and lunges will pay off for my lower body size!

    Hang in there and keep at it!
  • ValeriePlz
    ValeriePlz Posts: 517 Member
    I also get annoyed when my losses don't show as much in the inches around the hips.

    You say you are not looking for advice, but I can share what has started to help me re-sculpt my lower body - weights and squats. You can't spot reduce fat, but if you add muscle, it can often create more of a shape you're looking for and may help you fit into lower size pants (especially as you continue to lose fat).

    Good luck!
  • SteampunkSongbird
    SteampunkSongbird Posts: 826 Member
    I'm in the UK, size 18, and I hate my massive hips! When I buy jeans, they're always far too baggy around the lower leg because they need to be wider up top, so my calves just look really big too, even though they're actually not too bad. Pooh. I've not lost anything from around my hips yet either.
  • Bexchubb
    Bexchubb Posts: 55 Member
    Thanks for the replies ladies!

    Valerie, thankyou- I've kind of been kidding myself that I don't need to bother with exercise at the moment, because it won't make much of a difference on my body when I'm still this big. But you're right- I really need to get working on regular squats. What do you mean by weights, though? Like stronglifts?
  • Llamapants86
    Llamapants86 Posts: 1,221 Member
    I lost about 30 lbs before I dropped a pant size. Now that I'm closer to goal weight I'm finally starting to drop pant sizes. It takes time but it does happen for us pear shaped ladies. :)
  • Bexchubb
    Bexchubb Posts: 55 Member
    I lost about 30 lbs before I dropped a pant size. Now that I'm closer to goal weight I'm finally starting to drop pant sizes. It takes time but it does happen for us pear shaped ladies. :)

    This gives me hope, lol. Just got to keep going...
  • chezzabelle82
    chezzabelle82 Posts: 302 Member
    I noticed the same the weight or fat doesn't seem to be coming off my lower area ???? thought it was just me and have been getting stressed but although I am a tiny bit glad it's happening to others too ????
  • dakotababy
    dakotababy Posts: 2,406 Member
    Try being an pears have it easy!
  • KayJaMikel
    KayJaMikel Posts: 341 Member
    What about us blob-shaped ladies? Any hope? Just kidding, but just feel like a blob with no shape whatsoever.
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,949 Member
    Since you're pear shaped, it just means it will take LONGER for it to come off the bottom half. But it will come off eventually! Your body can't take away fat where there's none to spare.
  • aedreana
    aedreana Posts: 979 Member
    I am a victim of postmenopausal blob syndrome. Before menopause, I had a meaty 38" butt, saddlebags and all! Menopause deflated it and shifted the fat around to my waist and midriff. My formerly-curvy formerly-wide hips are now narrow and straight. Mybutt is 34" and flat. I am officially a matronly blob at 121 pounds. A pear-shape is youthful and pretty. They used to call me Brickhouse!
  • DAM5412
    DAM5412 Posts: 660 Member
    I am soo there with you!! My chest and rib cage area has lost 4 inches and are pretty tiny, but my *kitten*, hips and thighs won't budge!! I am working out and I know it took a while for them to get this big, but I wish my *kitten* and legs would slim down as quickly as the's so frustrating!!

    I do see a difference in my pooch though. Yes, it's still there, but it's definitely smaller and my hips and *kitten* are much, much firmer.
  • Bexchubb
    Bexchubb Posts: 55 Member
    Try being an pears have it easy!

    My apple-shaped friend said the same thing to me today, lol!
  • bronsted93
    bronsted93 Posts: 30 Member
    I wanna join this rant! :laugh:

    So I'm kinda boxy; wide hips and shoulders. Oh! And they don't even carry my bra sizes in stores. DX

    CHEERS! To the awkwardly shaped woman!
  • DayByDayGetStronger
    DayByDayGetStronger Posts: 108 Member
    build muscle in your legs and butt. I have the same issue and working out with weights really made the lower half of my body shrink...But I had to do A LOT of lower body workouts. Genetics suck. It took 25lbs for me to lose 1 size when I was 263lbs. Even at 50lbs gone, people could notice that something had changed about me, but didn't know what. They thought I got a hair cut. The flabby skin was hiding all my muscles underneath. My body fights every pound I want to take off and it's E X H A U S T I N G!!!
  • bizgirl26
    bizgirl26 Posts: 1,808 Member
    Be sure to take measurements . Sometimes even though you are not down a whole size it helps to see that you have indeed lost inches. I am a pear too. I actually lost 2.5 inches of each thigh last month and they werent budging at all before. I have to incorporate weight training to get results I want