Any protein powders suggestions for lean muscle?

I want to lose weight and build lean muscle? I was wondering if there are any powders that would help? and when should I drink them (Before or after exercise)?


  • MomTo3Lovez
    MomTo3Lovez Posts: 800 Member
    There isn't anything that will help you lose weight except watching your calorie intake. The powders people use to help get their protein intake where they should. As for before or after you can do either one. I tend to have my protein whatever that maybe be after I workout.
  • richardheath
    richardheath Posts: 1,276 Member
    Muscle is muscle - the absence or presence of excess fat makes you lean or not lean. To become lean, you have to lose the fat (and retain or build muscle).

    Protein powders can help you reach your protein target, but are not required and don't magically make you gain muscle. Aim to eat about 1 g of protein (from food and/or powders) per lb of lean body weight. Don't be in too big of a deficit, or your body will scavenge energy from your muscles anyway. Timing is less important than amount.

    Further: gaining muscle while losing fat is not very easy or efficient. You might want to focus on losing the fat first, then reassess when you reach a low % body fat.

    Gaining muscle is done best at a calorie surplus (which will also add fat) AND by lifting heavy things and putting them down again. Weight lifting on a calorie deficit will help ensure that your losses come from fat and not existing muscle. You might gain a few ounces of muscle, but nothing really significant. Are you doing a progressive lifting program like Stronglifts or Starting Strength?
  • aturski23
    aturski23 Posts: 1
    Protein powders are all a part of "Bro-Science," you don't need protein, or any supplement for that matter, to build muscle. In all reality, muscles are made in the kitchen. Make sure you are consuming slow burning carbs, not fast burn. (eat things like sweet potatoes, brown rice, whole grain pasta) If you are eating right, you will not need to supplement nutrients. Consume lean proteins, get your omega-3s, drink your 64oz+ of water on a daily basis...all will come to proper fruition.

    To get scientific, due to the first law of thermodynamics, it is impossible to gain mass and lose weight at the same time. If you want to gain mass, which requires upping the intake of expendable energy: you cannot lose fat(weight) because in order to lose fat(weight) you need to eat at a deficit. I would recommend leaning out first, then building muscle. If you try to do both at the same time you will have a very bloated muscle look, which let's be honest, is the exact opposite of what you are aiming for.

    HIIT Cardio, High Rep-to-failure weight lifting, and a proper diet are the keys to success with your goals.

    Last bit of advice, DO NOT SKIP LEG DAY!!! The muscles in your legs are the largest in your body, thus have the most impact as a muscle group on your metabolism. Since pretty much anything you do throughout the day will require using your legs, it is best to make sure that that muscle group is constantly being worked on a regular basis. Have one day as "leg day" (squats, leg press, extensions, hamstring curls, hack squats, etc) and another day, I typically do it with shoulders, to focus on calves and glutes (calf press, calf raises, glute bridges, thrusts, etc). Space those days out by 3-4 days and all is golden.

    Hope this helps.
  • AtmaKing
    AtmaKing Posts: 145 Member
    Any of the ISO's, Low calorie high protien. Great for getting the protien without all the added **** you can get from your food.
  • AllOutof_Bubblegum
    AllOutof_Bubblegum Posts: 3,646 Member
    Trutein is delicious, and great quality.

    Keep in mind that if you are eating at a deficit to lose weight, you can't build muscle. It's like trying to add on to a house with no lumber or nails, it just can't happen. You can eat a a surplus and gain muscle with a little fat then cut to reduce the fat, or you can lift on a deficit and lose the fat first. Up to you.
  • eric_sg61
    eric_sg61 Posts: 2,925 Member
    Protein powders are all a part of "Bro-Science," you don't need protein, or any supplement for that matter, to build muscle. In all reality, muscles are made in the kitchen. Make sure you are consuming slow burning carbs, not fast burn. (eat things like sweet potatoes, brown rice, whole grain pasta) If you are eating right, you will not need to supplement nutrients. Consume lean proteins, get your omega-3s, drink your 64oz+ of water on a daily basis...all will come to proper fruition.

    To get scientific, due to the first law of thermodynamics, it is impossible to gain mass and lose weight at the same time. If you want to gain mass, which requires upping the intake of expendable energy: you cannot lose fat(weight) because in order to lose fat(weight) you need to eat at a deficit. I would recommend leaning out first, then building muscle. If you try to do both at the same time you will have a very bloated muscle look, which let's be honest, is the exact opposite of what you are aiming for.

    HIIT Cardio, High Rep-to-failure weight lifting, and a proper diet are the keys to success with your goals.

    Last bit of advice, DO NOT SKIP LEG DAY!!! The muscles in your legs are the largest in your body, thus have the most impact as a muscle group on your metabolism. Since pretty much anything you do throughout the day will require using your legs, it is best to make sure that that muscle group is constantly being worked on a regular basis. Have one day as "leg day" (squats, leg press, extensions, hamstring curls, hack squats, etc) and another day, I typically do it with shoulders, to focus on calves and glutes (calf press, calf raises, glute bridges, thrusts, etc). Space those days out by 3-4 days and all is golden.

    Hope this helps.
    That sounds like bro-science
  • AllOutof_Bubblegum
    AllOutof_Bubblegum Posts: 3,646 Member
    Protein powders are all a part of "Bro-Science," you don't need protein, or any supplement for that matter, to build muscle. In all reality, muscles are made in the kitchen. Make sure you are consuming slow burning carbs, not fast burn. (eat things like sweet potatoes, brown rice, whole grain pasta) If you are eating right, you will not need to supplement nutrients. Consume lean proteins, get your omega-3s, drink your 64oz+ of water on a daily basis...all will come to proper fruition.

    To get scientific, due to the first law of thermodynamics, it is impossible to gain mass and lose weight at the same time. If you want to gain mass, which requires upping the intake of expendable energy: you cannot lose fat(weight) because in order to lose fat(weight) you need to eat at a deficit. I would recommend leaning out first, then building muscle. If you try to do both at the same time you will have a very bloated muscle look, which let's be honest, is the exact opposite of what you are aiming for.

    HIIT Cardio, High Rep-to-failure weight lifting, and a proper diet are the keys to success with your goals.

    Last bit of advice, DO NOT SKIP LEG DAY!!! The muscles in your legs are the largest in your body, thus have the most impact as a muscle group on your metabolism. Since pretty much anything you do throughout the day will require using your legs, it is best to make sure that that muscle group is constantly being worked on a regular basis. Have one day as "leg day" (squats, leg press, extensions, hamstring curls, hack squats, etc) and another day, I typically do it with shoulders, to focus on calves and glutes (calf press, calf raises, glute bridges, thrusts, etc). Space those days out by 3-4 days and all is golden.

    Hope this helps.

    Please do not listen to the bolded part, it is wrong. You ABSOLUTELY need protein to build muscle. It doesn't have to come from supplements (though many of us find it very difficult to reach out protein goals without it) but protein is what muscle needs to generate, and you need to have lots of it, plus a calorie surplus, to build muscle.
  • lee91356
    lee91356 Posts: 330 Member
    I was told to stick to whey protein isolate and not protein blends or protein concentrates for best absorption . yes they costs more but you are getting a better formula with less fillers.

    i have tried several brands and the only one i really preach about is nectar syntrax because they have soooo many flavors (beyond chocolate, vanilla, or strawberry) and you can mix them without milk (they make crystal light-like flavors that you mix with water or juice and bam you got a great protein drink)
  • mayfrayy
    mayfrayy Posts: 198 Member
    protein powder isnt bro science

    You need a certain amount of protein for muscle growth (and health). If you need help getting more protein you take a powder, and stick with whey.